- Water abstraction suspensions are being lifted in the River Eden catchment after strong compliance from farming community and recent rainfall.
- Suspensions are being imposed in parts of the River Tweed catchment from 23.59 on Thursday 18 August as the river continues to show signs of stress and little improvement from limited recent rainfall.
- Prolonged dry weather is forecast, which means any improvement in the situation is likely to be short-term and water users are being urged to continue being efficient.
Support and compliance from Scottish farmers, coupled with recent rainfall, has led to water abstraction suspensions being lifted in the River Eden catchment.
River flows in the area have made some recovery after several days of wet weather and peaked on Monday. They have since slowly fallen again but still remain nearly two-and-a-half times higher than they were on Saturday, before abstraction ceased and the rainfall arrived.
However, in the Scottish Borders, the recent rainfall has not been enough to make up for longer-term deficits and recovery in the River Tweed. To prevent further stress and harm on the local water environment, SEPA will be imposing suspensions on water abstraction licences in parts of this catchment from 23:59 on Thursday 18 August.
More prolonged dry weather is forecast and SEPA will continue to monitor conditions and take appropriate action until the risk of water scarcity has reduced.
As has been the case throughout this summer, the east of Scotland has been particularly affected by water scarcity with every area currently in Alert, Moderate Scarcity or Significant Scarcity. In order for water levels to return to Normal Conditions, we would need to experience up to double the amount of rainfall we’d usually have in August.
River Eden, Fife

A total of 56 full suspensions and 23 partial suspensions were put in place on Sunday 14 August. Exemptions were given to a small number of soft fruit farmers, following a Ministerial Direction from Scottish Government. Soft fruit is a perennial crop which typically has more efficient irrigation methods and a lower water impact.
These suspensions were lifted at 1pm on Wednesday 17 August.
SEPA officers have been engaging with farmers in the area since the suspensions came into effect and reported no non-compliances. Instead, they witnessed good practice with farmers taking the right steps to protect local water environments and having planned ahead for the conditions by using alternative water sources such as boreholes.
River Tweed, Scottish Borders
The water environment in parts of the River Tweed catchment reached Significant Scarcity last week, the highest category for water scarcity defined by SEPA. Recent rainfall has not been enough to reverse the current situation, which has been building up over a long period of time. The long-term forecast is a return to dry conditions.
The temporary suspensions will be in place from 23.59 on Thursday 18 August, affecting around 30 licence holders, predominantly within the agriculture sector. This action is being taken to allow water levels to recover and to minimise potential long-term harm to the environment. SEPA is working with Scottish Government to assess the options for a small number of abstraction licences in other sectors.
Those abstractors affected will receive suspension notices. These will be for the minimum time necessary and will be lifted as soon as possible. Continuing to abstract without a licence is an offence, and SEPA officers will be engaging with abstractors to ensure compliance. As soon as conditions improve sufficiently, the suspensions will be lifted.
There is clear evidence for the need to suspend abstraction licenses to protect the sustainability of local water environments. Last week in the Tweed catchment, Mouthbridge at Blackadder Water dropped to its lowest flow since records began in 1974. Lyne Station recorded its fourth lowest flow in 53 years, only 2003 was lower.
Suspensions are part of Scotland’s National Water Scarcity Plan, which is designed to ensure the correct balance is struck between protecting the environment and providing resource for human and economic activity during prolonged dry periods. The Plan clearly sets out what actions SEPA and abstractors are required to take at each stage of water scarcity.
Support from farming community
Rob Morris, Senior Manager, Rural Economy Unit at SEPA, said: “We are so pleased with how farmers in the River Eden catchment responded to the urgent water scarcity situation.
“We thank them sincerely for doing the right thing and complying with the abstraction suspensions. We saw a significant 38% rise in the river level in just a few hours from when suspensions were imposed at midnight to when rainfall started later on Sunday afternoon.
“This shows the impact their actions had, and their support has been critical in allowing water levels to recover to a point where suspensions are no longer required.
“Suspending abstraction licences is only done when necessary and is not a decision we take lightly. While we stress that the suspensions on the River Tweed will last for as short a time as possible, the science is telling us that without action there is a substantial risk of impacts on fish populations, natural habitats and longer-term damage to watercourses. As shown in Fife, these will be in place for the shortest time possible.
“We’ll continue to monitor river levels across Scotland, and make our decisions based on science and the need to need to prevent long-term damage to local water environments that we rely on. With further dry weather in the forecast, it’s important that everyone abstracting water continues to manage their water use carefully.”
Protecting our water environment

The combination of very low flows and high temperatures in watercourses leads to deaths of fish, invertebrates and plants. While some parts of river ecology can recover quickly, others such as fish and plant populations can take years to recover. Some populations, such as pearl mussels, could be permanently lost.
The current conditions are a consequence of drier weather this year, with only four of the last 12 months recording above average rainfall. The east of Scotland also experienced the driest January in more than 80 years and groundwater levels are the lowest they have been since records began in 2009.
Although there has been some recent rainfall in the east and an immediate increase in river flows, it has not been enough to recover the longer-term deficits.
Further advice and guidance
It is vital that farmers and other water abstractors are prepared for these conditions as climate change means water scarcity will be a more regular occurrence. We are committed to working with businesses to build resilience into their systems. This could be switching to a borehole or incorporating appropriate off-line storage lagoons on their land.
Where suspensions are not in place, we are asking businesses that abstract water to only do so when absolutely necessary, stagger their operations, irrigate at night where possible, reduce volumes and durations or pause abstractions altogether.
Abstractors in Alert and Early Warning areas should be planning ahead for their upcoming water requirements and working with neighbouring water users to schedule abstractions where possible. Equipment should also be checked for any leaks.
Abstractors may be able to switch to groundwater as their source and can apply to do so on our website. Applications from Significant Scarcity areas will be prioritised and fast-tracked.
Anyone concerned about meeting licence conditions or wishing to discuss contingency measures are encouraged to contact SEPA by emailing waterscarcity@sepa.org.uk
For more information on water scarcity and to view the latest report, visit: www.sepa.org.uk/waterscarcity