Fighting Back: local campaigners take case to City Council

Council will work with campaigners to tackle poverty

The city council have pledged to work with community groups to address poverty and inequalities. Councillors made their commitment after hearing a deputation of campaigners from North Edinburgh at last month’s full council meeting.The North Edinburgh activists presented councillors with individual copies of the community’s Anti-Poverty Charter at the council meeting on 28 June. The idea for Charter was born at a community conference held in Craigroyston High School late last year, and campaigners urged councillors to adopt the Charter’s principles in a united fight against poverty and deprivation. In a joint deputation members of North Edinburgh Fights Back and North Edinburgh Women’s Group told councillors that more needs to be done at all levels of government to address social injustice and tackle the scourge of poverty.

John Mulvey told the meeting: “North Edinburgh Fights Back is definitely not ‘The Big Society’. It’s not very often that I align myself with bishops, but I can only agree with the Bishop of Canterbury when he describes David Cameron’s ‘Big Society’ as ‘aspirational waffle’.

He went on: “The demands are not unique to North Edinburgh and indeed apply to communities across Scotland. However the Charter calls upon you as the local authority to do specific things and to team up with groups like North Edinburgh Fights Back to engage with institutions like, for example, the energy companies to put pressure on them to respond positively to the aims of the Charter.” John Mulvey concluded: “Can we afford it? The real question is can we afford not to? If we can afford to spend billions and billions on a replacement for Trident, and more billions and billions on tax breaks for the rich, clearly for a decent society for all of our citizens the demands laid out in the Charter must be addressed.”

Danielle Ward of North Edinburgh Young People’s Forum demanded an end to Workfare and called for more opportunities for young people in training, education and employment while veteran campaigner Tony Delahoy made ‘five moderate requests’ on behalf of older people.

Cathy Ahmed of Muirhouse Women’s Group demanded an end to cuts that hit the poorest families hardest and there were further calls for action to tackle fuel poverty and social housing shortages.The wide-ranging charter has sections on Young People, Senior Citizens, Women, Living Wage and Employment Rights, Privatisation and Education, Fuel Poverty and Housing and Racism.

That’s quite a comprehensive shopping list, but the council agreed a motion from Forth councillor Cammy Day to ‘commend the highly successful community conference organised by the groups, specifically in regards to highlighting poverty, inequality of fuel poverty. Council welcomes the Ant-Poverty Charter and agrees to work with these groups in addressing poverty and inequalities’. Leith Walk Labour councillor Nick Gardner invited the deputation to come back in five years to see how the council has performed on it’s pledges, but it’s likely that the North Edinburgh Fights Back campaigners will be back long before then! Cathy Ahmed said after the meeting: “Five years? We could a’ be deid by then! We hope that this council will take our community’s demands seriously and act now – we’re sick of politicians’ broken promises and actions speak louder than words”.

Poverty? We're not having it!

Maybe it was the lure of Euro 2012 football on TV, or maybe it was the draw of the Olympic torch up at Edinburgh Castle, but whatever the reason there was a disappointing attendance at North Edinburgh Fights Back’s public meeting held in North Edinburgh Arts Centre last week.

Despite the draw of advertised speakers from the Poverty Alliance and Shelter Scotland, only a dozen people came to hear NEFB plans to fight back against poverty and social injustice.

The sparse attendance did provide NEFB members an opportunity to rehearse speeches before next week’s Full Council meeting, however. North Edinburgh Fights Back plans to present individual Community Charters to all 58 councillors during a delegation to the 28 June meeting, urging councillors of all parties to commit to a series of anti-poverty measures.

A group spokesperson said: ‘We would like more people to have been at the public meeting but it is always difficult to get people out to attend meetings. However we are sure that many more members of the community will be supporting us when we present the charter at the council meeting, and we would urge local people to join us to let the councillors know ‘Poverty – we’re not having it’!”

The Full Council meeting on Thursday 28 June is open to the public and begins at 10am.

You can find out more about North Edinburgh Fights Back by visiting their website at


Poverty? We’re not having it!

Maybe it was the lure of Euro 2012 football on TV, or maybe it was the draw of the Olympic torch up at Edinburgh Castle, but whatever the reason there was a disappointing attendance at North Edinburgh Fights Back’s public meeting held in North Edinburgh Arts Centre last week.

Despite the draw of advertised speakers from the Poverty Alliance and Shelter Scotland, only a dozen people came to hear NEFB plans to fight back against poverty and social injustice.

The sparse attendance did provide NEFB members an opportunity to rehearse speeches before next week’s Full Council meeting, however. North Edinburgh Fights Back plans to present individual Community Charters to all 58 councillors during a delegation to the 28 June meeting, urging councillors of all parties to commit to a series of anti-poverty measures.

A group spokesperson said: ‘We would like more people to have been at the public meeting but it is always difficult to get people out to attend meetings. However we are sure that many more members of the community will be supporting us when we present the charter at the council meeting, and we would urge local people to join us to let the councillors know ‘Poverty – we’re not having it’!”

The Full Council meeting on Thursday 28 June is open to the public and begins at 10am.

You can find out more about North Edinburgh Fights Back by visiting their website at


One in three local children living in poverty

A report published today says that nearly one in three children living in the Forth ward are living in poverty.  The report shows that 13 Scottish councils have wards where more than 30% of children live in pockets of severe poverty, and campaigners are urging  politicians to do much more to tackle this ‘shameful’ social problem.

The Campaign to End Child Poverty has produced a map of child poverty for every ward, council and constituency in the country.  Scottish members of the Campaign to End Child Poverty include Action for Children Scotland, Barnardo’s Scotland, Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland, Children 1st, the Church of Scotland, One Parent Families Scotland, Poverty Alliance and Save the Children.

The map classes children as living in poverty if they are in families on out of work benefits or work tax credits where income is less than 60% of median – before housing costs.  The Campaign to End Child Poverty said the latest official figures showed that overall in Scotland 20% of children live in poverty on this measure.

In Edinburgh, Sighthill/Gorgie shows the highest levels of poverty at 36%, followed by Forth (30%), Portobello/Craigmillar (30%), Leith (29%) and Liberton/Gilmerton at 28%.

Child Poverty Action Group’s John Dickie, speaking on behalf of Scottish members of the campaign, said: “It is shameful that in almost every part of our country there are children who are missing out and seeing their future life chances seriously harmed.  With public spending budgets under severe pressure the need to invest to prevent the numbers of children living in poverty spiralling is greater than ever.”

A Scottish government spokeswoman said: “We are determined to address the root causes of child poverty.  That’s why last year we launched Scotland’s first ever national strategy to tackle child poverty, which will see Scotland’s poorest families benefit from help to increase their household incomes and improve their children’s life chances.”