The Office for National Statistics yesterday announced that employment in the UK fell by the largest amount in over a decade between April and June.
The ONS stated that employment decreased in the UK by 220,000 on the quarter and this has been no more acutely felt than in Edinburgh, which has been one of the hardest hit cities in Western Europe.
At the start of lockdown, The City of Edinburgh Council asked employment service Next Step Edinburgh to respond and they are currently supporting hundreds of people who have lost work. Next Step Edinburgh has been providing employment support for people in and out of work since April 2019, but since March they have adapted their service as registrations from people affected by COVID 19 job losses has increased.
Paul Forsyth is a self-employed taxi driver who was badly hit by the effects of lockdown: “As I was a self-employed taxi driver, lockdown affected me really badly.
“All of the work dried up and I was forced to turn to the government schemes for the self-employed, only to find out I was ineligible and one of many who have been excluded by the UK Government’s measures.
“I was left with no income and was unable to work. Luckily Next Step Edinburgh provided me with vital support during this time and helped me apply for an Edinburgh Trust Grant, this gave me some breathing space.
“Now lockdown has eased I am back driving but my adviser Ross has kept in touch throughout. I’m so glad this support was available.”
Capital City Partnership has been working with key organisations to coordinate a response to the crisis. Their Deputy Chief Executive, Kate Kelman said: “We know that people and businesses are finding it really hard just now and the impact on jobs and the economy is likely to be far-reaching.
“Along with our Joined up for Jobs network of provision, Next Steps has literally ‘stepped up’ to support individuals who are facing redundancy and job insecurity. Their high-quality help and guidance will ensure that Edinburgh residents can progress quickly into fair, sustainable work.”
Lesley Morrison who is a Service Manager for Community Renewal, the charity who deliver the Next Step Edinburgh service, explained: “We don’t believe in a one size fits all approach – everyone is different, and we listen to what each client’s needs and together we come up with a plan.
“Some people just need a job right away and we can link them with employers we have relationships with. For everyone else, we work with them, so they are ready for when the job market recovers; whether that be refreshing a stale CV, helping with applications or directing them to vocational training if they are considering a career change.
“Whatever is needed, we are here – and if we can’t support all their needs, we will link with specialist organisations who can help them whilst we continue to support their employment needs.”
The City of Edinburgh Council continues to fund Next Step Edinburgh to support people to secure and progress into employment. Additional funding was made available through City Region Deal has also allowed the development of a jobs website – www.c19jobs.org – which directly assists those who have faced redundancy or job insecurity due to the current crisis.
Councillor Cammy Day, Depute Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council, said: “As the economic impact of the pandemic on Edinburgh unfolds, we’re doing all that we can to help people facing financial hardship. We know that this crisis is far from over and we stand ready to help our most at-risk residents.
“The Next Step Edinburgh employment programme is in place to support anybody facing redundancy or job insecurity in Edinburgh. I’m pleased we’re able to fund this service in order to support people back into careers as quickly as possible.
“The project is part of a package of measures we’re working on right now to prevent long-term unemployment in the coming months and years, including an expanded Edinburgh Guarantee. Hailed by the Scottish Government as a really good example of the type of work cities can do to successfully tackle unemployment, our Edinburgh Guarantee has been supporting disadvantaged young people for years.
“We’re looking to expand this offer even more in light of Covid-19. We want to use it to help people of all ages who might face additional barriers to employment and we’re calling on employers to sign up and support us.”
Lesley warns that the journey ahead won’t be straightforward, but stresses that nobody has to face it alone – there is support available: “Next Step Edinburgh’s advisers will do everything they can to support you.
“We are working with employers recruiting right now but we understand those jobs may not be right for some. For those people we will collaborate so they will be front of the queue when the job market recovers.”
Anyone looking for support can find the contact details on Next Step Edinburgh’s website – www.nexstepedinburgh.org