Scotland makes international pledge to help deliver the Paris Agreement

With 100 days until COP26 comes to Glasgow, Scotland has set out how it will help meet the global goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change.
The indicative Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) published today (23 July) outlines Scotland’s contribution to preventing warming of more than 1.5 degrees.
Scotland is understood to be the first government that is not a formal party to the Paris Agreement to publish an indicative NDC.
While only parties to the Paris Agreement may submit NDCs, the Scottish Government committed to publishing an indicative NDC as an sign of Scotland’s commitment to joining and leading the international effort on tackling climate change. Its publication was a 100 day commitment for the government.
The indicative NDC reflects Scotland’s distinctive framework of statutory emissions reduction targets, in particular our world-leading 2030 target to reduce emissions of all major greenhouse gases by at least 75%. It also sets out our approach to achieving these ambitious targets, with a commitment to deliver a just transition at its heart.

Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport Michael Matheson said: “With COP26 coming to Glasgow, Scotland has a unique opportunity to show leadership on climate action on the international stage.
“I’m proud to publish this pledge, setting out how Scotland is contributing to the global aims of the Paris Agreement. By highlighting our own action, we hope to inspire others to raise their ambition.
“COP26 represents the world’s best chance – and possibly one of our last chances – to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. We are working hard with our delivery partners to make sure the event is safe and secure and to create a platform for agreeing decisive climate action.”

As part of the climate agreement negotiated in Paris in 2015, signatories must publish NDCs – plans that set out their action to contribute to the goal of limiting global warming to well below 2 degrees ( with “further efforts” to limit it to no more than 1.5 degrees).

While taking centre stage at November’s international event is something to look forward to, the Scottish Government has pressing local issues to deal with before then. The number of Covid cases in Scotland remains worryingly high and 22 deaths were recorded yesterday – the highest figure for four months.