Living memories of adventures in Leith

St Nicholas Court

A book has been launched recounting the memories of eight Leithers. ‘An Adventure! – Happy Days in Leith’ has been produced by the Citadel Arts Group and tells the stories of residents of Port of Leith Housing Association’s (PoLHA) St Nicholas Court Sheltered Housing Complex. 

A launch event was held at the complex on Monday, when musician Laure Paterson entertained residents and a class of Trinity Primary School pupils who called in to join the celebrations and bring the generations together.

Maureen Tait, Senior Sheltered Housing Co-ordinator with PoLHA who manages the complex, said: “It is nice for the children and staff to hear stories of the past from the tenants and tales of things that we’ll never experience. The children are so good, always polite and helpful.  It means a lot to the tenants here.”

‘An Adventure! – Happy Days in Leith’ is a collection of memories about childhood, school days, first work experiences and family life collected by Citadel Arts Group living memory workers, Laure C Paterson and Liz Hare.

The book features St Nicholas Court residents Rita Falconer, Bertha Glancy, Margaret McKinlay, Annie Mulvaney, Mary McNicol, May Stevenson, Jean Tait and Frances Veitch (pictured above)  – each of whom shared their memories of Leith past and present with the book’s authors. Margaret said: “Things have changed a lot over the years and it’s been great to share those stories”.

The book is the culmination of seven weeks of sharing, recording and transcribing the stories of the eight residents. Citadel Arts Group’s Liz Hare said: “The tenants generously shared their memories and we have collected them into this book which will be a resource for the whole community.  Each member of the project will receive two copies and copies will go into Trinity Primary and local libraries. It has been one of the most enjoyable projects we have been involved in.”

The project is funded by The Robertson Trust.



Leith Library 80th birthday celebrations

Leith Library is eighty years old next week, and you’re invited to join in a week-long series of events to celebrate the milestone in style!

Leith Library and New Town Hall was officially opened on 20 July 1932. As Leith became part of the capital, it was promised that the library would be built by the City Council and since then, it has gone from strength to strength. Still at the heart of the community, Leith Library is now also host to a Registrar’s office, an office for council enquiries, a wedding suite and, of course, a fantastic, renovated library too!

With reading groups, bookbugs, crafts for kids, free computer classes and even a knitting group, there’s loads going on in the library throughout the year and to celebrate next week’s special birthday they have a whole host of events on offer. Have a look at the programme below – why not pop in to wish them many happy returns…?

13th July , 11am – 3pm Open Day! Stalls showcasing council services and local organisations. Timetable of free family events.
Monday 16th July , 3pm-3.30pm Birthday themed stories for the under 5s.
Tuesday 17th July, 10.30am – 11.15am Birthday Bookbug
Wednesday 18th July, 6.30pm – 8pm My Favourite Place is… Leith – a creative writing workshop for adults.
Friday 20th July,  1pm Leith Time Bank – come together and share your skills in this new initiative.
Friday 20th July, From 1pm Big Birthday celebrations! Be transported back to Leith Library as it was in the 1930s. With music, birthday card making for kids, a photo exhibition of Leith Library through the ages and a display of library artefacts!

Have a look at their Facebook page and keep up-to-date with all their latest goings on!