Scottish Water discharged sewage 58,304 times in the last 5 years from just 4% of overflows
The latest water quality report from Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) highlights a severe lack of accountability from Scottish Water.
- Untreated sewage has been discharged by Scottish Water at least 14,008 times in 2022 alone.
- Only 4% of Scottish Water’s 3,641 overflows are reported on, meaning these statistics are likely a huge underestimation.
- Many popular bathing sites across Scotland, such as Portobello in Edinburgh, have no reporting whatsoever.
- New Surfers Against Sewage Community Group will monitor water quality in Portobello area.

A new report released today by Surfers Against Sewage (SAS) emphasises Scotland’s sewage blind spot due to a lack of reporting by Scottish Water.
Analysis of EDM data by SAS found that untreated sewage has been released into Scottish rivers and seas at least 58,304 times over the last 5 years. However, just 161 out of the 3,641 sewage overflows in Scotland were reported on during this time period meaning this figure is a gross underestimation of reality, with the true number of discharges likely to be in the 100,000s.
Under 4% of sewage overflows in Scotland are required to be reported on, a stark contrast to England and Wales where nearly 100% are monitored. This leaves the Scottish public in the dark about the performance of the other 96% of overflows and the impact these are having on Scottish rivers and coastline.
The little data that is reported by Scottish Water is patchy, according to SAS. Three sewage overflows that previously were reported on annually are now only required to report during the bathing season due to the license agreement approved by the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA). Additionally, some overflows that were previously monitored now go entirely unreported and are labelled as having ‘no license requirement for reporting’.

Giles Bristow, CEO of Surfers Against Sewage, said: “Yet again, our annual water quality report reveals the complacency and disregard of governments, water companies and regulators towards the health of rivers and coastlines in Scotland and across the UK – and by extension people’s health.
“How much do our blue spaces need to suffocate in sewage before those we elect to keep us safe and protect our environment wake up and smell the shit?
“We are seeing failure at every level – from governments and regulators failing to enforce the law, to water companies refusing to clean up their act – with the general public ending up the biggest loser every time.
“How many times can we say ‘enough is enough’? Our leaders need to prioritise transparency, ensure laws and regulations are properly enforced, and prevent water companies from continuing to pollute our blue spaces.”

Sicknesses due to sewage pollution reported to SAS reached 1,924 UK cases in the last year – nearly triple the number of cases reported a year prior. These cases resulted in 1,987 days taken off sick, which translates to 5 years of work lost to ill health caused by polluted waters.
Many of these sicknesses have led to hospitalisation, events cancelled, earnings lost, and businesses closed. As this data only covers cases reported to SAS, these numbers are likely to be the tip of the iceberg.
The Porty Water Collective was set up in response to the ongoing poor state of water quality in Portobello, which is impacted by several sewage overflows bringing sewage downstream into the sea via the Figgate Burn (known locally as the ‘Figgy Burn’).
Portobello is a popular beach with thousands of visitors, but notably has no reporting whatsoever. Users of the beach rarely have any idea if the area is safe to enjoy, or if they will unknowingly be swimming in sewage.
The Collective is conducting regular testing in the area with support from SAS to monitor water quality and raise awareness in the absence of any reporting from Scottish Water.

Charlie Allanson-Oddy, founding member of the Porty Water Collective and an SAS regional representative, said: “It’s obvious from walking the beaches, from the number of baby wipes, that there is a massive sewage-related problem – something that is ignored by SEPA and Scottish Water.
“What we know – from testing conducted in 2021, and now from the Collective’s current water quality testing backed by SAS – is that there are dangerously high levels of E. coli and chloroforms in the Figgy Burn from CSOs further upstream. Not all the locals know this.”
Scottish Water has made a promise to install monitoring equipment on 1,000 of the highest priority sewage overflows by 2024 with the remaining 2,600 to be considered in terms of cost and benefit.
SAS are calling on the Scottish Government to direct Scottish Water to install event duration monitoring on all overflows and for that data to be freely and easily accessible to the public in real-time so the Scottish public can make informed decisions when entering the water.
Additionally, SAS want the Scottish Government to set progressive sewage reduction targets to end untreated discharges into bathing waters, popular water usage areas, and high priority nature sites by 2030.

This year SAS developed the End Sewage Pollution Manifesto, which sets out the policies needed to clean up our rivers and seas.
Created in collaboration with environmental charities, sports governing bodies and community groups around the UK, the manifesto suggests a five-point plan to make the UK’s waters healthy and safe to enjoy again:
• Enforce the law and regulations
• Stop pollution for profit
• Prioritise high-risk pollution events
• Empower a nature-led approach to tackling sewage pollution
• Reveal the truth by ensuring UK-wide transparency on sewage pollution.