Local arrest following Operation Wolf activity

policecarA Drylaw man isĀ one of seven men arrested and charged for domestic abuse and sexual offences following an Operation Wolf day of action in Edinburgh this week.

Wednesday’s activity saw officers from the Public Protection Unit and the Divisional Violence Reduction Unit target a number of individuals for various crimes including rape, indecent assault, lewd and libidinous practises and assaults.

The 31-year-old man from the Drylaw area was charged with a number of domestic assaults.

Other arrests included a 44-year-old man from the Duddingston area, who was detained following reports of historic sexual assaults which were made in May this year. He was subsequently charged for numerous offences relating to six separate victims.

A 40-year-old Bo’Ness man was also arrested, two men aged 38 and 64 from the Restalrig area were both apprehended and charged in connection with historic sexual offences against children and will appear in court at a later date,

A 13-year-old male from the Craigmount area was charged in connection with a recent sexual assault on a female youth. He has been reported to the Procurator Fiscal and Children’s Reporter.

Last year, Police Scotland received a report of historic domestic violence and serious sexual assault and enquiries were undertaken into these crimes. As a result, a 29-year-old man from Bathgate was arrested and is also due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.

Public Protection officers had also been investigating numerous reports of historic sexual abuse that took place at various areas within Edinburgh in previous years.

Detective Chief Inspector Alwyn Bell said: “Police Scotland is committed to tackling violent crimes such as domestic abuse and any offences of a sexual nature.

“As part of the ongoing Operation Wolf, various activity was carried out across Edinburgh and in West Lothian and a number of males are now subject to legal proceedings for a range of crimes including rape, indecent assault and domestic violence.

“These arrests should send a clear message to our communities that regardless of when a crime takes place, we will investigate the matter thoroughly and anyone found to be responsible will be brought to justice.

“I would urge anyone who wishes to report a crime to come forward and rest assured that your report will be treated with the utmost sensitivity and professionalism.”

Anyone wishing to report a crime can do so by contact Police Scotland on 101 or alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Valuable ring recovered following Western theft


Local Police have recovered a valuable gold ring as part of the ongoing Operation Wolf. The ring was stolen at the Western General Hospital but was tracked down to a local second-hand shop and has now been returned to it’s delighted owner.

A 73-year-old man was visiting the hospital on 1 May and washed his hands in a restroom. As he did so he removed his 18ct gold signet ring, which was etched with his family crest. He then left the building – but forgot to pick up the ring. The man returned a short time later but found that the item had been stolen and contacted police.

Officers from the Search and Recovery Team (SART) carried out local enquiries and spoke to local second-hand retailers. The investigation proved successful as police were contacted by one of the stores on Saturday 24 May after the ring was brought in for sale.

Police are now following a positive line of enquiry to identify those responsible for this theft, and the ring has since been returned to its rightful owner.

Superintendent Matt Richards said: “This ring was made by the victim’s brother and while it is worth a significant sum of money, it is of greater sentimental value.

“As a result of Operation Wolf activities carried out by the SART, police in Edinburgh were able recover the item from a second-hand store and are actively hunting for the thieves.

“I would like to thank all of the retail premises we work alongside for their continued support in tackling acquisitive crime.

“Operation Wolf continues to address the crimes and issues affecting our various local communities and will relentlessly pursue those responsible for these offences.”
