NHS Job Information Sessions at Muirhouse Millennium Centre

Join us for the NHS Facilities Information Event, where you can meet some of the hiring managers from various departments.

The event will be held on Wednesday 6 December 2023 and is your chance to discover a range of roles available within NHS Facilities.

We look forward to seeing you there. Please note you must have tickets for the event as we are limited to how many people we can accommodate at each session.

You can book your place here:


Local charities shortlisted to receive share of £25,000 Scotmid funding

LIFT @ Millenium Centre and the Living Memory Association are two of three good causes across the East of Scotland to have been shortlisted to receive a share of a £25,000 funding pot, thanks to Scotmid’s Community Connect initiative.

The funding will be announced next April, following a vote by Scotmid members.

LIFT @ Millenium Centre offers support to families living in the most deprived areas of Edinburgh or those that are socially or financially vulnerable. The funding from Scotmid will be used to deliver ‘Family Teatime’ sessions, which will provide families an opportunity to eat, play and learn together in a safe and welcoming environment.

The Living Memory Association brings together people that are socially isolated or living with dementia. From their base in Ocean Terminal, the charity offers exhibitions, including The Wee Museum of Memory, as well as recording podcasts and videos. The funding from Scotmid will be used to employ a part-time sessional worker and cover materials needed for their workshops.

Pauline Nicol-Bowie, CEO/Founder of LIFT, said: “We are incredibly thankful to be part of Scotmid’s Community Connect initiative, which will help us expand our ‘Family Teatime’ programme.

“This is a vital part of local communities in North Edinburgh and we look forward to being able to expand our services to support more people.”

Heather Robertson, Service Co-ordinator at Living Memory Association, said: “The Living Memory Association is delighted to be shortlisted for Scotmid’s Community Connect initiative.

“The funding will allow us to develop new projects for older people to celebrate lived experience and combat the loneliness and isolation the community can often face.”

The other charity shortlisted in the East of Scotland is Children’s Clothing Bank Dunfermline, which provides pre-loved good quality and new clothes in a dignified manner for children aged 0-18 years in the local community.

Keen to support local good causes? Pop into your local Scotmid and pay £1 to become a member.

LIFT Open Day


LIFT are having our opening day on Wednesday 23rd August

Come along for a cuppa and roll in the base

We will have the Bag sale, home baking, a car boot sale without the cars lol

And our official opening of “Sassy Savings” which is a community initiative supported by the parents who attend SASS. It was suggested, we listened and acted.

Keep your eyes peeled or come along for the official opening on Wednesday.

For every £50 made we will purchase shopping vouchers for the Xmas jammie appeal

This is the start of fundraising for Xmas Hampers.

Muirhouse Youth Development Group to celebrate 25th birthday in style

MYDG turns 25 years old and we want to celebrate with the community!

Wednesday 29th March 2023 from 6 – 8pm at Muirhouse Millennium Centre

Everyone is welcome to come along, share stories of MYDG, look at old pictures and videos, have food and celebrate.

Let us know if you are able to make it along and it would be great to see young people and their families, staff and volunteers past and present and anyone that has contributed to making MYDG what it is today 🙂

Save Muirhouse Millennium Centre

Responding to reports that the Muirhouse Millennium Centre was holding a ‘Save Our Centre’ public meeting last night, Thursday 26th January, due to fears that they are at risk of closure, Foysol Choudhury MSP said: “The Muirhouse Millennium Centre is sadly at risk of becoming another community loved facility threatened with closure. 

“Citizens up and down Scotland depend on these community facilities, especially during the cost-of-living crisis where warm banks and food hubs have become a lifeline for many households.

“When local authorities aren’t given adequate funding, it is not just the community centres who miss out. It is the people who themselves are dependent on these community centre services who are hit the hardest, especially in areas of high deprivation.

“Over the past weeks, I have attempted to ask questions in the Scottish Parliament about the Centre being at risk and potential solutions. Unfortunately, my questions have not been chosen but I will continue to try and raise awareness of this matter wherever possible.

“It is time for the Scottish Government to wake up and listen to the effect that their funding cuts are having on local services and people. They have starved Scotland’s councils of funding for years and unfortunately they show no sign of stopping.

“Unless the Scottish Government increases funding to local authorities, community, culture, and sport groups will not have the necessary funds to support essential community centres such as the Muirhouse Millennium Centre. 

“I will continue to support our essential community groups and will be paying close attention to the outcome of the public meeting on Thursday. Enough is enough, action is needed now before the Scottish Government strips away all of our essential community lifelines.”