Welcome to your July Newsletter

First of all, thank you to the members who attended our first ever, in-person AGM which was held in the Heart itself. We had a good turn-out of both full members and associated members as well as several apologies from those unable to attend.
Three trustees stood down after having given significant service since the time of the original steering committee and having continued with membership of the Board when the SCIO was set up in 2020. Rodney Matthews, Colin MacNeill and Alan Hartley all stepped back from the Board for personal reasons although all remain committed to helping the Heart in other ways in the future.
Two Trustees who had joined the Board since the 2021 AGM, Mike Douglas and Layla Robinson, were re-elected.
Guest speaker for the event was Mr David Knight from the Scottish Land Fund.
He gave an invigorating address about the history of the Land Fund and its investments and announced that the grant awarded to the Heart was the largest single grant for an individual site, with the exception of the large award for the Isle of Ulva which was for a whole estate as opposed to “just” a building.
Although the legal documents have not yet been signed, or the keys handed over, Mr Knight presented outgoing chair Rodney Mathews with a plaque commemorating the SLF’s investment in the Heart, which will be given pride of place once it is legally owned by the community.
The new Board
Immediately following the AGM the new Board held a short meeting, whereby Judy Crabb, who has been involved with the project since even before the creation of the first steering group, was elected as the new Chair.
Emma Hendron, who is a co-opted trustee, was elected Treasurer and Layla Robinson was elected Secretary. All three were elected unanimously.
The new Chair has been instrumental in many ways that members may not have been aware of, being involved in all aspects of the project so far. The current Board acknowledged this with her election and can think of no better person to lead the way forward as we enter this new phase.
All trustees can be contacted directly through their Heart of Newhaven email addresses, which can be found on the website.
The new Board wish to thank all three retiring trustees for the vision and unwavering commitment they shared during their terms in office. Without their contributions the project would not be where it is today. We all owe them a great deal.
Could you fill a space on the Board?
As we move into the next phase of the project, we are looking for a new trustee with legal experience who can assist the Board with contractual, commercial and property legal issues that may arise from time to time.
If you have some experience in this field and would like to get involved, please contact judy.crabb@heartofnewhaven.co.uk
And finally:
Remember to check the website and social media regularly for updates, news and blogs. June saw the posting of the delightful reminiscences of 95 year old Margaret Mclean who was born, grew up and still lives in Newhaven.
You can find the blogs under BLOGS on the website.