Lisa Maynard from Care Inspectorate’s improvement team shares a great new initiative that is being rolled out in Fife to combat loneliness among people living in care homes:

During the pandemic Carol Hands, Care Home Liaison Nurse, reflected on how isolated people were feeling so she began a pen pal service called Letters of Friendship, Loneliness is not an option.
The poster has been distributed to care homes across the region and the team of care home liaison nurses to promote it when they are out on their visits or during their support calls.
There has already been a good interest in the scheme with around 50 residents starting to write letters. This communication tool can not only stimulate new conversations with new people but tackle loneliness and improve mental health.
If you would like to find out more about this initiative or share any initiatives of your own with us please contact Lisa Maynard, Interim Senior Improvement Adviser: