West Pilton: tackling the scourge of antisocial behaviour

Brandin, a member of North Edinburgh Young People’s Forum, is concerned about the ongoing antisocial behavior in the area:


A gang of local youths have committed many crimes in North Edinburgh recently: they are an extreme danger to the public and themselves. The groups has at least twenty members and is based in Pilton.

The crimes they commit are inexcusable and disruptive to the community: their crimes include breach of the peace, vandalism and theft. Recently an attack on an innocent Chinese man has created massive fear in the North Edinburgh community.

A local shop in West Pilton is a meeting point for the gang. The shop owner does not want to be held responsible for them being outside his shop as the gang threaten anything that attempts to stop what they are doing.

Local people are keen for the police to start doing something about the gang but they are sometimes hindered by the law – police are not allowed to give chase to the troublesome youths as they tear up local green spaces and the streets due to the risk to the health and wellbeing to the riders, so the gang is able to run free,  behaving like lunatics.

The police have caught many of the youths and many have dozens of charges on their criminal record. Many have been given ASBOs, but they just turn up again and never serve any jail time – which many locals think is appalling.

I spoke to an young lady who said that the group are a ‘joke’. She said the police are not doing enough as the group are extreme vandals who are are a big threat to the community. She added: “The young people have taken over the community and are committing needless crimes. The police have said that they don’t have the resources but it is not difficult to ask other police stations for the things they need. They have to do more – and fast – before things escalate.”

Local people are not happy with what the gang are doing and many feel the police are not doing enough to stop the gang. At a public meeting in West Pilton recently the public made their views clear to councillors and police representatives.

The community is now waiting for explanations – and hopes that something is done to tackle the problem in the near future.

Brandin, North Edinburgh Young Peoples Forum

Josh and Nikki of the NEYPF took these photographs in and around West Pilton Park last week:






OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAHowever local police insist problems in West Pilton are being addressed. In a statement on Facebook last Friday, Edinburgh Police Division said:

‘In North Edinburgh we are continuing to tackle antisocial behaviour and disorder in the area. Additional officers have been brought in from other parts of the East Command area to assist local officers particularly in the Forth Ward. In the last two weeks alone:

– 45 people have been arrested or reported for a variety of offences including possession of drugs, offensive weapons, antisocial behaviour, hate crime and housebreaking.

– 14 people have been arrested on warrants issued by the Court.

– 8 stolen vehicles have been recovered in the area and returned to their rightful owners.

– Over 120 persons have been stopped and searched with 12 being found in possession of suspected controlled drugs.

– Road checks have resulted in 4 uninsured vehicles being seized and taken off the street and the drivers reported.

Local Area Commander Chief Inspector Sara Buchanan added: “Police Scotland are committed to tackling these issues in conjunction with our partners in both the short and long term in order to keep people safe and support the local community”.

Chinese man ‘serious’ following Pilton race hate attack

police (4)

A Chinese father of three is being treated in hospital for serious injuries following a horrific attack by three men in West Pilton last night. 

The victim suffered multiple injuries – including stab wounds – during the vicious attack which happened near the corner of West Pilton Grove and Park at around 9.30 last night. He has been named locally as Jie Yu, owner of the Peking Garden takeaway on Ferry Road Drive, and it’s thought he confronted to men as they attempted to steal his car.

One of the alleged attackers has since been detained and police say they are following a ‘positive line of enquiry’.

Superintendent Liz McAinsh said: “This was a vicious assault which left the victim in need of medical treatment and he remains in hospital in a serious condition.

“Hate crime is completely unacceptable and Police Scotland will relentlessly pursue those responsible.

“I would like to reassure the public that we have devoted significant resources to this enquiry to identify and apprehend those responsible”.

If you have any information call Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers in anonymity on 0800 555 111.

pilton investigation


Masked men raid family home in Crewe Road South

police (2)Police are appealing for information following an armed robbery in Crewe Road South during the night. Four armed men wearing masks broke into a house just before 2am and attacked a terrified Chinese couple and their ten-year-old son. The raiders – who spoke with Scottish accents – escaped with a four-figure-sum of cash and jewellery.

Police are carrying out inquiries in the area and have increased high-visibility patrols in Craigleith.

Detective Chief Inspector Stuart Houston, who is leading the investigation, said: “The occupants of the house were awoken in the night to four masked intruders, who threatened them with a weapon and demanded cash. This was obviously a terrifying experience for them, and we are looking for any information to help us trace those responsible.

“I would be particularly keen to trace the drivers or occupants of any vehicles that were within the area at the time of the incident.

“We don’t have a clear description of the men as they were wearing masks, but they were all wearing dark clothing, and we are working to establish further details.”

If you have any information please call Police Scotland on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Leaders speak out on David Haines murder

10 Downing Street

Prime Minister David Cameron and Scotland”s First Minister Alex Salmond have spoken out following the horrific murder of Scottish aid worker David Haines by Islamic militant group ISIL.

Mr Cameron said: “Today, the whole country will want to express its deep sympathy for David Haines’ family. They have endured the last 18 months of David’s captivity with extraordinary courage.

And now David has been murdered in the most callous and brutal way imaginable by an organisation which is the embodiment of evil.

We will hunt down those responsible and bring them to justice, no matter how long it takes.

David Haines was an aid worker. He went into harm’s way not to harm people, but to help his fellow human beings in the hour of their direst need – from the Balkans to the Middle East.

His family spoke of the joy he felt when he learned he had got this job in Syria. His selflessness, his decency, his burning desire to help others has today cost him his life.

But the whole country, like his grieving family, can be incredibly proud of what he did and what he stood for in his humanitarian mission.

David Haines was a British hero. The fact that an aid worker was taken, held and brutally murdered at the hands of ISIL sums up what this organisation stands for.

They are killing and slaughtering thousands of people, Muslims, Christians, minorities across Iraq and Syria.

They boast of their brutality. They claim to do this in the name of Islam. That is nonsense. Islam is a religion of peace.

They are not Muslims. They are monsters.

They make no secret of their desire to do as much harm not just in the Middle East, but to any countries or peoples who seek to stand in their way or dare to stand for values they disagree with.

It was an ISIL fanatic who gunned down four people in a museum in Brussels.

So, let me be clear.

The British people need to know that this is a fanatical organisation called ISIL, that has not only murdered a British hostage. They have planned – and continue to plan – attacks across Europe and in our country.

We are a peaceful people. We do not seek out confrontation. But we need to understand. We cannot ignore this threat to our security and that of our allies. There is no option of keeping our heads down that would make us safe. The problem will merely get worse, as it has done over recent months, not just for us, but for Europe and for the world. We cannot just walk on by if we are to keep this country safe. We have to confront this menace.

Step by step, we must drive back, dismantle and ultimately destroy ISIL and what it stands for.

We will do so in a calm, deliberate way – but with an iron determination.

We will not do so on our own – but by working closely with our allies, not just the United States and in Europe, but also in the region. Because this organisation poses a massive threat to the entire Middle East.

So we will defeat ISIL through a comprehensive and sustained counter-terrorism strategy.

First, we will work with the Iraqi Government to ensure it represents all its people, and is able to tackle this threat effectively. We will support the Kurdish regional government, who are holding the front line against ISIL. We will help them protect their own people – and the minorities, including Christians, they have helped already – through our supplies of ammunition and through training.

Second, we will work at the UN to mobilise the broadest possible support to bear down on ISIL.

Third, the United States is taking direct military action. We support their efforts.

British Tornadoes and surveillance aircraft have been helping with intelligence gathering and logistics. This is not about British combat troops on the ground. It is about working with others to extinguish this terrorist threat. As this strategy intensifies, we are ready to take whatever steps are necessary to deal with this threat and keep our country safe.

Fourth, we will continue to support the enormous humanitarian efforts, including using the RAF to do so, to help the literally millions of people who have fled ISIL and are now living in appalling conditions.

And fifth, and perhaps most important, we will maintain and continually reinforce our formidable counter-terrorist effort here at home to prevent attacks and to hunt down those who are planning them.

People across this country will have been sickened by the fact that it could have been a British citizen – a British citizen – who could have carried out this unspeakable act. It is the very opposite of everything our country stands for.

It falls to the Government, and to each and every one of us, to drain this poison from our society and to take on this warped ideology that is radicalising some of our young people.

The murder of David Haines at the hands of ISIL will not lead Britain to shirk our responsibility, with our allies, to deal with the threat this organisation poses.

It must strengthen our resolve. We must recognise that it will take time to eradicate a threat like this. It will require, as I have described, action at home and abroad. This is not something we can do on our own – we have to work with the rest of the world.

But ultimately our security as a nation, the way we go about our everyday lives in this free and tolerant society that is Britain, has always depended on our readiness to act against those who stand for hatred and who stand for destruction.

And that is exactly what we will do.”

Holyrood Parliament

Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond also condemned the murder as ‘an act of unspeakable barbarism.’

He went on: “”We offer our sincerest condolences to the Haines family and friends who have borne these absolutely terrible circumstances with great fortitude in recent months. Supporting the family and ensuring they get the privacy they have asked for is of primary importance to us at this time.

“Earlier today I convened a meeting of the Scottish Government’s Cabinet Sub-Committee for Resilience (CSC-SGOR) to look at our specific responsibilities in these matters and we will continue to work closely with Police Scotland, the Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the coming days.

“We will also work with the communities of Scotland, which is of great priority. Scotland’s Muslim community are a strong and valued part of Scottish society, and they should in no way be held responsible for the extremism of ISIL. But we must have total vigilance, and be clear that any aggravated racial or religious attack will be met with the full force of the law and will not be tolerated.”


Police Scotland have also released a statement.

Deputy Chief Constable Iain Livingstone said: “Information has been received that David Haines, who had been held hostage in Syria, has been murdered by terrorists. Our thoughts are very much with David’s family at this most difficult time and we are doing all we can to support them. This horrific act of violence affects many different communities across the world, including people here in Scotland.

Police Scotland and the communities we serve are unanimous in our condemnation of this murder and other acts of violence by terrorists around the world. We stand collectively in defiance of such atrocities. Scotland is a welcoming and compassionate country with integrated and cohesive communities.

Police Scotland is committed to keeping people safe. I urge all people in Scotland to continue working together to ensure nobody feels threatened or marginalised. We must all ensure that the threat posed by terrorists operating in both Syria and Iraq does not undermine the positive relationships which exist across Scotland. Should anyone witness or become the victim of Hate Crime they should contact Police Scotland immediately. Police Scotland will not tolerate any form of Hate Crime and we are committed to doing everything in our power to identify and bring those responsible to justice.

At this time there is no specific threat to Scotland. However, given that the current overall threat level is severe, I would encourage everyone to remain vigilant. Police Scotland is working with law enforcement and security partners around the world to counter the threat from terrorism to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all communities.

If anyone has any information or concerns about suspicious activity, they should contact Police Scotland on 101, Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or the Anti-Terrorist Hotline on 0800 789 321. In an emergency always dial 999.

Police Scotland thanks you for your continued support.”



Speak up, speak out: giving our children the best possible start

Partnership approach to support children affected by substance misuse


Happy, healthy children from Cowgate Under 5’s Centre in Edinburgh today helped launch a campaign to raise awareness of the misery caused when adults misuse alcohol or drugs.

Speak Up Speak Out has been launched by the City of Edinburgh Council, NHS Lothian and Police Scotland to offer help, support and advice to youngsters whose lives are being affected by addiction.

The latest strand of the awareness campaign was unveiled to coincide with national Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Awareness Day.

Scottish Government figures for 2013 reveal that:

  • 22% of all concerns recorded at child protection case conferences were for parental alcohol misuse or drug misuse
  • 53% of all concerns recorded for children on the Child Protection Register were for parental alcohol misuse or drug misuse
  • 51% of children on the Child Protection Register had either one or both of the concerns for drug or alcohol misuse recorded.

Examples of people who have raised concerns about these issues include: “I’m worried about the family next door, the adults drink and take drugs and the kids seem to look after themselves,” and “my mum forgets about me when she drinks.”

As well as offering support to children who have problems at home, Speak Up Speak Out is aimed at pregnant women, advising them to avoid drinking alcohol or taking drugs. Parents and carers can also get advice about talking to children, while teenagers who are either worried about being pressured to take drugs, or are worried about friends, can also seek help.

Councillor Paul Godzik, Children and Families Convener, said: “The children we see here in this nursery today are happy and healthy, but others don’t enjoy as good a start in their lives.

“The aim of this campaign is to reduce the impact of alcohol and drug use on youngsters, see fewer young people using drugs, and also choosing to start drinking alcohol later in life. We also want to make sure that those in need, whether they are the adult or the child, get appropriate support for their problems.

We will continue to work closely with NHS Lothian and Police Scotland on Speak Up Speak Out to ensure that children have the best start in life and are protected from harm.”

Sarah Ballard-Smith, Nurse Director, NHS Lothian, said: “We need to ensure that all children whose families are affected by alcohol and substance misuse are protected and are given the support and help they need.

“We provide a range of services to make sure that children get the best possible start in life and that adults are able to access the support and help they require.

“This campaign is vitally important for the next generation and aims to raise awareness and the importance of seeking help. By speaking up and speaking out, it will help ensure thatunborn babies, children and young people are kept safe and healthy.”

Police Scotland Divisional Commander, Chief Superintendent Mark Williams said: “Drugs and alcohol are, sadly, a blight on many families and communities, and by working together through ‘Speak Up Speak Out’ we can identify those children and young people who are affected and offer them targeted help and support.

“Police Scotland recently began a campaign to tackle New Psychoactive Substances, sometimes known as Legal Highs, which will see local community officers visiting schools, youth groups and community events to help raise awareness and educate young people on their dangers, alongside enforcement action with partners at premises found to be selling these unregulated and potentially lethal substances.”

Speak Up Speak Out was launched last August by the Council, NHS Lothian and Police Scotland to encourage those who are affected by abuse to come forward and find out about the wide range of support that is available to them. Today’s launch was the fifth so far in a series of topics.

One of the key messages is that anyone can suffer from abuse, regardless of their age, gender or the colour of their skin. It can happen anywhere and be caused by friends, relatives, colleagues or strangers. By encouraging people to be open about their concerns and talk to care professionals, it is hoped that more adults and children can be protected from harm.

Contact details:

  • Police Scotland 101 (or in an emergency call 999)
  • ChildLine 0800 1111
  • NHS Inform 0800 22 44 88 (for health information)
  • Social Care Direct – The City of Edinburgh Council’s social work service: 0131 200 2324, email socialcaredirect@edinburgh.gov.uk


Police appeal following Leith rape

Woman attacked as she walked to walk

PoliceTapePolice are appealing for witnesses following the rape of a young woman as she walked to work in the early hours of Saturday morning. The 20-year-old was attacked at the entrance to Swanfield Industrial Estate off Bonnington Road at around 4.30am.

The attacker is described as in his mid-to-late 20s, 5ft 7ins to 6ft tall with a slim build. He had a gaunt appearance with a pock-marked complexion, short blonde receding hair combed forward and an eastern European accent. He was wearing light-coloured jeans and a black long-sleeved jacket with a hood.

Police have been carrying out door-to-door enquiries in the area and have appealed for information.

Detective Chief Inspector Alwyn Bell, who is leading the investigation, said: “This was a violent sexual assault on a young woman as she was walking to her work. Specially-trained officers are providing help and support to the victim.

“Such an attack is extremely rare and it is essential we catch this man as soon as possible and bring him to justice.

I am appealing to anyone who was in the area in the early hours of Saturday morning and who saw, or heard, anything unusual to contact us as soon as possible on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

“Additional officers will be on patrol in the area to help us in the investigation and to provide added visibility and reassurance to the local community.”

Police target stores selling ‘legal highs’

Shop raids mark start of ‘legal highs’ campaign 

Legal Highs

Police in Edinburgh yesterday executed search warrants at three premises following intelligence that New Psychoactive Substances – so-called ‘legal highs’ – were being sold there.

Around 70 officers from across the city were involved in the activity, which took place in the Leith Walk, Newington and Wester Hailes areas as part of a national operation to stem the sales of these items and to raise awareness as to their risks.

Representatives from Scotland Fire and Rescue, City of Edinburgh Council Trading Standards and Environmental Health also carried out visits to a further eight premises to provide appropriate guidance on legislation and licensing issues relating to NPS.

Over 3,000 sachets of substances were seized from the three stores and have been sent for further analysis.

The operation is being backed by a two-week nationwide campaign to help raise awareness of the dangers of taking New Psychoactive Substances.

The campaign is aimed at young people aged 11-18 year-old as well as their parents and teachers.  It also targets young professionals aged 25-35 years and will include a national radio commercial.

Posters and screens highlighting this issue will also be on display in train stations and on local buses across the country.

Furthermore, a range of initiatives are taking place with local community officers visiting schools, youth groups and community events to help raise awareness and educate young people on the dangers of NPS.

Detective Chief Inspector Stuart Houston, who led yesterday’s activity said: “Police Scotland is committed to keeping people safe and to stopping the sale of any substances, which may cause harm to our communities.

“The items seized during the operation will now be subject to detailed analysis and we will be continuing to engage with our various partner agencies throughout.

“Enforcement, however, is only a small part of this operation and we are keen to educate the public on all the associated risks of NPS so that less people are inclined to buy and consume them.

“School Liaison Officers and Community Policing Teams will be engaging heavily with the public in the coming weeks in relation to the dangers of New Psychoactive Substances.

“I would strongly urge our communities never to consume any of the NPS material currently being sold at premises across the country.  They may contain extremely harmful chemicals, which could seriously impact upon your long-term health.”

Further information on NPS can be found at:

If you have any information about NPS, or indeed any drug activity, contact the police on 101 or, in an emergency by dialling 999.

Information can also be reported anonymously and in confidence to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
If you are a young person, information can also be reported anonymously atFearless.org.


Local arrest following Operation Wolf activity

policecarA Drylaw man is one of seven men arrested and charged for domestic abuse and sexual offences following an Operation Wolf day of action in Edinburgh this week.

Wednesday’s activity saw officers from the Public Protection Unit and the Divisional Violence Reduction Unit target a number of individuals for various crimes including rape, indecent assault, lewd and libidinous practises and assaults.

The 31-year-old man from the Drylaw area was charged with a number of domestic assaults.

Other arrests included a 44-year-old man from the Duddingston area, who was detained following reports of historic sexual assaults which were made in May this year. He was subsequently charged for numerous offences relating to six separate victims.

A 40-year-old Bo’Ness man was also arrested, two men aged 38 and 64 from the Restalrig area were both apprehended and charged in connection with historic sexual offences against children and will appear in court at a later date,

A 13-year-old male from the Craigmount area was charged in connection with a recent sexual assault on a female youth. He has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal and Children’s Reporter.

Last year, Police Scotland received a report of historic domestic violence and serious sexual assault and enquiries were undertaken into these crimes. As a result, a 29-year-old man from Bathgate was arrested and is also due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.

Public Protection officers had also been investigating numerous reports of historic sexual abuse that took place at various areas within Edinburgh in previous years.

Detective Chief Inspector Alwyn Bell said: “Police Scotland is committed to tackling violent crimes such as domestic abuse and any offences of a sexual nature.

“As part of the ongoing Operation Wolf, various activity was carried out across Edinburgh and in West Lothian and a number of males are now subject to legal proceedings for a range of crimes including rape, indecent assault and domestic violence.

“These arrests should send a clear message to our communities that regardless of when a crime takes place, we will investigate the matter thoroughly and anyone found to be responsible will be brought to justice.

“I would urge anyone who wishes to report a crime to come forward and rest assured that your report will be treated with the utmost sensitivity and professionalism.”

Anyone wishing to report a crime can do so by contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

150 more reasons not to drink and drive

drink and driveMore than 150 drink drivers in Scotland had their motor vehicles seized then sold or scrapped between April 2013 and March 2014, according to figures released by the Crown Office.

An average of three vehicles a week were forfeited by repeat drink and drug driving offenders, first offenders driving or attempting to drive with a high alcohol reading and those who refused to give a sample of breath to the police without a reasonable excuse.

Court Orders for vehicle forfeiture included small hatchback cars, luxury saloons, high performance cars, four-wheel drive vehicles, vans and also a motorcycle. Those of any value were sold at auction by Police Scotland and others were scrapped for their metal value, with all proceeds paid to the Scottish Consolidated Fund.

The Lord Advocate, Frank Mulholland QC repeated his warning, given at the launch of this summer’s drink driving campaign, of the often tragic consequences of the offence. He said: “Drivers whose selfish actions result in the deaths of others when they drive under the influence of drink or drugs bring misery and devastation to families and loved ones throughout our communities. My message is very clear: you will be caught and when you are, you will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law”.

He added: “Motorists in Scotland should also be aware of the tough legal and personal consequences of driving while under the influence of drink or drugs, not only could you lose your vehicle but you will receive a minimum 20 year criminal record.”

If anyone suspects someone of drink driving, or attempting to drink and drive, they can contact their local police office on 101 or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111. They can also dial 999 in an emergency.
