Letters: Don’t fall for five more years of Tory havoc

Dear Editor,

In the last few years there has been a relentless anti – Labour/ Jeremy Corbyn campaign waged by those who control information from the press or other media. This is based on the well tried method that if you repeat something over and over again some people will start to believe it, in effect being told what to think and how to act.

The whole advertising industry works on that principal spending millions of pounds doing so, this principal also applies to the information industry. If the Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn are not electable as they claim, the question must be asked, why have they conducted such a sustained campaign? Could it be that given equal unbiased coverage of the Labour policy that speaks for the vast majority of people, they would be elected?

Working people rely for their existence on having secure employment without which poverty beckons, and having had the experience of the last 7 years of Tory control this threat is always present.

The financial crisis of 2008 was not caused by the working population but by Banks and Financial Institutions, the working population is having to pay for it.

People have been fooled in the past to give their vote to the Tories, it would be a disaster to give them another five years to continue their dreadful havoc on our lives.

A. Delahoy (by email)


‘One janitor, one school … and keep our cleaners’ – UNISON Edinburgh in pre-election appeal

UNISON’s Edinburgh branch, the union representing council staff, fears new council proposals will mean Edinburgh’s schools will no longer have their own janitor and cleaning hours will be cut. The union is asking voters to challenge candidates to oppose the cuts in the run-up to Thursday’s local elections. Continue reading ‘One janitor, one school … and keep our cleaners’ – UNISON Edinburgh in pre-election appeal

Greens call on government to halt ‘flawed’ airport consultation

Scottish Green MSPs used a Holyrood debate on Edinburgh airport’s expansion plans to call on the Scottish Government to step in and halt the company’s ‘flawed’ consultation. Continue reading Greens call on government to halt ‘flawed’ airport consultation

Outgoing council leader has the last word

City of Edinburgh Council Leader Andrew Burns has issued his final Leader’s Report. Cllr Burns is one of a number of experienced city councillors who will not be seeking re-election next month.

He said: “As you may be aware, many councillors, including myself, have chosen not to stand on 4 May. I haven’t done the maths, but the cumulative experience leaving the Council must add up to many hundreds of years.

“As current Council Leader, and on behalf of all the Group Leaders, I’d like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to all the retiring councillors who have given dedicated public service to their local communities over so many years.

“I’d also like to wish all remaining councillors, and new candidates, all the very best of luck. It really is a privilege to serve your local community – and you never know how long that privilege will last – so please do enjoy it while you can.

“Huge thanks also to our dedicated workforce, who have shown nothing but enormous understanding, adaptability, and sheer dedication to public service, over recent years. It’s been my pleasure to work with you all.

“And finally, many thanks to the people that matter most: the residents of Edinburgh. You have given us the chance to make a contribution to the ongoing evolution of this most beautiful city; one which I’ve had the good fortune to call my family home for the last 24 years.”

Letters: It’s got to be Labour

Dear Editor

The unrelenting campaign against Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party generated by the press and television
is a calculated effort to divide and confuse people: division has always been the way to control people.

Since 2010 it has been a main focus and resulted in the coalition between the Conservatives and Liberals, those 5 years did tremendous damage to the living standards of most families.

Since 2015 the Conservatives have continued to make more severe cuts in most public services and
drastically restricted wages and say they will continue to do so.

Despite divisive tactics people at the last general election did elect a huge number of Labour MP’s, about 240,
so the possibility of electing more this time and defeating the Conservatives is very real but only if the divide
and rule tactic is resisted and avoid another coalition.

People have had over 7 years of paying for the financial crisis not of their making, it is time to stop being
taken in and support the only organisation, the Labour Party, who are in a position to defeat the Conservatives.

A. Delahaoy, Silverknowes Gardens

“None the wiser”: Green MSP concern over flight path plans confusion

Communities affected by Edinburgh Airport’s flight plan proposals must rally together to make the airport listen to their concerns, a Green MSP will tell a summit meeting at Holyrood tonight. Green MSP Mark Ruskell is hosting the Edinburgh Airport Watch meeting at the Scottish Parliament where 17 community councils from Fife, Edinburgh, the Lothians and Falkirk are expected to attend.

One of Ruskell’s main concerns is that in spite of the consultation closing in a few weeks (7 May), communities are still none the wiser as to “what the final routes will look like”. Continue reading “None the wiser”: Green MSP concern over flight path plans confusion

Local MEP David Martin tells the UN to unite for cruelty free cosmetics

Cruelty Free International has welcomed the support of local MEP David Martin in calling for a global ban on cosmetics testing on animals. David Martin, one of the six MEPs representing Scotland in Brussels, has backed the Cruelty Free International campaign seeking a UN resolution to end the suffering of animals for cosmetics worldwide. Continue reading Local MEP David Martin tells the UN to unite for cruelty free cosmetics