Tag: Life Care
EDRA to dish the dirt at AGM
Disgusting, isn’t it? Dog dirt was a common theme of Easter Drylaw Residents Association (EDRA) meetings over the last year, and the topic is sure to figure prominently once again when the residents’ group hold their annual general meeting next week.
EDRA joined with Drylaw Telford Community Council to highlight the issue of irresponsible dog owners in their major campaign of the year. EDRA also continued to raise awareness of speeding motorists on the area’s residential roads with their ‘Twenty’s Plenty’ initiative.
To find out more about what EDRA has been doing, their plans for the year ahead and how you can get involved why not go along to their AGM?
EDRA’s annual general meeting will be held on
Monday 18 November at 7pm
in Drylaw Parish Church, Groathill Road North
All welcome
Work has started on fencing at the foot of Easter Drylaw Bank to prevent the grass area being used as a dog’s toilet. EDRA supported an application for funding from Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership’s Neighbourhood Environment Programme (NEP) to allow the project to go ahead.