Covid lockdown created a loneliness epidemic and it still exists – here’s six ways to help a sufferer


A NEW campaign to raise awareness of loneliness will be launched this week. The theme for “Loneliness Awareness Week” – which runs from June 10 to June 16 – is Random Acts of Connection. 

It aims to encourage people all over the country to take a moment to do something unexpected and help a person who may be suffering from loneliness.

Counsellor Lynn Crilly is an expert in this area and supports people experiencing loneliness. She says covid lockdowns created an epidemic of loneliness which the country urgently needs to tackle. 

Lynn said: “Lockdown exacerbated loneliness and social isolation. Being forced to work from home, unable to meet with friends or go for a drink went against our nature as social creatures. But despite lockdown being a distant, if horrific memory, there are still a huge number of people in the UK today who say they are lonely. 

According to the Campaign to End Loneliness, in 2022 there were 49% (25.99 million) people who reported feeling lonely at some point and of those, 7.1% – or 3.83 million people experience chronic loneliness, meaning they feel lonely ‘often or always’. This has risen since 2020, indicating the impact of lockdown and the change it had on our society on our social interactions and emotional wellbeing.

Lynn added: “Loneliness can often be tied up with other problems like depression or grief, which can cause people to withdraw from friendships, activities or social occasions. But it can also be due to socioeconomic factors like money worries or a change in circumstances such as moving for a job or a divorce. 

“It can be hard to tell if someone is lonely. Sometimes they aren’t even aware of themselves.  Just because someone enjoys their own company doesn’t mean they are lonely, and conversely, someone who works in a busy office and is surrounded by people may be. Feeling lonely is not necessarily the same as being alone, but someone who is isolated is more likely to experience loneliness.”

  1. If you know someone who might be lonely, the best thing you can do is let them know that you are there for them. There is a stigma attached to loneliness and isolation, particularly in younger people, so don’t just try once and give up if they don’t engage. It could take time for someone to trust you or want to talk about how they are feeling.
  1. Ask if you can help. Often people who are lonely may be so because of their age or because they have become less independent. In an ageing population, this is going to become more prevalent. If you are worried about someone, invite them out or suggest a local charity who could help. Sometimes someone who is older or lives with a chronic health condition may only see carers or health visitors day to day. Even someone driving them to go shopping or for lunch can reduce that isolation.
  1. Join a club or group together. Approach it from a, ‘I’ve always wanted to try x, fancy giving it a go?’ so it doesn’t seem like you are being patronising or pitying. Don’t push people into doing things but if someone seems interested in an activity, you could make it something you do together. 
  1. Be reliable. For someone who is isolated or feeling lonely, that promised phone call which gets forgotten can become magnified in the life of someone who might not speak to anyone else for the rest of the day. If you are busy, see if someone else can check in on that person and let them know you will be in touch soon. 
  1. Ask how they are feeling. Loneliness is often linked to other health conditions so by talking to someone about how they are feeling, without making it about a specific issue, you may be able to help someone open up and address what could be at the cause, particularly if it’s a recent behavioural change. If someone has a low mood which doesn’t lift, it could be worth asking a charity like Mind or Samaritans for advice. 
  1. Make efforts to include them into social activities. We often think of loneliness as something which affects older people but according to the ONS, people aged 16-29 are more than twice as likely to report feeling lonely often or always than those over 70, with those 30-49 close behind. Social media and dependence on technology may also contribute to this with people who grew up swiping on screens interacting more with devices than people. With pubs and restaurants closing down and the impact of lockdown on mental health and what has become the ‘new normal’, the socialising of previous generations has been replaced by on screen interactions which our animal brains don’t treat as the same as meeting people in person. 

Loneliness Awareness Week: Expert shares tips to help those experiencing loneliness

Loneliness Awareness Week (12 – 18 June) is an initiative by the Marmalade Trust, which aims to raise awareness of loneliness across the UK and beyond.

According to research, 85% of UK adults have experienced loneliness within the last 12 months.[1]

To mark this important week, the experts at leading online training provider High Speed Training have shared some tips on how to identify the problem and help someone experiencing loneliness.

Loneliness refers to the state of being alone or the perception of being alone and isolated. This can have a significant impact on a person’s mental health. 

Ellie Collier, Health and Social Care Learning and Development Manager, at High Speed Training said: “Loneliness has many different causes that vary from person to person. For some people, it may be a life event that has made them feel lonely, whilst others may feel lonely at certain times of the year. It is important to note that feelings of loneliness can change over time and depending on the circumstances.”

Some common causes of loneliness include:

  • Ill Health
  • Changing job, school or working from home
  • Living alone
  • Family or relationship issues
  • Issues around self-esteem
  • Mental health issues
  • Age – older people can be at particular risk of loneliness
  • Bereavement
  • Discrimination

Loneliness can lead to a myriad of health problems, especially if it is undetected. Problems can include depression, a loss of appetite, insomnia or the development of unhealthy habits.

What are the Symptoms of Loneliness?

Some feelings you might have when lonely include feeling like nobody needs or wants you and feeling like you don’t have any meaningful relationships. Other symptoms of loneliness include:

  • Feeling tired or lacking energy
  • Feeling tired or lacking energy.
  • Increased stress levels.
  • Feelings of anxiety or restlessness.
  • Spending a lot of time on social media.
  • Gaining weight or experiencing a decrease in appetite.
  • Feeling run down or experiencing frequent illness.
  • An inability to focus.
  • Insomnia or interrupted sleep.
  • Feelings of self-doubt, hopelessness or worthlessness.

Ellie continued: “Everyone feels lonely at some point in their life. While this doesn’t make the feelings any better, it is reassuring to know that others feel the same and are experiencing similar things. There are lots of things that you can do to help someone who is experiencing loneliness.

“Reach out. Simply being there for them, and letting them know you are there and that you care, can be very helpful. Don’t be afraid to ask them how they’re feeling – having someone willing to listen can be a great comfort.

“You could try offering to attend a new club or try volunteering with them. These are great ways to meet new people while pursuing a hobby or helping a cause you believe in. Often charities and local organisations are in need of more volunteers, and it can lead to feelings of gratitude and provide a sense of real purpose knowing you’re helping others.”

“It’s important to be patient: when someone is lonely, particularly if their loneliness is associated with poor mental or physical health, they may be irritable or feel misunderstood. Patience and gentle reassurance can go a long way in helping them and showing you care.”

For more information on how to help someone with loneliness, please visit the High Speed Training Hub.


Loneliness Awareness Week 2023: HEROES WANTED!


Edinburgh-based charity project, Vintage Vibes is marking Loneliness Awareness Week (12-18th June) by encouraging Edinburgh locals to join them to become volunteer heroes, offering companionship to older people (VIPs) with like-minded interests, to tackle the loneliness crisis in the city.

The award-winning charitable partnership brings people together through friendship matches, groups, and events to tackle social isolation and loneliness in the over the 60s across Edinburgh – which has been named as the loneliest city in the UK for older people.

A statistic only exacerbated by the impact of the pandemic, with a 2022 Age UK study showing that 1 in 3 older people felt more anxious than before covid and less motivated to do the things they enjoy.

Now in its 8th year, Vintage Vibes has helped over 900 older people in the city to establish one-to-one friendships based on mutually shared interests from baking to music, and even, like VIP David and volunteer Emily, gaming. Events, and groups are also available from sewing to cinema, and singing to bring people together for fun and friendship.

Vintage Vibes volunteer, Alyssa Kuranowicz said: “I’ve had so much fun since becoming a volunteer with Vintage Vibes.

“I was introduced to a lovely lady called Betty based on our shared love of coffee and connecting with people. On top of our weekly coffee shop visits, Betty and I have also enjoyed going for milkshakes, attending concerts, going for beach walks, and attending events hosted by Vintage Vibes.

“Our connection has made a real difference to Betty’s well-being and quality of life and has also given me a great new friend and a lot of shared good times”.

Having successfully delivered over 20,000 hours of volunteering, Vintage Vibes’ 2023 annual survey showed that 75% of their VIPs felt that being involved in the project had improved their mental health and 95% reported feeling happier and having a better quality of life. 

Vintage Vibes is now seeking amazing new Edinburgh-based volunteers to expand the project and offer support to even more older people across the city.

Georgia Artus, Development Manager at Vintage Vibes said: “We’re delighted with the impact Vintage Vibes is making to the lives of older people and due to increasing demand, we’re seeking to expand our team of amazing volunteers.

“We’re looking for adults of all ages who can spare at least one hour each week, for a minimum of six months, to help an older person in need of friendship.

“During the pandemic, we all faced the kind of isolation many older people in the city suffer daily. Sadly, for a great many, that isolation will continue without our wonderful community of Vintage Vibes volunteers.”

For more information on becoming a Vintage Vibes volunteer, please contact Vintage Vibes please email or visit