A new Outdoor Recreation report from NatureScot’s Scotland’s People and Nature Survey (SPANS) 2023/24 reveals that 61% of Scots engage in outdoor recreation at least weekly, with 17% venturing out daily. It also highlights the importance of urban greenspaces in outdoor recreation.
The survey found that 41% of outdoor visits in Scotland take place in apark or other open greenspace in an urban area, making them the most popular destination. Woodland and forest visits follow closely at 39%.
Young people (16-34 years) and residents of the 10% most derived areas are more likely to use urban greenspaces, reinforcing their importance in ensuring equitable access to nature.
However, residents from the most deprived areas are less likely to engage in outdoor activities, pointing to a need for more inclusive policies and investments in local parks.
People in Scotland participate in a wide range of outdoor activities with walking being the most popular outdoor activity, the overwhelming majority of visits involved walking (93%).
Walking was also the most popular way to get to local parks, overall, 84% of people said they normally walk or wheel to their local greenspace.
These findings emphasize the crucial role of local, accessible urban greenspaces in promoting health and well-being.
Enhancing water and air quality, protecting and restoring vulnerable marine and coastal ecosystems, and establishing a programme of species recovery are all part of a new plan to make significant progress in restoring nature by 2045.
A new Biodiversity Delivery Plan for 2024-2030 contains over 100 actions to accelerate the pace and scale of efforts to address the biodiversity crisis.
It supports the Biodiversity Strategy, which sets out a strategic vision for a nature positive, net zero future where natural environment loss is halted and restored. Statutory targets for nature will be included in a new Natural Environment Bill to be introduced this Parliamentary year.
Delivery plan actions include:
substantially reducing deer densities, protecting 30% of land for nature and developing a nature positive agriculture programme
investing in nature restoration – through the Nature Restoration Fund, more than £65 million over this parliament and investing in woodland creation and peatland restoration
tackling the indirect drivers of biodiversity loss, particularly engaging and strengthening the connection between people and nature
Launching the plan at Bawsinch and Duddingston Reserve, Acting Climate Minister Dr Alasdair Allan said: “The Global Climate Emergency and the Nature Emergency are twin reinforcing crises: the actions we take to address each are fundamental to our wellbeing and survival as a species. We need a partnership approach to delivery – government cannot do it alone.
“This new Biodiversity Delivery Plan sets out clear actions that government, businesses and individuals can take to protect and restore our precious natural environment for future generations to come.
“The whole of society has a role to play but especially the stewards of our land, rivers, lochs and seas such as farmers, gamekeepers and fishers who have the knowledge and skills to drive the transformation that is needed.
“Biodiversity supports these essential industries – food production needs pollinators and healthy soils whilst, fish and fish farming depend on healthy, thriving seas.”
NatureScot Chair Professor Colin Galbraith said: “We all rely on nature for our survival, and it is everyone’s responsibility to care for it. The Scottish Biodiversity Strategy is Scotland’s response to the nature crisis, and it sets out a clear and comprehensive plan, supported by a series of actions that will help restore nature back to a healthy, thriving state.
“To restore nature across Scotland will take a sustained national effort, but in doing so, we will increase our resilience to climate change and reaffirm our connection with the natural world. This will bring many benefits for the people of Scotland, and we urge everyone to stand up and play their part in creating a net-zero and nature positive future for all.”
Jo Pike, Chief Executive of the Scottish Wildlife Trust said: “We are pleased to see the launch of the long-awaited and much-needed Scottish Biodiversity Strategy and Delivery Plans.
“The Scottish Wildlife Trust believes that a huge effort is needed across the whole of society if we are to realistically tackle the climate and nature emergencies. Alongside the strategy, we welcome the Government’s commitment to develop statutory targets for nature’s recovery in the forthcoming Natural Environment Bill.
“Together, they can help us move closer to realising the ambitions of the many people who have fed into this strategy. However, this will require leadership at all levels, increased resources and a recognition that nature is vital to our economy, our wellbeing and our future.”
Jobs and sectors dependent on sustainable natural world
Scotland’s natural assets contribute more than £40 billion to the economy and support around 260,000 jobs, according to new research.
The Importance of Natural Capital to the Scottish Economy report highlights the vital economic contribution the natural world makes to Scotland and highlights the value of the ecosystems and the services they provide.
Important industries such as agriculture, fishing and aquaculture, forestry, water, food and drink and renewables all rely upon the continued availability of high-quality natural resources.
The research investigates the economic impact of natural capital, which is defined as “the renewable and non-renewable stocks of natural assets, including geology, soil, air, water and plants and animals that combine to yield a flow of benefits to people.”
The Scottish Government conducted the research to provide the most up-to-date reflection of the true value of nature to the Scottish economy, as it is often undervalued or not included in economic assessments.
The study demonstrates the link between the threats to Scotland’s economic performance, and the economic opportunity associated with increasing nature dependent sectors.
The Scottish Government’s National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) makes clear that working with and investing in nature is a top priority of Scotland’s wellbeing economy.
Speaking while visiting Blackthorn Salt in Ayrshire, which produces salt through filtering sea water, Rural Affairs Secretary Mairi Gougeon said: “This research reinforces the vital role of our natural capital in supporting many of our vital industries – a connection that is often under-represented when we look at economic performance.
“Blackthorn Salt is an excellent example of a business that is dependent on natural capital, using sustainable, traditional methods to produce an exceptional products that provides jobs and can be found in kitchens across the country and beyond.
“The twin crises of climate change and nature loss are inextricably linked, nature offers some of the best ways to protect us from the worst impacts of climate change, so it is essential that we work with partners across the public sector and private investors to protect biodiversity and reduce our emissions as we support sustainable businesses utilising our incredible landscapes and ecosystems.”
NatureScot Chief Executive, Francesca Osowska said: “Nature is vital for our quality of life and that of future generations. In Scotland we are fortunate to have rich and varied landscapes and habitats, with individuals and businesses willing to step up to the challenge of stopping nature loss with hard work and investment.
“NatureScot is responding to this urgent need with leadership of vital programmes such as the £250m Peatland ACTION fund, the £65m Nature Restoration Fund and the innovative new Facility for Investment Ready Nature Scotland (FIRNS) which aims to both restore nature and benefit communities. “
A breakthrough collaborative project with creel fishers has successfully trialled a simple and relatively low-cost solution to the problem of whale entanglement that could be rolled out internationally saving many whales and sharks.
The project led by marine charity Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC),and funded by the Scottish Government Nature Restoration Fund managed by NatureScot, trialled the use of specially designed rope in Scottish pot fisheries that sinks rather than floats.
The rope currently used in the fishery is buoyant and forms floating loops in the water rather than lying on the seabed.
These loops can be several metres high and have been found to entangle whales and other marine animals such as basking sharks. Previous studies had found the majority of whales and basking sharks entangled in static fishing gear (pots, or creels as they are known in Scottish fisheries) are caught in this floating groundline rope linking a line of creels together.
It is estimated that an average of 6 humpback whales, 30 minke whales, and 29 basking sharks become entangled annually.
Where entanglement type was known, 83% of minke and 50% of humpback whales, and 76% of basking sharks were caught in groundlines between creels. If there are no large floating rope loops, then whales and sharks cannot become entangled in them.
Over a period of 18 months 15 fishing vessels targeting langoustine and crabs from the Inner Sound and Sound of Sleat area east of the Isle of Skye replaced floating rope in their creel groundlines with sinking rope to assess whether there were any problems with using it. Fishers reported back each time they hauled their gear, and details of over 1500 hauls were logged in the trial.
Trials were needed to determine whether it was practical for fishers to use this sinking rope. Problems which were anticipated such as snagging, or being difficult to handle were very rare.
The fishers involved in the trial reported positive experiences with using the rope, and there were no impacts on the seabed.
Susannah Calderan, who managed the project for WDC, said; ‘The Scottish inshore creel fishery plays an important economic and community role in rural coastal areas in Scotland. Resolving the issue of entangling whales would be a major step forward in fisheries management as well as animal conservation and welfare.
‘It’s been great working with the Inner Sound fishers on this project, and we have an almost-unique opportunity to make a real impact on whale bycatch. We now have to move to the next step, which is consulting with other fishers around Scotland and with the Government to understand the possible options for implementing sinking rope more widely.’
Sinking groundline represents a simple, relatively low-cost option to greatly reduce entanglement risk.
The very successful, bottom-up, partnership approach with Scottish creel fishers and the Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation (SCFF) demonstrated the importance of collaborative approaches to address complex conservation and management issues. Its implications are key to supporting the Scottish Government’s commitment to reduce incidental bycatch in fisheries.
Bally Philp from SCFF, who participated in this trial, said ‘This trial has shown there can be win-win outcomes for both fishermen and marine life, and we’re all working together to achieve this’.
The key to assessing Scotland’s ecological health and supporting nature conservation could lie in the analysis of environmental DNA, scientists have found.
Recent research, directed and supported by organisations including the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA), NatureScot, and the Scottish Government’s Marine Directorate, and delivered by NatureMetrics, showed how studying traces of genetic material found in the environment can help inform efforts to tackle the ecological crisis.
The collaborative project aimed to test the effectiveness of environmental DNA analysis as a practical tool for biological monitoring programmes and biodiversity reporting purposes across a wide variety of habitats in Scotland.
Environmental DNA, or eDNA, is genetic material present in the environment, such as in water, soil, or air. eDNA can be traced from shed cells, bodily fluids, or biological secretions deposited by animals, plants, fungi, and bacteria.
The main report showed eDNA analysis can be used to detect, identify, and map the distribution of many different species, including important threatened and invasive species, simultaneously – without directly observing or collecting them.
DNA isn't only used by forensic scientists, SEPA scientists have been discovering a new use for environmental DNA (eDNA) to trace species and gather evidence to assess our environment.
Find out more about eDNA and the work we're doing alongside NatureScot, and the Scottish… pic.twitter.com/cbmHFSME77
— Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) (@ScottishEPA) May 24, 2024
Dr Pauline Lang, Lead Project Partner and Research Contract Manager for SEPA, said: “Using eDNA methods can help us increase monitoring coverage and get a more holistic picture of nature – to better understand the diversity of life across Scotland and target changes needed to help protect and improve our environment.
“While conventional habitat monitoring requires a wide variety of survey techniques, expertise, and resources, eDNA-based monitoring employs relatively simple field sampling methods that can be applied to different habitats.”
Monitoring biodiversity across different habitats
The study was conducted across Scotland, with eDNA samples taken from sites including Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park and Cairngorms National Park.
During one sampling survey conducted as part of the project, researchers detected nearly 9,000 different species present in 358 eDNA samples collected from four habitat types in Scotland: marine lochs, freshwater lochs, woodlands, and peatlands.
They were able to identify differences in biological communities associated with distinct habitat conditions, and therefore classify sites based on their condition by eDNA testing alone.
The classification for freshwater lochs using fish and invertebrate eDNA showed encouraging results, as did sampling fungal eDNA to assess woodland soil condition.
The report recommends studying eDNA in more undisturbed habitats to measure environmental quality, determining the minimum number of samples to be collected for different monitoring objectives, and establishing standard guidelines for producing, storing, and using eDNA data.
Dr Iveta Matejusova, Environmental Genomics Group Leader for The Scottish Government’s Marine Directorate and Project Partner, said: “eDNA offers a valuable insight into the biodiversity of aquatic and terrestrial habitats. This study provides further demonstration of its potential applications, for example to assess the health of seabed habitats.
“We are pleased to see the progress made on determining the minimum number of samples to be collected for different monitoring objectives and we are excited to start building on and incorporating these findings into our monitoring and reporting frameworks.”
Prof Colin Bean, NatureScot’s Senior Policy and Advice Manager for Fish and Fisheries and Project Partner, said: “This research clearly demonstrates the advantages of using eDNA to screen ecological health and monitor biodiversity.
“It should provide valuable insights on how to use this technology to assess Scotland’s habitats in future years – in turn, helping us tackle the nature-climate crises.”
Around 150 projects across Scotland have received support from the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund since its launch in 2021.
More than £30 million has been invested to date, either directly to projects and community groups or through Scotland’s 32 local authorities and two National Parks.
The flagship fund, administered by NatureScot, aims to restore species and habitats, protect marine and coastal areas, eradicate invasive, non-native species, and improve the health and wellbeing of local communities.
Biodiversity Minister Lorna Slater visited the Pentland to Portobello Greening Project to see works completed with support from the Nature Restoration Fund. The project received a grant of £201,556.42 to improve, connect and expand existing green spaces in mostly deprived areas of Edinburgh.
Ms Slater said: “I’m proud that since establishing the Scottish Government’s Nature Restoration Fund at COP26 in Glasgow we’ve already invested £30 million in projects large and small to protect and enhance our rivers, land and seas.
“This is making an important contribution to the goals established in Scotland’s new Biodiversity Strategy to be nature positive and to reverse the declines in nature.
“Right now, we’re consulting on the first 5-year Delivery Plan to implement our Biodiversity strategy – along with proposals for new targets for nature restoration that could be put into law, in line with those for climate change.
“Biodiversity can help mitigate against flooding, improve access to greenspace in our urban areas: it is our best chance to adapt to climate change and ensure a legacy for future generations.”
NatureScot Chair Professor Colin Galbraith said: “The Nature Restoration Fund is vital in tackling the nature and climate crises, with significant work taking place across the country to help put nature back on the road to recovery.
“Flower meadows, hedgerows and wetlands are being restored, creating habitats for wildlife. Rivers are being returned to their natural courses to reduce flooding, whilst large areas of Scotland’s rainforest are being enhanced.
“We are incredibly proud to support the work that individuals, communities, and organisations are doing to help Scotland become a nature-rich, net-zero nation.”
Targets for nature recovery could be put into law in line with those for climate change, as part of a range of proposals to protect and restore Scotland’s natural environment.
The Scottish Government is asking for views on its plans and actions to accelerate nature restoration and regeneration. The consultation sets out the key elements of Scotland’s overall Biodiversity Framework, including:
Scotland’s Biodiversity Strategy – published in draft form in December 2022 – setting out goals of halting biodiversity loss by 2030 and reversing declines by 2045;
The first 5-year Delivery Plan to implement this strategy;
A set of principles to guide the delivery of key commitments to conserve 30% of land for nature by 2030 and expand ‘nature networks’ across Scotland;
Proposals for the upcoming Natural Environment Bill, including the introduction of statutory nature recovery targets which will be binding on government in the same way that climate change targets require Ministers work towards meeting net zero targets; and
Changes to National Parks legislation to strengthen the leadership role of National Parks in tackling the climate and biodiversity crises.
Biodiversity Minister Lorna Slater said: “We are at a tipping point for nature – it is in decline across the globe with around 1 million species already facing extinction. In Scotland alone, we have seen a 24% decline in abundance of wildlife since 1990; if we don’t take urgent action, nature in Scotland will continue to decline and important species will be lost forever.
“This week we have published our Programme for Government which recognises that the twin crises of climate change and biodiversity loss are global challenges of unprecedented proportions. Restoring nature will reduce carbon emissions, and tackling the climate crisis is essential if we are to prevent extinctions. We must be both Net Zero and Nature Positive.
“A nature-positive Scotland creates great opportunities that will benefit people and communities throughout the country and particularly in rural areas. We want to work with everyone – with local government, local communities, organisations and environmental experts – to protect our precious natural environment for future generations.
“We are especially keen to hear the views of the stewards of our land and seas – farmers, gamekeepers and fishers who have the knowledge and skills to drive the transformation that is needed.”
Anne McCall, Director, RSPB Scotland said: “We welcome the Scottish Government’s ambition to drive forward and scale up action for nature – action which evidence tells us is needed now more than ever.
“We are at a crossroads, but this consultation gives me hope as it kickstarts a process that is the biggest opportunity for nature in Scotland that I’ve seen in my 25-years working in conservation.
“This is not just a big moment for nature, it’s important for every person in Scotland. Nature underpins our health, wellbeing, the air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat and much of our economy. Restoring nature will deliver many benefits including creating new jobs.
“RSPB Scotland will consider the proposals in detail and will no doubt have suggestions. That is why this consultation is so welcome: delivering the change needed for nature and people will require collaborative action across government, NGOs and the private sector and requires a collective discussion to ensure we get the plans right and then delivered successfully.”
NFU Scotland Director of Policy, Jonnie Hall said: ““As with climate challenges, active farming and crofting are critical to this nation’s biodiversity ambitions. With more than 70 per cent of Scotland’s land under agricultural management, farmers and crofters have a unique role in the stewardship of our habitats and wildlife.
“Rural Scotland is a working landscape, with food production and economic activity being driven by sustainable land management. For nature to flourish, we need to enable those who manage our land to deliver multiple outcomes.
“Enhancing our natural environment is clearly in the public interest and will deliver an array of public goods. But that cannot be sustained at private cost. We have the clear opportunity to ensure our agricultural landscapes deliver the right outcomes for food production, climate, biodiversity and rural communities and a balanced approach to delivering on all four fronts is critical.
“We will encourage farmers and crofters to participate in this consultation as it offers an opportunity to shine a light on all the great work already being undertaken on farms and crofts as well drilling down on the full range of reasons that lie behind any biodiversity loss.”
NatureScot Chair, Colin Galbraith said: ““Nature is in crisis, and we need to take urgent action now. This consultation is an opportunity for everyone to get involved in tackling the crisis in our natural world.
“We want to hear from the land managers, farmers and crofters already working to support and enrich wildlife, as well as from people in rural and urban communities who seek a fair and just transition to a nature-rich future for all.
“Now is the time to speak up for nature; to tell us what your priorities are for the future – we are listening.”
The Action Earth campaign, run by national charity Volunteering Matters, has launched to help support communities to participate in outdoor environmental volunteering. Projects can apply now to the campaign, which NatureScot funds.
Nature is in crisis, and we face a climate emergency. Last year, we completed 134 successful projects, helping restore and protect environments to deliver a ‘nature-rich’ future for all.
Volunteering Matters Action Earth offers easy-to-access grants of up to £250 for environmental activities across Scotland. This year, we have 132 nature awards for any group of volunteers carrying out practical environmental improvements or wildlife habitat creation in local urban spaces.
Previous projects have included wildflower meadow and pond creation, woodland and wetland renovations, bird and bat box siting, and creating or improving community gardens.
We are also keen to support projects working with people with disabilities, defined health issues, or barriers to involvement. From last year’s 134 projects to benefit from Action Earth grant funding, over 3,325 volunteers were involved in improving biodiversity in their community – 1,100 of them having disabilities and/or defined health issues.
The campaign is also keen to hear from projects whose work benefits disadvantaged communities, especially in urban areas and in places with reduced local amenities. 45% of volunteers in 2022 were from areas in the lowest 20% of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.
2023 Marks the 20th anniversary of Volunteering Matters and NatureScot’s partnership to help communities make positive local change.
NatureScot Chief Executive Francesca Osowska says: “The Action Earth campaign is a brilliant way for communities to make space for nature and protect local greenspaces, native wildlife and habitats – in turn, helping tackle the nature and climate crises. I encourage groups to apply and look forward to lots of exciting projects this year.”
For those looking for inspiration for their projects, the Volunteering Matters Action Earth website has instructions on how to build bird boxes, bat boxes, frog hibernacula, hedgehog boxes, and bee/insect homes. NatureScot also has many tips to help nature this spring through its Make Space for Nature campaign.
More information is available and applications can be made NOW at the Volunteering Matters Action Earth website:
Supporting and scaling up responsible investment in nature
Environmental organisations, community groups, land owners and farmers will be eligible to apply for a share of £1.8 million funding to help grow their nature projects.
The Scottish Government and NatureScot, working in partnership with the National Lottery Heritage Fund, and with support from the Green Finance Institute, are launching a new programme of support to help scale up private investment in Scotland’s natural capital.
Grants of up to £240,000 will be offered to organisations and partnerships to help develop a viable business case and financial model, to attract investment in projects that can restore and improve the natural environment, such as, but not limited to, woodland creation, marine enhancement and peatland restoration. Successful projects will also demonstrate the means to engage and share benefits with communities, contributing to a just transition.
The Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland programme also aims to ensure that investment in, and use of, Scotland’s natural capital creates benefits that are shared.
Minister for Environment and Land Reform Mairi McAllan said: “The Scottish Government has already significantly increased public investment in nature restoration through, for example, our £65 million Nature Restoration Fund.
“But public investment can’t do it alone. The finance gap for nature in Scotland for the next decade has been estimated to be £20 billion – that’s why we are working to find ways to bridge this finance gap through leveraging responsible private finance.
“The Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland programme will enable swifter, easier and scaled up development of nature-based investable projects across the country. It has the potential to grow natural capital markets that reach across rural, urban, terrestrial and marine settings, and to support a wide variety of natural assets and ecosystem services.”
NatureScot’s Director of Green Economy Robbie Kernahan said: “Scotland’s nature is in crisis: its unique habitats and ecosystems will only continue providing the benefits to our wellbeing if we act now to value it and invest in it.
“The new Facility for Investment Ready Nature in Scotland is a vital opportunity to stimulate that investment and will help us halt nature loss – we must grasp it with both hands.”
Heritage Fund Director for Scotland Caroline Clark said: “Thanks to money raised by National Lottery players, we are delighted to support this programme which will ensure more of Scotland’s natural capital can be unlocked for the benefit of the environment and communities.
“FIRNS offers an exciting opportunity to explore ways of diversifying income for Scotland’s nature sector and building skills, capacity and resilience for the communities and organisations who are caring for the future of our natural world in a time of immense change.”
The Action Earth campaign, run by national charity Volunteering Matters, has just made Winter grants available to support communities with outdoor environmental volunteering.
Projects can apply now to the campaign for activities such as tree and hedge planting, bird & bat box building and siting and habitat creation and improvements. Activities should conclude by the end of January 2023. The campaign is funded by NatureScot.
Nature is in crisis and we face a climate emergency. Last year, 157 successful projects completed, showing great resilience and adaptability in the face of very difficult circumstances. This year our focus is on helping restore and protect environments to deliver a ‘nature-rich’ future for all.
Volunteering Matters Action Earth offers easy-to-access grants of up to £250 for environmental activities across Scotland.
We have limited numbers of nature awards for Winter for any group of volunteers carrying out practical environmental improvements or wildlife habitat creation in their local green spaces. Previous projects have included meadow and pond creation, woodland and wetland renovations and creating and improving community gardens.
We are also keen to support projects working with people with disabilities, defined health issues or barriers to involvement. From last year’s 157 projects to benefit from Action Earth grant funding, over 4,406 volunteers were involved in improving biodiversity in their community – 1,329 of them having defined health and social issues.
The campaign is also keen to hear from projects whose work benefits disadvantaged communities especially in urban areas or in places with reduced local amenity. 50% of volunteers in 2021 were from areas in the lowest 20% of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.
NatureScot Chief Executive Francesca Osowska said: “Nature can be a powerful tool in bringing communities together and rallying them into action, whether it’s to protect local greenspaces or create new opportunities for enriched biodiversity.
“In doing so, community groups have the chance, through the Action Earth campaign, to be involved in activities which help tackle the climate emergency, while enjoying the benefits of companionship, wellbeing and purpose. We are looking forward to welcoming lots of exciting project ideas this year.”
For those looking for inspiration for their projects, the Volunteering Matters Action Earth website has instructions on how to build bird boxes, bat boxes, frog hibernacula, hedgehog boxes and bee/insect homes.
NatureScot also has a host of tips to help nature through its Make Space for Nature campaign.
More information is available and applications can be made NOW at the Volunteering Matters Action Earth website: