Dental emergencies need to be assessed and treated quickly to avoid the risk of permanent damage they include:
abscess and swellings in and around the mouth
trauma such as a knocked out a tooth
If you’re registered with a dentist and think you have a dental emergency during the in hours period, phone your dental practice.
If you’re not registered with a dentist follow the advice on NHS inform – https://nhs24.info/dental-emergencies
If you think you’ve a dental emergency during the out of hours period phone the 111 service.

Chalmers Dental Centre*
3 Chalmers Street, Edinburgh EH3 9EW Tel: 0131 536 4800.
Dental triage and advice service, Monday to Friday from 9am to 6pm.
Dental treatment service, Monday to Friday from 9am to 4pm.
*Please note, Chalmers is not a walk-in service. If you require an urgent appointment, you must call the number.