Katerina Dufkova has overcome more than most students usually have to during her university career and has achieved a bachelor with honours in Social Sciences. She was named Edinburgh Napier University’s most inspiring student for 2019-2020 which is no surprise considering what she has had to overcome throughout her studies.
As a survivor of Complex PTSD she immigrated to Scotland by herself at the age of 18 to remove herself from the proximity of her biological family who were the primary source of her trauma. She has excelled despite this difficult start to life and began her studies at Edinburgh Napier University in 2016.
Now 35, Katerina was in the final stages of completing her degree when the pandemic started, which meant she then had to juggle home schooling her 8-year-old daughter, whilst also completing her degree studies.
On top of this Katerina was in an ongoing custody battle with her daughter’s father with the support of women’s aid. Katerina persevered nonetheless and will graduate this summer.

She said: “Despite facing many obstacles, I was able to complete my undergraduate degree and was pleased to be named the most inspiring student 2019/20 for always being helpful to my peers whilst going through an incredibly challenging time myself”.
This year’s ceremony saw over 2,000 students graduating from the university’s 6 schools.