Projects which support people with neurological conditions are to benefit from the latest round of funding announced as part of a five-year action plan.
The investment of £492,535 is focussed on initiatives where partnership working is key. Many of the 17 funded activities see NHS Boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships and Third Sector organisations joining forces to achieve better outcomes for people living with neurological conditions.
Funding recipients include Pain Association Scotland who will develop online courses to support the wellbeing of unpaid carers and the MS Society who will deliver online and telephone sessions to support the physical and emotional wellbeing of people living with MS in response to the pandemic.
‘Neurological care and support: framework for action – 2020 to 2025’ aims to ensure people get access to personalised care and support regardless of their condition or where in Scotland they live.

Public Health Minister Joe FitzPatrick said: “Around one million people in Scotland live with a neurological condition ranging from common conditions such as migraines to life-limiting illnesses such as Motor Neurone Disease.
“We recognise the scale, variety and context of neurological conditions and how distressing they can be for the person with the condition and their family and the framework for action aims to support those responsible for providing care and support to people affected.
“This latest round of funding will ensure this vital work not only continues but is strengthened despite the challenges faced during the pandemic.”
PSPA provides information and support to people affected by Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) and Corticobasal Degeneration (CBD).
CEO Andrew Symons said: “Neurological Care and Support Framework Funding will allow us to map provision for PSP and CBD in Scotland, simultaneously highlighting the information and support that we can offer from PSPA.
“This will contribute to the aim of earlier diagnosis of these rare conditions and reduce the time spent by people in the wrong part of the system with the result they can benefit from the provisions of the Framework as soon as their disease is recognised.”