Come along Saturday 4th February 2023 at St Martins Church (232 Dalry Rd, Edinburgh, EH11 2JG) to find some great clothes, toys, books, DVDs, kitchen utensils, and other stuff for FREE!
Grab your free ticket asap:…/big-swap-shop-event…
All welcome!! At the event, you will find clothes and other useful items in need of a new home. Everything will be available at NO COST.
You will find a great selection:
• Women’s, Men’s & Children’s clothes
• Toys
• Books, CDs & DVDs
• Kitchen utensils
..and more!
Bring your own bags and help us reduce waste.
**** Please note that we will not accept donations on the day. If you wish to donate items pop in at ELREC Office (14 Forth Street EH13LH) on Wednesday 1st and Thursday 2nd February from 10 am to 5pm. ****
If you have any queries please contact: or
Please, confirm your presence here: and share it with your family and friends.
This event is brought to you by Communities’ Reduce Reuse & Recycle (ELREC), Granton Goes Greener and NKS – Networking Key Services and funded by The National Lottery Community Fund Scotland.

Come along Saturday 4th February at St Martins Church (232 Dalry Rd, Edinburgh, EH11 2JG) to find some great clothes, toys, books, DVDs, kitchen utensils, and other stuff for FREE! 1pm to 4.30pm

Grab your free ticket here: