Childline delivered 682 counselling sessions a month last year to young people from Scotland

•     Last year Childline delivered almost 8,200 counselling sessions to children and young people from Scotland  

•      In more than 700 of these sessions the young person said that Childline was the first place they had shared their concerns

•     Almost all these counselling sessions were conducted online – 59% via 1-2-1 chat and 41% via email.      

•     The NSPCC calls on the public to play their part for children by getting involved in Childhood Day.

The NSPCC’s Childline service delivered nearly 8,200 counselling sessions last year to children and young people from Scotland, with poor mental health, difficulty with family relationships and friendship issues some of the top concerns.

As the charity prepared for its third annual Childhood Day on Friday (June 7th) it issued a rallying call for families to come together to celebrate childhood by signing-up or joining in on one of the many fundraising activities taking place around the country.

In 2023/24 Childline delivered 8,190 counselling sessions to children and young people from Scotland dealing with a range of worries. Almost all these counselling sessions were conducted online – 59% via 1-2-1 chat and 41% via email – highlighting the changing way in which the service is now provided.

In more than 700 sessions the young person said Childline was the first place they had talked about their concern, reinforcing how vital the service continues to be for children.

The new data released by the NSPCC gives an indicator of the issues and problems facing children and young people in 2024. It also highlights the need for children and parents to find fun ways to spend time together and have conversations about what is taking place in their lives.

Childhood Day brings people together across the UK, Jersey and the Channel Islands to celebrate the joys of being a child, while also encouraging people to play their part to help keep children safe.

This year, for the first time ever, we are held a Childline Sports Day in Glasgow’s Golden Jubilee Hotel. This fun-filled event saw 13 teams battle against each other in physical and cerebral activities to win the coveted Sports Day trophy.

There were lots of fun interactive moments, with live linkups from the other Childline sports day events taking place in Manchester and London, to bring everyone together, and a silent auction, donations, raffle, BBQ, drinks and live entertainment.

While children from Festival Park Day Nursery in Lorne Street, Glasgow, visited Kinning Park Care Home residents on Childhood Day on Friday (June 7) for a day of “intergenerational connection” to show the benefits of interaction between young and old, such as children learning from their elders as well as helping to improve the residents’ mental health. The day includde story time, nursery rhymes and games.

Anne Marie Vernel, Depute Head of Festival Park Day Nursery, said: “The children have been building up relationships with the residents over the past few months and thoroughly enjoy visiting the care home. The children also welcomed the residents into the nursery last month and they were very excited about the visit.

“It’s lovely to see the two generations meet and share stories. History is brought to life when the children hear about what life was like for them when they were growing up, and I’m sure the residents areinterested to hear about childhood experiences today as well.”

People can also get involved by volunteering at a Childhood Day collection, taking on the charity’s Childhood Day Mile or donating directly – including at cash donation points in Lidl GB stores. Additionally, on 7th and 8th June Lidl GB donated £1 to the NSPCC for every customer that spends £10, scans the Lidl Plus app and submits their donation.

Collections took place before the Taylor Swift concert at Murrayfield stadium tram station and at Aberdeen beach Asda yesterday (Saturday).

Further collections will take place across Scotland over the coming days: at Central train station, Glasgow, on Thursday, June 13,  at Braehead Shopping Centre, Glasgow, on June, 14 and 21, at the Foo Fighters concert in Glasgow outside Hampden Park stadium on Monday, June 17 and in Glasgow City Centre on Friday, June 7 with the Rock choir.

All the funds raised from Childhood Day will go towards ensuring the NSPCC can continue to deliver services like Childline to those children who need support and feel they have nowhere else to turn.

Childline often hears from young people about how much the service means to them and positively impacts their lives.

One young person aged 14* from Scotland told Childline: “I want to say thank you so much Childline, you’ve really helped me. I know I can come back anytime for reminders on helping my mental health, or check the website, it’s so good!”

Rebecca Wilcox, President of Childline, said: “As a mother, as well as the President of Childline and a volunteer for the service, I believe it’s incredibly important for young people to have a safe space where they can discuss anything that might be troubling them.

“Childline will always be here for every young person, no matter the nature or size of their concern.”

Sir Peter Wanless, NSPCC CEO, said: “Every day Childline continues to be a safe port for hundreds of children struggling with a widening range of issues and concerns.

“Events like Childhood Day play an essential part in providing the support we need to keep Childline running day and night for young people, some of whom have nowhere else to turn.  

“As well as raising vital funds for the NSPCC Childhood Day also encourages children and families to celebrate childhood.

 “This is why we are calling on communities, schools and families to take part in fun activities, such as the Childhood Day Mile – where they can hop, skip or jump a mile.”

Lidl GB is sponsoring the NSPCC’s Childhood Day for a third year as retail sponsor. Lidl GB has been partnered with the NSPCC for 7 years, raising over £9 million for the charity in this time.

It is currently supporting young people with their mental health by raising money for Childline. Lidl GB will be helping to raise awareness of Childhood Day, as well as holding its own events and activities with colleagues and customers across Great Britain to help raise vital funds.

Also sponsoring this year’s Childline Sports Day is O2. O2 connects millions of families across the UK and is committed to helping keep children and young people safe when gaming, studying and connecting with friends online.

As part of its sustainability strategy, the Better Connections Plan, the company is working to improve the digital skills and confidence of six million people by the end of 2025.

To find out more , visit:

Millions of mobile customers could save over £200 a year by switching when out of contract, Which? finds

After eye-watering price hikes came into effect earlier this month, new Which? research has found that some Big Four mobile customers could save more than £200 a year by switching when their contract ends. 

Using data from its most recent mobile survey, the consumer champion has calculated how much out-of-contract customers of the Big Four providers – EE, Three, O2 and Vodafone – could save by switching to Which?’s top pick of low, medium and high data deals.

Which?’s survey found that out-of-contract Big Four customers pay an average of £22.37 a month – significantly higher than the average £19.01 monthly bill across all providers – and in some cases could save more than £200 a year by switching away to cheaper deals.

When Which? checked this week, the consumer champion found a range of deals with highly-rated providers offering around low, medium and high data packages for under £14 a month – examples included Smarty’s 4GB for £5 deal and iD Mobile’s 200GB for £14 offer.

The average out-of-contract EE customer in the consumer champion’s survey pays £23.80 per month and could stand to make the biggest savings. By switching to Which?’s top low data pick – Smarty’s 4GB offer – they could potentially save £225.60 a year (£18.80 a month).

This is closely followed by out-of-contract Vodafone customers who pay an average of £22.20 per month according to Which?’s survey and could save £206.40 (£17.20 a month) by switching to Smarty’s 4GB offer.

Three and O2 customers would also stand to make significant savings. According to the consumer champion’s survey, out-of-contract Three and O2 customers pay an average of £21.50 a month and £21.30 a month respectively and could save £198 (£16.50 a month) and £195.60 (£16.30 a month) by switching to Smarty’s deal.

Big Four customers could also make significant savings by switching to Which?’s medium and high data picks – such as iD Mobile’s 20GB offer for £7 and iD Mobile’s 200GB offer for £14.

EE customers would again make the biggest savings – £201.60 a year (£16.80 a month) for switching to Which?’s medium data pick and £117.60 annually (£9.80 a month) for high data.

O2 customers would make the lowest savings – £171.60 a year (£14.30 a month) for medium data and £87.60 annually (£7.30 a month) for high data.

In the consumer champion’s recent mobile survey, over half (52%) said they only use up to 5GB a month – so many customers could make significant savings by switching to a cheap, low-data deal. With many providers pushing ahead with price hikes of up to 17 per cent, out-of-contract customers should switch quickly to cut costs.

However, not all customers can switch away so easily. Millions are trapped in a Catch-22 where they either have to accept price hikes of up to 17 per cent or pay exorbitant exit fees to leave the contract early. Which? has called on providers to allow all customers to leave without penalty if prices are hiked mid-contract but many are ploughing ahead with their existing plans regardless.

Rocio Concha, Which? Director of Policy and Advocacy, said: “Our findings show that some out-of-contract Big Four customers could save over £200 a year just by switching mobile providers. Anyone in that position should be thinking about making a switch or at least haggling for a much better deal from their current provider.

“However, millions will be trapped in costly contracts by exorbitant exit fees – and feeling the pain of eye-watering price increases of up to 17 per cent.

“Which? believes it’s absolutely critical that Ofcom’s review of inflation linked mid-contract hikes results in changes that ensure customers are never trapped in this situation again.”

How much EE customers could save

Out of contract EE customers pay the most on average, although those on bundled contracts may be eligible for a 10 per cent discount after being out of contract for three months.

EE out of contract survey average is £23.80 per month.

  • Low data pick: Smarty 4GB for £5 – potential savings of £18.80 per month
  • Medium data pick: iD Mobile 20GB for £7 – potential savings of £16.40 per month
  • High data pick: iD Mobile 200GB for £14 – potential savings of £9.80 per month

How much Three customers could save

Three does not apply any discount for out of contract customers, so they will continue to pay their full rate.

Three out of contract survey average is £21.50 per month.

  • Low data pick: Smarty 4GB for £5 – potential savings £16.50 per month
  • Medium data pick: iD Mobile 20GB for £7 – potential savings £14.50 per month
  • High data pick: iD Mobile 200GB for £14 – potential savings £7.50 per month

How much O2 customers could save

O2 offers split contracts, so the device and airtime parts of the contracts are charged separately. This means customers will not pay extra when their phone has been paid off, but it could still be worth shopping around for a cheaper Sim-only deal.

O2 out of contract survey average is £21.30 per month.

  • Low data pick: Smarty 4GB for £5 – potential savings £16.30 per month
  • Medium data pick: iD Mobile 20GB for £7 – potential savings £14.30 per month
  • High data pick: iD Mobile 200GB for £14 – potential savings £7.30 per month

How much Vodafone customers could save

Vodafone’s Evo customers will be in a similar situation to O2 customers, as their contracts are split. However, plenty of legacy customers – who joined Vodafone before Evo launched in June 2021 – will still be on bundled contracts and potentially paying extra.

Vodafone out of contract survey average is £22.20 per month.

  • Low data pick: Smarty 5GB for £4 – potential savings £17.20 per month
  • Medium data pick: iD Mobile 20GB for £7 – potential savings £15.20 per month
  • High data pick: iD Mobile 200GB for £14 – potential savings £8.20 per month

Right of replies

An EE spokesperson said: “We aim to make sure our customers are always on the best deal for them. We contact our customers near the end of their contract, and periodically while out of contract, to remind them of our latest deals. All out of contract EE customers are eligible for a 10% discount after being out of contract for three months.

“Customers can regularly track their data usage through the MyEE app. We’re the only network that makes sure you stay online and connected even when your monthly data allowance runs out, through our Stay Connected Data offering.”

Three declined to comment. 

A Virgin Media O2 spokesperson said: “Unlike the other mobile network operators, nearly a decade ago we launched contracts which automatically reduce customers’ bills as soon as they’ve finished paying for their handsets – so our customers are already saving big when their contract ends.

“This automatic saving is in addition to the host of benefits we offer to customers including inclusive EU Roaming and O2 Priority which offers exclusive rewards, unique experiences and daily perks, as well as Priority Tickets for thousands of gigs and events across the UK.”

Vodafone spokesperson said: “We encourage everyone to review their plan at the end of any contract so they can make sure they’re on the right deal for their needs – which often change over time. At the end of every contract period we notify our customers of the best value deals available, and can also support them in finding this online, over the phone and in stores.”

“We offer a wide range of great value packages and customers can save by bringing their mobile and broadband contracts to us – (up to £380 a year). Our loyalty programme Very Me gives customers a range of additional discounts on days out, discounts on takeaways, free coffees and more.”