News from Muirhouse Millennium Centre

The preparation for the summer playscheme is extensive and we were thankful for the offer from the Scottish Gas Board offer of 2 teams of volunteers to give us a hand (writes James McGinty).   The 1st team cleaned and prepared  the youth annexe (Pictured ) whilst the 2nd team prepared the large storage in the Main Hall.

We would like to add our thanks and congratulations to both TRIM (Tenants and Residents in Muirhouse) and Friends of West Pilton who were declared Tenants Group of the Year at the Tenant Information Service National Excellence awards in Glasgow last week. The partnership deserve all the acclaim and support from the locals and they so richly deserve for working on our behalf.







Millennium Centre sponsored walk to support summer playscheme

Yes, it’s that time of year again when we ask the community ( individuals, organisations and groups) to take part in our Sponsored Walk – either by taking part themselves or by making a donation to give our kids a great three weeks of fun and travel (writes James McGinty). 

Continue reading Millennium Centre sponsored walk to support summer playscheme

Muirhouse moves to Ratho!

Muirhouse Community Centre delivered two JASS (Junior Award Scheme for Schools) group residentials to Pilton Retreat, Ratho over the Easter (writes James McGinty). There was an all girls group and the other was all boys. Each group spent three days and two nights at Ratho and had a great time. It is hoped that we will be able to repeat this format with another four groups as part of our summer programme. Continue reading Muirhouse moves to Ratho!

Hearts and minds at Millennium Centre

It’s been a busy old week at Muirhouse Millennium Centre – and it’s only Thursday!

For ages we have been crying out for a defibrillator to safeguard the lives of many vulnerable users of Muirhouse Community Centre (writes James McGinty). On Tuesday morning Sonia McGraw (Jamie Skinner Project) donated exactly that! Continue reading Hearts and minds at Millennium Centre

A sporting chance: Holyrood comes to North Edinburgh

The barriers to participation and the availability of sports facilities across the country were just some of the issues explored as members of the Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee visited facilities in North Edinburgh yesterday. Continue reading A sporting chance: Holyrood comes to North Edinburgh

Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre News

Do you take part in sports? If the answer is no why not come along and let the MSP’s know why (writes James McGinty) Is it cost/childcare availability/resources/lack of interest or something else? It is only for an hour and lunch is provided so come and have your say TODAY (Tuesday 28th February at 10.30-11.30am. They want to hear YOUR views!

Bingo Night – Wednesday 1 March. Jackies Prize Bingo for more info click: HERE Come along with your friends and join the most successful bingo night in the area (and have some fun!)

A car collided with our garden fence last Wednesday, causing damage to three of the panels, Fortunately no-one was hurt and the incident was reported to the police.

Barriers to participation in sport: MSPs visit North Edinburgh today

The barriers to participation in sport and the availability of sports facilities across the country are just some of the issues to be explored as members of the Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee undertake a series of visits across Scotland this week. Continue reading Barriers to participation in sport: MSPs visit North Edinburgh today

Muirhouse Millennium Community Centre: activities update

Michelle’s Surgery Cancelled

Michelle Thomson has cancelled her surgery tomorrow (Friday 10 February).

Children’s Clubs

There will be no children’s clubs on at the centre next week due to the school holidays.

Inclusive Zumba Classes 

Our Monday morning Zumba classes for disabled persons continue to be very successful but it is felt that more people could take advantage of this fun activity.

Classes are on Monday (10 – 11am) and Friday (10.15 – 11am)

The best way to start a week and getting fit!

Childrens Taekwon Do (Ages 3+)

As with many of our activities the childrens Taekwon-do has surprised us with its popularity amongst the young people, so come along and join Scotlands fastest Family Taekwondo Club led by Master Divine.

IMP Meeting Reminder

Improving Muirhouse and Pennywell meeting next Wednesday 15th February  3.00-5.00pm.. All Welcome.

James McGinty