Edinburgh-based charities, ACE IT Scotland and the Edinburgh Remakery, are collaborating to end digital poverty and prevent chronic loneliness amongst older generations across Edinburgh through a partnership that benefits both people and planet.
ACE IT Scotland provides IT coaching for over 50s throughout Edinburgh, many of whom have struggled with increasing loneliness and isolation without easy access to digital devices throughout the pandemic and beyond.
The Edinburgh Remakery is an environmental social enterprise which tackles waste by providing ways for people and businesses to donate their second hand IT equipment for repair and refurbishment, and by teaching repair and reuse skills through workshops and training opportunities.
By working together, ACE IT Scotland and the Edinburgh Remakery are able to deliver free laptops into the hands of Edinburgh’s most disadvantaged and vulnerable communities, providing them with a means to stay connected whilst stopping reusable goods from going to waste.
Fifty second hand laptops are to be refurbished by technicians at the Edinburgh Remakery to be distributed to ACE IT learners.
“The Edinburgh Remakery is delighted to be partnering with ACE IT to enhance our laptop gifting service”, said Edinburgh Remakery CEO Elaine Brown.
“We know that with their help we are targeting people who will really benefit from receiving our free refurbished laptops, delivering the gift of connectivity. Through this partnership we can help people in our communities facing digital isolation and also help the planet by diverting laptops from landfill.”
The first gifted laptop of this new partnership was given to 78 year-old Michael Egan from Restalrig earlier this month.

He said: “Technology has been a lifesaver for me during the pandemic – it’s saved me from going crazy. I’m going to use the laptop to make more music and write some good songs.”
Michael is now working on a CD to raise funds for the NHS, a project partially funded by the Port of Leith Housing Association where he lives.
The Edinburgh Remakery was this month named one of the top 100 UK Social Enterprises in the NatWest Business #SE100 Index for the second year running.
The Remakery set up its IT Gifting Service in response to the increased need for digital access amongst low income families and individuals when lockdown began. In the past 12 months they have gifted 241 free IT kits to people in need through this project.
ACE IT Scotland also saw a drastic increase in the need for their digital support services at this time as significant and essential services were moved online. As a result, ACE IT opened a helpline to replace their in-person one-to-one sessions and successfully updated a number of workshops to be delivered online, including Scams Awareness and Work Wise Women, an IT course for women over 50 wanting to get back into the workplace.

“At ACE IT Scotland we are determined to tackle digital exclusion amongst older people in Edinburgh”, said Iain Couper, ACE IT Scotland Manager. “We have seen a rise in demand for our coaching services over the past 18 months where the inability to get online has disadvantaged many older people around the city like never before.
“Now we are thrilled to be partnering with the Edinburgh Remakery to provide support and guidance to use free laptop PCs to our learners to help more people get connected. These refurbished devices will have a real practical impact and will help us to further reduce the digital divide and alleviate social isolation.” –
Although restrictions are easing, digital exclusion remains a major barrier for so many older people as healthcare services and information remain primarily online.
ACE IT will provide every learner who receives a refurbished device with tailored one-to-one coaching with their trained volunteers.
If you are over 50 and wish to receive IT coaching and devices from ACE IT Scotland, contact Katie Innes at katie@aceit.org.uk or call the ACE IT helpline on 07737 738551.
If you are a business or individual with electronic devices you would like to donate to the Edinburgh Remakery, you can visit their website for more details: