Lothian MSP Miles Briggs is disappointed that the project to transform the Powderhall Railway path into a green corridor has been delayed due to the Spaces for People initiative.
In a letter to the MSP from Edinburgh Council, the Active Travel Department said that “Progress on this has been delayed by the need to re-allocate staff resources to develop and deliver temporary Spaces for People (SfP) schemes”.
The feasibility study into transitioning the disuses railway line into a green corridor is due later this summer, with Network Rail amendable to amendable to the “repurposing of the Powderhall spur line into high-quality urban green corridor for people to walk, cycle and wheel on”.
Network Rail have said the railway line is still classed as operational railway, because the track that leads there is still connected to the wider rail network.

Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said: “I am pleased that talks with Network Rail are going well and they are open to transforming the Powderhall spur line into a high quality green corridor.
“It is disappointing that the project team looking at the Green Corridor transformation has been delayed due to working on Spaces for People schemes.
“This is a great opportunity to create a safe green space to connect Powerhall to Meadowbank and beyond.
“The new Powderhall Green Corridor will be excellent for people to walk, cycle and wheel on, as well as fitting in with Edinburgh’s Active Travel strategy.”