A brand new scheme to support artists at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe

theSpaceuk Supported Artists Programme is a brand new scheme to support new companies and new work at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
The programme provides artists with the space and skills needed to turn their creative new ideas into a reality. theSpaceUK looks to support work for all audiences across a spectrum of arts representing the vibrant and diverse community that is the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
The Supported Artists Programme provides bespoke support for artists/companies based on their individual needs to cultivate, catalyse and develop innovative new productions. This year, theSpaceUK offered a programme of support for three artists, all at early stages of their careers.
Each artist was given tailored support – and each brought their work to the festival to develop audiences and work on their show.
There was emotional drama from Helena Fox and Ella Pound, an exploration of love and sex spun out in slam from Sarah Richardson and a dark comedy musical experience from Slap ‘N’ Tickle Theatre Company.
Blue & Pip

Blue is sick. The doctors aren’t listening. And the sea is making the illness worse.
1.5 million people in the UK suffer from endometriosis, a long-term and potentially debilitating womb condition. It takes sufferers on average 8 years to be diagnosed, with misdiagnosis common and testimonies often dismissed by medical professionals. Blue & Pip brings these experiences, so rarely depicted or discussed, to the fore.
A new piece from writer, performer, and drag artist Helena Fox, the creator and co-writer of five-star, award winning Edinburgh Fringe musical Rust, which was shortlisted for Best Musical at the Edinburgh Fringe 2019 by Broadway World and Musical Theatre Review.
Ella Pound, part of the team behind Edinburgh Fringe musical On Your Bike, which won the Musical Theatre Review’s Best Musical Award 2021, and Penn Balint, who successfully directed new-writing piece Attrition at the National Student Drama Festival in 2022.
Previous praise for Helena Fox
‘Close to flawless’
Musical Theatre Review

GirlPlay is an exploration of love and sex spun out in slam.
After sold-out previews in both Dublin and London and an international tour as an audio play, award-winning playwright and performer Sarah Richardson makes her Fringe debut with GirlPlay. We follow the story of one woman’s ever-changing relationship with her body and sex.
This contemporary piece of theatre was created in response to the historic Repeal-the-8th referendum in Ireland, premiering as part of Dublin Fringe Festival, 2019. Richardson’s debut full-length play was adapted into an audio play and toured to digital festivals in 2020 and 2021 including Stockholm Fringe Festival, Online@theSpaceUK and Galway Theatre Festival. GirlPlay had sold-out in-person previews at Camden People’s Theatre in October 2021.
‘Littered with firsts – and thirst’
The Stage (audio version)
Spit Me Out

A saucy, song-filled, slapstick evening but looks can be deceiving …
Spit Me Out weaves original songs, movement and slapstick comedy through naturalistic scenes. Spit Me Out, looks at the boundaries between sex and violence and how they have influenced the female sexual experience. It addresses the crisis of sexual violence against women and challenges why it happens.
Slap ‘N’ Tickle is an award-winning theatre company formed in 2020 by East 15 Acting School alumni. The company has a vision to empower and explore the female narrative.
‘The cast of ‘Spit Me Out’ have created something timely, important and quite special’
Voice Magazine
‘Spirit of The Space UK’s Online Fringe Award 2021’
Charles Pamment, Artistic Director of theSpaceUK, said ““Since 2015 we have supported new writing by making it possible for work to come to the festival that would not have been affordable otherwise.
“When the festival was cancelled in 2020 and we received some art council funding we immediately ring fenced funds to assist in bringing supported work to the live platform as soon as it was possible.
“The whole existence of EdFringe relies on participation, performers are the oxygen and crucial is that we embrace any opportunity to make it easier and more affordable for creatives to bring their work.
“We are proud to be pioneer this level of support for artists”.
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