Karen Henderson Legacy Fund for Make 2nds Count: £66,900 raised over just two years of support

Make 2nds Count, a pioneering charity focusing on secondary breast cancer is thrilled to announce that The Karen Henderson Legacy Fund has surpassed a monumental fundraising milestone on their behalf, accumulating an impressive total of £66,900 over the course of two years. 

The fund was established by Make 2nds Count and Karen’s family in honour of  Karen Henderson, who tragically passed away from Secondary Breast Cancer. This incredible fundraising endeavour not only commemorates Karen’s legacy but also serves as a beacon of hope for Secondary Breast Cancer patients across the UK. 

Alistair Henderson, Karen’s husband expressed his gratitude, saying, “It is fantastic to think that through The Karen Henderson Legacy Fund, Karen continues to inspire so many people to help make life just that little bit better and happier for Secondary Breast Cancer patients across the UK.  

“Karen was a great fundraiser for Make 2nds Count, and we are sure she would be delighted that her great fundraising work continues on in this way. Particularly when we see the lovely feedback from the recipients of our funded initiatives.” 

The funds were raised through various activities organised by the Karen Henderson Legacy Fund itself or by friends and supporters, including multiple groups taking on the Edinburgh Kiltwalk, fashion shows at Restoration Yard in Dalkeith Country Park featuring luxury raffles,  a successful ladies’ night event at the Sun Inn in Dalkeith, marathon and half marathons ran, charity sales, concerts and notably, the 500 miles challenge, all of which contributed significantly to this achievement. 

This money has played a pivotal role in funding vital support services provided by Make 2nds Count, such as the Tea and a Chat program in Edinburgh, Birdsong yoga, and providing meaningful gifts for retreats aimed at supporting patients. 

Alistair Henderson continued: “To reach and exceed the £60,000 figure in funds raised in just over 2 years is a fantastic achievement and very much adds to Karen’s lasting legacy.

“Karen’s Legacy Fund greatly appreciates the efforts of everyone who has contributed to making this happen, and we very much hope that we can continue the good work of Karen’s Legacy Fund as we move into 2024. Thank You.” 

Make 2nds Count extends its heartfelt gratitude to The Karen Henderson Legacy Fund and all contributors for their unwavering support in making a profound difference in the lives of those affected by Secondary Breast Cancer. 

For more information about Make 2nds Count and The Karen Henderson Legacy Fund, please visit https://make2ndscount.co.uk/get-involved/khlf/ 

Latest Edinburgh support initiative for secondary breast cancer patients

Monthly gathering to share experiences and advice 

People in Edinburgh living with secondary breast cancer now have a crucial additional support resource. 

Charity Make 2nds Count, which is based in the Scottish capital, has launched a monthly meeting where patients can gather to share experiences and advice and widen their vital friendship network. 

The Tea & A Chat initiative is a joint venture with the Karen Henderson Legacy Fund which raises money in memory of the 48-year-old Edinburgh mum, a pioneering Make 2nds Count patient champion, who died two years ago.  

Meetings will be held on the second Tuesday of every month, between 11 am and 1 pm, at Morningside Parish Church. 

Secondary breast cancer claims 1,000 lives each month in the UK – that’s an average of 31 deaths every day.  Make 2nds Count is dedicated to raising awareness of this little-known form of the disease, also known as metastatic, advanced or stage IV breast cancer, which has spread beyond the breast to other parts of the body.  

Although it can be treated it is incurable and currently affects around 35,000 people in the UK.  

Emma Hall, Head of Operations for Make 2nds Count says it is so important that patients can share their experiences: “A diagnosis can take people to a very lonely place but being able to meet with others who truly understand the situation can be hugely beneficial.

“Friendships forged in these circumstances are uniquely valuable and we know this initiative, simple though the premise is, can make a real difference.”  

Karen’s husband, Alistair Henderson says he’s delighted to be supporting the launch of the first Tea & A Chat in Edinburgh with Make 2nds Count.

“What Karen benefited from through the charity was the community and the sense of family that Make 2nds Count brought, so this event is a great opportunity for people in a similar position, to get together and support one another”, he said. “Karen would have been so pleased to be supporting this great initiative.” 

To find out more about Tea & A Chat Edinburgh and to register to attend, visit: https://www.make2ndscount.co.uk/support/tea-and-a-chat-all/tea-and-a-chat-edinburgh/