Young Persons Map
The Junction, a health and wellbeing project for young people aged 12-21, has developed and delivered a young person’s mapping project which is based on the principles and features of the Asset Based Approach.
The key feature of asset based working is valuing the potential, skills, knowledge and connections present in individuals and their communities.
During creation of the map staff spoke with young people in their community during streetwork; each map shows where young people hang out, places they feel safe and where they go for support as well as what they saw as the best thing about their area.
The maps were made during May and June at The Junction in Leith, Granton Youth Centre (GYC), Pilton Youth & Community Project (PYCP) and Muirhouse Youth Development Group (MYDG).
Young people attending their regular drop-in at each organisation were given the chance to get involved and those that took part were aged from 12 to 17.
There are 4 maps in total – each is 9ft x 6ft and is made of tie dye material, each map is unique and made up from photos, young people’s comments and opinions about their area.
This is just the beginning; each organisation will be given the map to use as a resource to use with the young people of that area.
Feel free to email any comments you may have about the maps.
With special thanks to NEAIC (North Edinburgh Alcohol Initiative Collaborative)