Breast cancer screening to resume next month

Patients will receive letters to reschedule appointments

The Breast Screening Programme which was paused in March because of coronavirus (COVID-19) is to resume safely and carefully from 3 August.

Anyone who was invited for a breast screening appointment before the pause, who was unable to attend for any reason or had an appointment cancelled will receive a letter in the coming weeks.

There will be no change to the screening test itself, however additional measures have been introduced to allow breast screening to take place in a safe environment. Staff will wear necessary personal protective equipment and appointments will be staggered to ensure waiting areas are quieter, allowing staff and patients to adhere to physical distancing.

Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said: “Pausing the adult national screening programmes was one of a series of difficult decisions we have had to make in responding to the impact of COVID-19. I am delighted breast cancer screening is resuming and I would urge everyone to attend their appointment, as screening can find early signs of cancer.

“The continued efforts we are making to limit the spread of the virus have allowed us to restart the national breast screening programme in line with expert clinical advice and the recommendations of the Scottish Screening Committee, as part of the planned safe and incremental remobilisation of NHS Scotland.

“The safety of patients and staff will continue to be our priority as all of the national screening programmes restart and expand. I want to reassure you that we are taking these precautions so that we can safely offer the right care, at the right time, in the right place.”

Marion O’Neill, Head of External Affairs (Devolved Nations) at Cancer Research UK, said: “It is great news that breast cancer screening services in Scotland are returning. Although breast cancer screening has both benefits and harms, we know cancer screening programmes saves lives.

“There may be some changes to what happens at your appointment because of COVID-19 and your results may be delayed, so it’s more important than ever that you read the information provided. Ask at your appointment how long it might take and who to contact if you haven’t heard in that time.

“It is important to remember that screening is for healthy people with no symptoms. If you notice any unusual changes to your body that don’t go away, talk to your doctor.”

More information on the national screening programme is available on NHS Inform.

Restrictions eased as families welcome new arrivals

New and expectant mums in Lothian can now enjoy some family support as some of the national restrictions around maternity services begin to ease.

Pregnant women and women who have just welcomed a new baby into the world will be able to share the precious moments with some of their friends or family.

Until now, national guidance to keep mums and babies safe and to minimise the risk of COVID-19 has meant restrictions on the number of people attending maternity services.

However as from yesterday, expectant mums can now have one additional visitor as well as one birth partner, if requested, to support them whilst in labour.

Women will also be able to have a designated visitor, as well as their birth partner, to visit them whilst in the maternity ward.

Birth partners have also been advised that they can now attend with pregnant partners for ante-natal ultrasound scanning appointments.

Frances McGuire, Chief Midwife, NHS Lothian said:  “We know how hard the restrictions have been for women and their partners during these most important life events and our team have tried to ensure that the experience has been as positive as possible during this pandemic.

“Our priority remains the safety of mothers and their babies, and we are very much looking forward to safely welcoming more Lothian visitors to meet our new mothers and babies.”

Ultrasound scanning departments in Lothian will do their utmost to allow one birth partner to be present at the appointment.

Waiting area capacity is still severely restricted due to the requirement for physical spacing of seating to comply with social distancing guidance. Only the one person will be able to accompany the patient into the waiting area and for the scan.

Radiology Services are planning to adjust ultrasound scanning appointment times and are assessing waiting area capacity to improve access.

Birth partners and visitors must wear a face covering at all times and maintain physical distancing where possible.

Everyone must also adhere to strict hand hygiene measures and use the alcohol gel provided.

Visiting can be arranged with ward staff on a daily basis as numbers will have to be managed due to the ward capacity and social distancing guidelines.

Bereaved through violence but grieving Hazina gets her BA

“The ups reminded me where I wanted to go, and the downs pushed me to get there”

A STUDENT who lost five family members to violent crime in two months has told how she battled through grief to graduate with distinction from Edinburgh Napier University.

Hazina Alladin’s world was turned upside down by the deaths of two cousins, a cousin-in-law, an uncle and his wife in two separate home invasion robberies in her home country of Trinidad.

She admits the murders brought her “to her knees”, and led to her ignoring her mental and emotional health as she threw herself into the demands of both her day job and study programme.

Hazina credits the university’s Wellbeing & Support online pages with helping her eventually come to terms with her grief, anger and disbelief, as well as her Christian faith, confidence-boosting voluntary work and creative hobbies like photography and dancing.

Now she has learned that she has graduated from Edinburgh Napier with a BA with Distinction in Business & Enterprise.  Despite the family tragedies in her Caribbean homeland, she achieved merits and distinctions for all of her assignments on the online course.

Hazina, 28, who was also elected Online Programme Representative at the university, said: “Coping with my losses while working full-time, volunteering, studying for a degree and being away from my family was indeed challenging. However, I realised I needed both the peaks and the valleys to keep moving forward. The ups reminded me where I wanted to go, and the downs pushed me to get there.”

The first incident happened in Penal, south Trinidad, in August last year.  While working on a course assignment, Hazina learned in a call from her mother that two cousins and one of their wives had been found dead in their house with gunshot wounds and cuts to their throats.

She said: “I fell to my knees and cried uncontrollably.  I screamed the word ‘no’ for hours until my voice was gone. It was absolutely heartbreaking.”

Two months later, a retired uncle and his wife were killed in a violent home invasion in Central Trinidad. A 24-year-old suspect was later arrested after being spotted driving their stolen vehicle.

In the weeks that followed, Hazina experienced outbursts of grief but also began following processes that helped her create space for herself.

She said: “I was afraid that these tragic events would affect my ability to continue learning.

“Grief made everything feel like an extra effort, whether it was making friends or submitting work, but there were plenty of resources available at Edinburgh Napier to help me work though my feelings.  The Wellbeing & Support site was extremely helpful. I explored books on the Shelf Help section and strategies to reduce pain and boost my ability to cope.

“I also enjoyed networking with Edinburgh Napier’s global community of students, and the online programme rep role was a big help in this. It involved keeping abreast of student issues on our degree programme, representing students’ interests and addressing issues that impacted on the quality of their experience at the university.”

Now Hazina – who earlier studied at the University of Oxford’s Saïd Business School – is putting what she learned from her one-year online course at Edinburgh Napier to good use in her current job with a property development firm in New York City, where she has lived for four years.

She said: “I was offered a position as Administrator just two months after enrolling at Napier. I am responsible for coordinating office activities in compliance to company policy and procedure. Now, I can better relate to the company after learning about business plans and how to calculate the return on the investments a company makes and how different business models work.

“I’ve found that when you are able to apply the material and talk about how it relates to life today, you’re much more able to remember it. It’s almost like your brain presses an ‘on’ switch and you start to absorb the material better because you are at least partially invested in it.”

Dr Kingsley Omeihe, Lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Edinburgh Napier’s Business School, said: “Hazina is an outstanding, dedicated and talented student.

“Achieving a distinction is an impressive feat, and the fact that she has been able to do as well as she has, given the circumstances, says a lot about her. Her personal qualities are as impressive as her intellectual accomplishments.”

A New Heart for an Empty Theatre

Leith Theatre is delighted to announce that they have begun a partnership with new community interest company, ‘Empty Kitchens Full Hearts,’ to feed those in need during the Covid crisis and beyond.

The Thomas Morton Hall has been transformed into a bustling food storage, drop-off and packing centre and the attached kitchens, which are generally not in use, have once again found their calling, as a team of professional chefs work round the clock to prepare a selection of healthy foods for free delivery and takeaway.

Empty Kitchens Full Hearts started out in April as a response to Covid-19 directly affecting vulnerable people who already had limited access to food. Using food donated by supermarkets, charities and individuals, and utensils and catering equipment given by closed kitchens and restaurants, the team have already sent out 86,456 free meals.

Leith Theatre, which has recently closed the doors in a bid to protect itself against the financial impact of Covid-19, sought out a collaboration with Empty Kitchens Full Hearts in order to continue doing the only thing possible in the current situation; steadfastly support the community it is at the heart of.

To date, Empty Kitchens Full Hearts have distributed 10,158 nutritious meals completely free of charge from Leith Theatre. A hot food takeaway offering is now available between 11:30-12:30 and 16:30-17:30 every day, seven days a week for those unfortunately unable to reheat food themselves. This will now be served from the main entrance porch at Leith Theatre with access at the main gates clearly marked.

Lewis McLachlan, founder of the initiative, said, “All of the meals are cooked from scratch by professional catering staff who have either lost their jobs or been on the furlough scheme and are giving their time for free, alongside an army of volunteers packing and delivering.

“There is no sign that the need for this service is slowing down. At the start of May we were providing 4000 meals per week and less than two months later this has doubled to over 8000 with the week beginning the 13th of July forecast at 11,000.

“I believe these numbers are only going to get higher and moving into the Thomas Morton Hall is a key element for us to be ready to help more as people need it.”

Lynn Morrison, Executive Director at Leith Theatre, said, “When we heard that they were looking for a new kitchen, we knew that this worthwhile enterprise was something that would fit with our ethos and would be the perfect silver lining to the cloud of our closure.

“It is a way of supporting our community in a very proactive, visible way and something we are able to do despite being shut to the public until 2021.

“Having the building shut and sealed was never going to be something that sat well with Leith Theatre and I feel very much that by offering our kitchen, hall and outside space for this project, it acts as a natural companion to our highly successful foodbank, stationery and mask material collections.

“I am excited to collaborate with this wonderful team of tenacious chefs and volunteers and welcome them to the Leith Theatre family.”

If you or anyone you know is struggling with safe access to food, please contact the team on / 07895 347157.

Although the majority of the food donated would otherwise go to waste, and the project is run by volunteers, there are still costs involved; packaging, fuel, PPE and the additional running costs associated with such a huge operation.

Together, Leith Theatre and Empty Kitchens Full Hearts will continue to transform donated food into full meal packs, ensuring access to nourishment for all, and wasting nothing so that others may want for nothing.

Donations to Empty Kitchens Full Hearts can be made here:

Twitter: @EmptyKitchens

Donations to Leith Theatre here:

Twitter: @LeithTheatre

BBC launches Tiny Happy People initiative

The BBC has launched Tiny Happy People, a five-year initiative backed by Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge, to support parents and carers in developing the language and communication skills of 0-4 year old children.

  • Initiative backed by HRH Duchess of Cambridge who says Tiny Happy People resources are ‘gold dust’ for parents
  • Range of free online tools including fun activities, videos, articles and quizzes launched to support development of under-fives language and communications skills
  • Celebrities on board include Jenny McAlpine, Kieron Richardson, JB Gill, Jess and Dom Lever, Annie Price and Louise Pentland

At the heart of the initiative is a simple message – talk to children from as early an age as possible.

Tiny Happy People offers a wide range of free films, articles, quizzes and parenting tips that have been specially designed with experts to help to nurture children’s language right from pregnancy.

To help launch the initiative, Her Royal Highness recently met with families involved to hear about their experiences of parenting, their contribution to the campaign and how the Tiny Happy People resources and activities have been helping them.

One of the parents she spoke with, Ryan, and his 8 month old daughter Mia, explained how Tiny Happy People had helped him to identify that Mia has five different cries.

Speaking to BBC Breakfast’s Louise Minchin, The Duchess said: “He’s learnt a huge amount from Tiny Happy People… It’s information like that I wish I had had as a first time mum, it’s gold dust really for families to be given those tips and tools to be able to use, particularly in those first five years.”

The Duchess also spoke of the help that parents receive following their baby’s birth from midwives and health visitors, but that there is a then a gap before they start school which is where they really need the support from initiatives such as Tiny Happy People.

The full film of The Duchess meeting with the families can be seen on BBC Breakfast from 6am this morning.

Her Royal Highness has been involved with Tiny Happy People for a number of months, having visited the Tiny Happy People team last November to take part in development sessions and to learn more about the production process.

The Duchess helped in the character and background development for two animations on parenting, which are now available on the Tiny Happy People website about making eye contact with babies and singing to babies.

Recognising the significance of the project to supporting parents as they guide their children through the earliest years of life, The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will collaborate with the BBC as they develop and roll out Tiny Happy People.

Also supporting the initiative are a number of celebrities who are using the activities to build their own infants’ communication skills. The celebrity parents involved are soap stars Jennie McAlpine and Kieron Richardson; singer and farmer JB Gill; former Love Islanders, Jess and Dom Lever; BBC Three presenter Annie Price; and Louise Pentland, who was voted the UK’s favourite mum influencer last year.

The free digital resources being offered by Tiny Happy People are easy to use and incorporate into everyday routines.

The short films, articles and quizzes cover, in a bitesize way, the science behind baby brain development. There are lots of fun activities to do with both babies and toddlers to support language development and parent well-being along with great tips for new and soon-to-be parents.

Tony Hall, BBC Director-General, says: “We couldn’t be more proud of the part we’re playing in this amazing partnership. Growing up happy and healthy is the greatest gift we can give to any child.

“This campaign embodies our mission to inform, educate and entertain. The BBC has created hundreds of videos and written content that we hope will make a real difference.”

James Purnell, BBC Director, Radio & Education, says: “Early years language provides the foundation for all aspects of a child’s life – right into adulthood.

“Tiny Happy People is a major, long term education commitment from the BBC to help close the under-fives language and communication gap and help give kids the best chance in life. We’re all so proud of it and look forward to seeing parents and carers from across the UK using the materials.”

Evidence shows that more than 1 in 4 children (27%) in England do not reach the necessary level of literacy development (language, communication and literacy skills) by the time they start primary school, rising to more than 1 in 3 (42%) in deprived areas. The picture is similar across all nations of the UK.**

Research also shows that once children start behind, they stay behind, affecting performance in school, job prospects and even life expectancy.

However, evidence also shows that parents and carers can make a big difference if they’re supported in the crucial early years – and if children develop language and communication skills before they start school, they have every opportunity to thrive.

Working with a coalition of partners, BBC Education through Tiny Happy People has the ambition to make a significant contribution to halving the number of children in the UK who do not reach the required developmental outcomes in literacy by the end of their reception year.

Those partners include academics, healthcare professional bodies, The Royal Foundation, Public Health England, The National Literacy Trust, The Education Endowment Foundation, The National Lottery Community Fund and KPMG.

All of Tiny Happy People’s resources are rooted in evidence and have been developed with the help of leading experts in the fields of child and language development to ensure parents and carers are being offered the best advice.

They include The Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists, The Institute of Health Visiting, The Royal College of Midwives, I CAN, early years practitioners through the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, and speech and language academics at The University of Liverpool, University of Sheffield, and LuCiD.

For more information about Tiny Happy People, please visit the website and follow on Instagram.

As part of Tiny Happy People’s launch, CBeebies Bedtime Stories will be broadcast Bedtime Stories read by celebrity supporters, Jennie McAlpine (July 14), Annie Price (July 15) and JB Gill (July 16).

In October 2019, Tiny Happy People was rolled out across Greater Manchester in partnership with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority. Together we created hubs across the authority where we introduced Tiny Happy People champions to work with frontline professionals and parents to embed Tiny Happy People activities into communities. This has provided a blueprint for a total of five new hubs that will be created in communities across the UK every year for the lifetime of the initiative.

Universities join forces to thank students supporting the NHS

Santander Universities has teamed up with Queen Margaret University (QMU), Edinburgh, and Edinburgh Napier University to say thank you to students across the health professions that are supporting the NHS in the fight against COVID-19.

A total of £50,000 has been allocated by Santander to provide gifts to 1,400 students across both universities.

QMU has offered their Nursing and Allied Health Professions students on the frontline a choice of one of two luxury food hampers – a ‘pamper hamper’ or breakfast hamper – to thank them for their hard work in battling the pandemic. The gifts have been provided by Artisan Larder Scotland, founded by QMU graduate David McVey.

Edinburgh Napier has linked up with Edinburgh-based sushi company Minato Sushi to offer its own eligible School of Health and Social Care students a £35 voucher for the business as a thank you for their efforts as part of the country’s COVID-19 response.

Minato Sushi was founded by Jennifer Kerr and Tom Ruddy – both Edinburgh Napier alumni. The local business continues to receive support from the University’s innovation and enterprise hub, Bright Red Triangle.

Matt Hutnell, Director, Santander Universities, said: “Universities across the UK, such as Queen Margaret University and Edinburgh Napier University, are doing some fantastic work to contribute to the UK’s effort to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, so we’re delighted to continue to support both students and local communities during this critical time.”

Sir Paul Grice, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Queen Margaret University, said: “We are incredibly proud of all of our students from the School of Health Sciences, especially those who are playing their part in the NHS’s fight against COVID-19.

“Thanks to the continuing generosity and support of Santander Universities, we have been able to not only provide this thank you gift for hundreds of our hard-working health students, but also support one of our graduate businesses in the process. I hope the students enjoy the gift – they are doing fantastic work!”

Professor Andrea Nolan, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Edinburgh Napier University, said: “Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, our nursing and midwifery students have demonstrated outstanding levels of professionalism during what has been an incredibly challenging – and often uncertain – time for all.

“Thanks to the generous continued support from Santander Universities, we’re delighted to be able to show our gratitude to nearly 900 students with this token of appreciation. I am pleased to be able to support one of our alumni businesses in the process. Our nursing and midwifery students have proved themselves to be wonderful ambassadors for the University and the health professions; on behalf of the whole university community, I thank them most sincerely.”

Discover archaeology online in this year’s Festival of Archaeology

This year’s Council for British Archaeology’s Festival of Archaeology 2020 will be going digital, with two weeks of exciting online events celebrating archaeology under the theme ‘Climate and Environment’.

Delivered by chosen partner, Wessex Archaeology, the festival will be taking place in two parts:

  • 11 – 19 July, focusing on digital events
  • 24 October – 1 November, offering events to view real-time archaeology

The festival kicked off with a special online launch event on Saturday 11 July at 11am with the webinar Discover Environmental Archaeology, featuring Time Team and Wessex Archaeology archaeologist Dr Phil Harding exploring the basics of environmental archaeology. This will be followed by an exclusive behind the scenes tour of Wessex Archaeology’s environmental laboratory.

Other sessions include an in-depth webinar on environmental archaeology: The Domestication of Plants and New Discoveries about the First Cereals in Britain; a practical workshop for children and young people: Archaeology 3D: learn how archaeologists recreate past landscapes and turn ecofacts into 3D models; and a student careers session.

The launch is followed by a week of free digital sessions for the public to join with something to interest all ages and abilities.

Other highlights from the Wessex Archaeology Festival Programme include A Potted History – the Iron Age / Roman transition in Hampshire, a collaboration with Hampshire Cultural Trust.

This is a series of short films that will be released over the week and culminate in a live question and answer session on Friday 17 July, 12.30-1.30pm.

Videos will be released daily online from Sunday 12 July.

View at

Sign up for the Q&A and submit your questions in advance at

Wessex Archaeology will conclude their digital events programme for the Festival of Archaeology with a family friendly story telling session, Arno the Archaeologist. The story and illustrations were created by Wessex Archaeology staff to introduce archaeology to children under 7, both at home and in schools.

The production will premiere on the Wessex Archaeology YouTube channel on Saturday 18th July at 9am,

Council for British Archaeology Executive Director Neil Redfern said: “Archaeology has always responded to the world in which we exist, and this year is no different. By hosting a digital festival, we hope to bring something new and dynamic to how we engage and participate as archaeologists.

“We want to go beyond just cancelling or postponing our summer event to ensure that an important date in many people’s diaries remains at this crucial time for all those working, volunteering, or studying in the archaeology sector.”

Duncan Wilson, Chief Executive of Historic England said: “We’re pleased that part of this year’s festival has become digital. Not only does this help people to access archaeology at a time when for many of us there is no other way, it also helps increase understanding of what we can learn from archaeology.

“By telling us about where we have come from, it helps to shape the direction we might take.”

Wessex Archaeology Community & Education Manager Samuel Fieldhouse said: “Wessex Archaeology is thrilled to be working with the CBA to plan an engaging programme of online events and resources.

“Our activities have a broad enough range so that there is something for everyone, from toddlers to professional archaeologists. The digital nature of this year’s festival and our partnership with the CBA gives Wessex Archaeology the opportunity to reach a much wider audience than previous years and we find that very exciting.”

English Heritage Head of Learning and Interpretation Dr Dominique Bouchard said: “The Climate and Environment theme is the perfect subject matter to introduce archaeology to young people, and to inspire them to take a lifelong interest in it.

“The Shout Out Loud programme was established to help bring youth voices, ideas and creativity to the fore, and the digital Festival of Archaeology offers young people the chance to show how archaeology has something to offer everyone.”

The Festival is the largest annual festival to celebrate archaeological heritage in the UK. Now in its 29th year the Festival of Archaeology has grown from a single day to a two-week event which is normally held in July.

For more information on the digital launch events and to book visit

Why it took a pandemic to open our eyes to the importance of sustainability

As demand for sustainable shopping alternatives increases, The Leith Collective prepares to come back even bigger than before:

Lockdown restrictions may be easing, but one person hoping the temporary pause in human activity over the past few months may prove to have a long-lasting, positive effect on consumer behaviour is Sara Thomson, founder of The Leith Collective.

The Leith Collective comprises more than 90 artists and makers from all over Scotland, brought together by a common aim to reuse, recycle, reclaim, and resell items that may otherwise have been destined for landfill.

Sustainability is at the heart of all they do, and their approach is proving popular with consumers whose eyes have been opened to the issue during the coronavirus pandemic. As a result, The Leith Collective has moved to bigger premises in Edinburgh’s Ocean Terminal to accommodate this increase in demand.

Commenting on the link between the coronavirus pandemic and the increase in awareness of sustainability, Sara Thomson explained: ‘I think there are a number of factors at play. Firstly, with shops and attractions closed, more people have explored their local countryside, and thanks to the reduction in traffic, wildlife has flourished and birdsong heard more clearly. All this has helped many people connect with nature as never before.

‘Secondly, with many people on furlough enjoying more time on their hands, we’ve seen a marked increase in hobbies such as gardening which naturally opens one’s eyes to sustainability.

‘Thirdly, the closing of the rubbish dumps may have presented some people with a stark realisation of just how much we throw away without thought. I believe it has no doubt spurred some people on to consider how many household items could potentially be repurposed.’

The Leith Collective is anticipating an increase in the number of customers wanting to embrace a more sustainable way of shopping and living as they prepare to open the doors to their larger premises today (Monday 13th July).

The all-new Leith Collective store features an outdoor area, with increased space to shop whilst safely socially distancing. The new shop location is just the latest way The Leith Collective has successfully pivoted in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

When Lockdown restrictions were first announced, The Leith Collective launched an online shop and offered local delivery throughout the Scottish capital. They then turned their attention to making a range of reusable masks, created using recycled material – designed to offer a sustainable alternative to disposable masks, with the added bonus that it would help keep their resident makers in business.

The success of this initiative has been tremendous – not only has it provided a genuine lifeline to many makers not eligible for government assistance, The Leith Collective was also able to donate hundreds of pounds worth of masks to children in care and care leavers, and give proceeds to the mental health charity, North East Edinburgh Counselling Service.

The all-new Leith Collective opens today (Monday 13th July) at RU65, Ocean Terminal, Ocean Drive, Edinburgh, EH6 6JJ. Opening hours are Monday – Saturday 11am – 6pm, and Sunday 11am – 5pm.

Guidance to support safe re-opening of small businesses

New guidance has been produced to support the safe re-opening of small and micro businesses following the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The publication provides practical advice for employers on the steps they need to take before and after re-opening.

Key measures include:

  • risk assessments to protect the safety of employers, staff and customers
  • provision for employees to work from home where appropriate
  • consultation with employees, trades unions or employee representatives before re-opening
  • infection and control measures such as physical distancing and good hygiene
  • staggered break and start times to reduce contact between employees

Economy Secretary Fiona Hyslop said: “The importance of small and micro businesses to our economy cannot be overstated. Over 98 per cent of all businesses in Scotland have less than 50 employees so it is critically important that they can re-open as soon as it is safe to do so.

“This guidance, developed in partnership with employers and trades unions, provides the information small and micro businesses need to ensure the safety of staff and customers as they re-open.

“And we are providing grant support worth over £1 billion to businesses as part of a wider support package worth over £2.3 billion and we will continue to do all we can to support this vital sector.”

Andrew McRae, the Federation of Small Businesses’ (FSB) Scotland Policy Chair, said: “It’s in everyone’s interests to get as many small businesses as possible back up and running as quickly as is safe.

“But to do so, small businesses need to make a lot of changes to how they work – often involving lots of complex, changing information.

“That’s why we asked the Scottish Government to help them cut through the mountain of information by providing some clear steps to follow. This is particularly important for all the smallest businesses who don’t fit neatly into a specific sector – the dog groomer, say, or the portrait photographer.

“For businesses that aren’t sure where to start, this guide will help, as it sets out the key steps they should take across four key areas, as well as providing links to other support and advice

The guidance covers both small businesses, with fewer than 50 employees, and micro businesses, with fewer than 10 employees.

This guidance sits alongside any other relevant sector specific guidance.

Electric Cycle Company is being supercharged

The Electric Cycle Company, Scotland’s largest specialist e-bike shop, is on the move to a 4000 square foot, carbon neutral premises in Edinburgh. 

Boogie, host of Forth 1’s Breakfast Show, joined Neill Hope, MD of the Electric Cycle Company, to launch a crowdfunding campaign to renovate the building into a new state of the art store and workshop, the biggest e-bike shop in the UK.  

Following year on year growth in the last ten years, Edinburgh’s Electric Cycle Company (ECC), Scotland’s largest specialist e-bike retailer, is on the move to a new 4,000 square foot premises on Crewe Road North, four times the size of their current retail space and workshop on Granton Road.

Building work on the state-of-the-art electric bike store, a far cry from the traditional ‘stack’em high’ model of bike retail, is set to get underway next week and will take an estimated six weeks to complete.

When completed the new shop, scheduled to open in early September, will be the UK’s largest specialist e-bike shop, displaying a large selection of both new and established electric bike brands and quality accessories. 

The shop will have enough showroom space to display bikes to enable the hugely knowledgeable and experienced sales team to safely deliver both interactive and informative e-bike demonstrations and ‘talk throughs’, perfectly matching the best e-bike to a customer’s lifestyle.  With bookable sales appointments, there will be a welcome reception and a dedicated customer waiting and chill out area.

The new store will be one of the first carbon-neutral bike shops in the UK.  The renovation plans include solar panels on the roof and battery banks will take care of lighting and bike charging. Heating will be provided by a biomass boiler powered by the waste packaging the business creates.

The ECC has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise the £70,000 for the renovation of the shop and workshop. 

They are targeting current e-bike customers, new and returning cyclists looking to buy their first e-bikes, and other e-bike owners looking for long term specialist bike maintenance and high end accessories, all of whom will be keen to ‘pay forward’ in order to receive excellent discounts on a wide range of e-bike products, accessories and services that will help them to save money.  Puncture repairs, clothing vouchers, free software updates and bike servicing and discount cards for life are amongst the fantastic rewards for investment.

Neill Hope, Managing Director of ECC, said: “We’ve always been the largest e-bike specialist in Scotland, continuously at the forefront of the industry. My Dad started the Electric Cycle Company in 2006. 

“I took over ten years ago and moved it into proper retail premises on Granton Road.  Since then we have seen our turnover increase year on year, by as much as 500% over this period.  Our staff numbers have increased from two to ten [today] and we now have the widest range of electric bikes in Scotland. 

“This is something I could never have imagined when my family started the business from the back of my Dad’s office, as an offshoot from his plastering company.  We also have the added benefit of being backed by the North Edinburgh community.

“We really hope that our customers, old and new, are keen to support us create the most progressive bike shop in Scotland and a more comfortable, spacious and safer environment for them and our staff.  The range of crowdfunding rewards will be beneficial to their e-bike lifestyles, both now and in the future.

“With their investment we will also be able to reward all of our customers with added value with things like extended guarantees, free security marking, and updates.  It’s a win win for all.”

ECC’s expansion comes at the perfect time as the City of Edinburgh Council plans to make big changes in the way people move around the city.  One of the goals is to create ‘a city where you don’t need to own a car to move around’, a clear shift towards cycling and walking. 

The proposals to shape the Scottish capital for the next decade, City Plan 2030, include expanding the network of cycle paths and linking the park and ride terminals to bike-friendly routes. They also set out potential new areas for park and ride terminals and ‘active travel routes’.

Neill Hope added: “Since the start of the Covid-19 Lockdown there has been a revolution in cycling and our sales have increased by more than 100%, as compared with the same period in 2019. 

“With such a high demand for e-bike sales and maintenance, the Granton Road bike shop and workshop are just too small to operate as safely and efficiently as we want.  Our move can’t come quick enough.

“Our new customers are not only getting to grips with the many health and financial benefits of cycling for both commuting and exercise but also quickly realising that e-bikes make the whole physical process even easier and more joyful than traditional cycling, despite the larger initial investment. 

“Edinburgh, with its many hills, substantial cycle path network, and ongoing council backing is the perfect city for an electric bike.  With the UK Government’s Cycle To Work Scheme and the Scottish Government backed Energy Saving Trust e-Bike Loan scheme to help with e-bike purchases, it is also the perfect time to invest in an e-bike.”