An Edinburgh mum whose son has been in hospital at Christmas time every year since he was born is supporting a charity appeal to make this Christmas as magical as possible for children at the Sick Kids.
Claire Narrie’s son Josh, age 3, was born with a complex heart condition and has spent much of his short life in and out of intensive care.
Claire said: “When Josh was born in 2017, he spent six months in intensive care, so we knew his first Christmas would be in hospital.
“In December 2018 though, things were looking good. We allowed ourselves to get excited to finally be at home for Christmas. Josh had been invited to some little parties with his friends, we had bought lots of presents and we were desperate to take him to see the Christmas lights in town – something we’d tried to do the year before but missed out on.
“But Josh became really unwell and we found ourselves back in intensive care at the Sick Kids. He had a common virus but because of his heart, lung and immune system problems, it floored him.
“It’s devastating to be robbed of Christmas. Every year, as Josh’s friends have put their Christmas jammies on and laid out mince pies and milk for Santa, we have sat at our little boy’s bedside, willing him to keep fighting.”
Claire and husband John will always be grateful for all the care and support both they and Josh received while in hospital over the festive period.
Now, the family are backing Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity’s (ECHC) new Christmas appeal, which aims to “give Christmas back” to those children and young people who are unfortunately too ill to spend it at home this year.
Claire continued: “When you’re in hospital, everything goes on hold. Time just stops. Your baby is all that matters. Especially when you’re upstairs in critical care, it is isolating and the days are long. But the support provided by ECHC has made such a difference to every Christmas we have spent in hospital.
“The activities and visitors arranged by the charity throughout December have always given us things to look forward to, and break up the day. On the most difficult days, we have left the hospital feeling uplifted.

“Josh had met the Scotland Rugby Team in the past and when they came to the ward they remembered him and spent special time with him. Christina the ballerina was wonderful and he loved Rhys the musician who sang songs with him. When he was well enough, we would go for little walks and he loved to find the charity’s Living Advent Calendar Doors hidden around the hospital.
“This year, we are desperate for Josh to be well and at home but the anxiety is crippling. We really hope we don’t have to spend another Christmas in hospital but we know if we do, ECHC will be there for us and all the children like Josh. Alongside the amazing NHS teams, they’ll make sure that families won’t miss out on the magic and joy. The kids will be treated like the heroes they are.”
Victoria Buchanan, from ECHC, said: “After such a difficult year, ECHC needs help now to give Christmas back to children at the Sick Kids. Due to the pandemic, restricted visiting is in place on hospital wards, which means no visits from siblings, grandparents or friends.
“With all the worry and limitations of lockdown and shielding for thousands of families this year, it is more important than ever that we ensure no child or young person in hospital misses out on the joy of the festive season.
“Every year, ECHC makes Christmas magical for children in hospital by creating a living advent calendar around the wards with a new surprise behind each door. It’s going to be a little different this year as we are unfortunately unable to have visits from large groups, such as Edinburgh’s football and rugby teams, but we are determined to make this the biggest and best Christmas yet, with everything from a real ballerina to festive magic sessions and a samba band!
“We also fund the parents’ accommodation so families can stay close to their children at Christmas, the hospital play team and Christmas gifts to make sure treats and distractions are always available to bring smiles and comfort.
“We rely solely on donations in order to do this. Please help by making a donation to ECHC this Christmas. You could give a child in hospital their Christmas back.”
To donate now to ECHC’s Give Christmas Back appeal, visit