Plans for Orchard Brae development to go on display

The public will have the chance to view and shape the details of an exciting new residential development at Orchard Brae on Queensferry Road, in the heart of Edinburgh’s city centre.

Undertaken by real estate investor Palm Capital together with Edinburgh-based 7N Architects, the plans propose to bring a mix of apartments and townhouses to the area.

A Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) was submitted to The City of Edinburgh Council last month, highlighting the intent of the developer to lodge a planning application this year.

The proposals incorporate a mix of 62 apartments and townhouses with associated landscaping, parking and infrastructure on land surrounding Orchard Brae House.

The plans incorporate 20 percent family housing and 25 percent affordable housing, complying with the City of Edinburgh Council policy.

The proposals for this sustainable residential development aim to enhance and maintain the existing trees and landscape as well as converting 30 percent of the current car park surface into green roofs and gardens.

If approved, the proposals would also bring new residential streets and active frontages to Orchard Brae with private gardens whilst retaining the woodland fringe to Queensferry Road.

Palm Capital has now organised a digital community consultation to take place on Wednesday 21st October to provide residents with further information on the emerging proposals.

Through this consultation process, the developer is seeking input and ideas on the proposed scheme from the public, which will assist in informing the basis of the developer’s future planning applications.

With the temporary suspension of public events for major planning applications by the Scottish Government due to COVID-19, these have moved online to a dedicated website highlighting the proposals.

The website, which can be accessed at, will go live on Wednesday 21st October, and a digital consultation event will take place on the same day from 3pm to 8pm. Consultants will be available to answer any questions and receive feedback through a two-way chat system during these hours. Feedback can also be submitted via the website.

Any representations or suggestions for changes to the proposals shared during the online event will be included in a Pre-Application Consultation report to accompany future applications.

Hard copies of consultation boards and feedback forms, or further information, can be obtained by phoning 0131 202 3259 or in writing to: Orbit Communications, 4 Queen Street, Edinburgh EH2 1JE or by emailing:  

The deadline for submitting feedback will be Friday 6 November.

Commenting on the proposed consultation event, Gabriel Rudert from Palm Capital said: “Providing the local community with the opportunity to help shape our proposals for this exciting new residential development at the heart of Edinburgh’s city centre is important to us.

“During the event, all residents will have the opportunity to enquire further about the proposals and give their feedback, which will be thoroughly considered when shaping the eventual planning application.

“We would urge all those that can to participate in this consultation process and have their views heard.” 

Plans unveiled for Finance House on Orchard Brae

A former finance centre on Orchard Brae could be converted into 170 flats under plans to be submitted to the council by Queensferry Properties. 

The developers have submitted a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) and plan to convert Finance House on Orchard Brae and add a new block to the rear to provide the flats.

The office block, which housed a Lloyds Black Horse call centre, has been lying empty since November 2018.

The site is being acquired by Queensberry Properties, a joint venture between housebuilders Cruden Homes (East) and land and property experts Buccleuch Property.

Queensberry Properties say together the converted building and the new block will create around 170 apartments, 25 per cent of which will be affordable housing.

Parking spaces on the site will be reduced from the 166 used by Lloyds to about 60 spaces, which the developers say will cut traffic flow through neighbouring streets. They have also committed to liaise with the City Car Club to explore the potential for new car club parking spaces on site.

Queensferry Properties held an exhibition of their plans at Orchard Brae House on Queensferry Road on 6 February. Around 150 residents attended the event.

A further exhibition is planned for March 19 when local residents and community organisations will have a further opportunity to view and comment on the proposals. Almost inevitably, traffic issues are likely to feature prominently.

Queensberry Properties director Steven Simpson said: “We’re delighted to have had the opportunity to put forward our proposals to the community and would like to thank all those who attended.

“Getting feedback from them and having their assistance in shaping the development going forward is vital.

“This is an exciting set of proposals to regenerate this derelict building. The site sits on a brownfield site at a time when there is a desperate need for housing, and the city council is looking for a greater focus on development on brownfield sites.

“We welcome all feedback from the community and look forward to ongoing engagement.”

The full description of the proposed development is:

‘Part demolition and conversion of existing building and erection of new development for residential accommodation with associated business, commercial, leisure, ancillary uses, public realm, hard and soft landscaping, access arrangements, parking and infrastructure’.