July is a beautiful month for enjoying the garden. Traditionally the hottest month of the year in the UK, July is all about spending time in the garden and enjoying your outdoor space.

When it comes to maintaining the garden, this month is all about keeping on top of your blooms, nurturing your plants, and providing your garden with that extra bit of TLC that it needs to prevent damage or dryness.
Expert gardener Fiona Jenkins at MyJobQuote.co.uk has a list of top tips on what you need to do in your garden during the month of July. Take a look at the list below:
Get The Watering Just Right
With July being typically the hottest month, watering is key. Your plants will be very thirsty at this time and may be prone to drying out. With this in mind, you want to make sure you maintain your beautiful blooms by regularly watering your container plants. Add a balanced liquid fertiliser every couple of weeks, as this will help to encourage continual flowering and strong, healthy growth. Remove all dead flowers as soon as you notice them to encourage new growth.
You also need to remember to water your shrubs, trees, and perennials. Water the base of the plant and avoid watering the leaves, as the leaves won’t absorb water. Wet leaves can encourage fungal diseases, which is why you must always aim to water the base of the plants.
Aim to water your plants first thing in the morning, as this is when the sun rises, and the plants will begin using the water.
Thin Out Your Fruit Trees
In the month of July, you may find that your fruit trees can abundantly over-produce due to the optimal conditions. Large levels of heavy fruits on branches can result in a final crop of much smaller fruits due to the high demand for the tree’s resources and the limited sunlight that is blocked by the large fruit.
This month, you want to focus on thinning out your crops by removing all of the damaged or excess fruits. This will enable the tree to develop a much more even and more appealing crop of fruits.
Show Your Lawn Some Love
During the summer months, everything in the garden grows very quickly. This means you’ll need to make some extra effort to mow the lawn. Aim to mow your lawn once a week to keep it in good shape. It’s also important to keep on top of watering your lawn regularly to prevent it from drying out and turning brown. If the ground becomes dry, gently spike it before watering to allow the moisture to penetrate easily.
Reduce the cutting height of your lawn during hot weather, as this can also help to prevent the lawn from drying out. Keeping your grass blades slightly higher can help the grass thrive and can prevent it from becoming damaged by the additional summer wear.
Take Cuttings From Perennials
When it comes to perennials, it’s important to take cuttings to encourage new growth. Place supports around your tall perennials to prevent any damage from wind, rain, or other typical British weather phenomena.
If you have any tender perennials in your garden, such as Fuchsias, you can use the cuttings for propagating. These perennials are best propagated from cuttings. Cuttings should be taken from the new growth for the season. You can either pot the plants now or keep hold of your cuttings until next spring. If you pot the plants now, they will have enough time to develop a sufficient root system so that they can survive through the winter months.
Get a Head Start on Sowing
If you want to be one step ahead with your gardening routine, consider beginning some of your sowing now. Biennials such as wallflowers, forget-me-nots, and foxgloves can be sown now and ready for planting in autumn. This will provide you with a stunning display next spring.
Sow your plants into large seed trays or, alternatively, a dedicated seed bed. After that, when the seedlings are large enough to handle, you can separate them.
You can also sow late summer and winter crops now, such as carrots, cabbages, and leeks. In addition, you can continue to sow radishes, lettuce, and beetroot at this time.
Check Plant Supports
During this month, you should spend some time inspecting your climbing plants to ensure they are able to handle strong winds and torrential rain. If you think your plants need new or additional support, now is the time to take care of that.
The typical British weather can put a considerable amount of pressure on your garden. It’s much easier to deal with this now than to wait until late summer.
Now is also a time for checking for weeds in flowerbeds, as weeds can affect your plants. It’s much easier to deal with weeds now while the weather is good.