Muirhouse young team JASS it up at Ratho

Ratho residential for JASS groups

DSCF8241Muirhouse Community Centre and the Junior Award Scheme Scotland (JASS) which is based in the Centre held a joint residential during the October break.

The residential was at the ever popular Pilton Retreat at Ratho. The first group (girls) went on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and when they arrived back at 4 pm it was a quick change over with the boys jumping onto the minibus for the Wednesday afternoon and all day Thursday and Friday!

The young people had a brilliant time as did the staff and the volunteers (apart from the age old residential problem of trying to get ten hyper children to settle down at bedtime! The children took masses of photos and the best ones will be copied to a CD as a memento of their trip (a wee selection of the photos are pasted below).

jass girls 1572A special thanks to Donna (Youth Worker) and Tyler Sherriff (our new local volunteer with the girls) and Chris and Paul (our boys group volunteers). Also thanks to Ken and Paul at Ratho for all their help and their local knowledge when planning our activities.

Peter Airlie(Muirhouse Community Centre Manager) and Allan Hosey(CLD) were there for all five days and by the boys group’s return on Friday night the workers were moving like zombies … this was due to sleep deprivation rather than the approach of Halloween!

It was the first time for several years that the Centre has been able to organise a residential for primary school aged children and the initial evaluation from all involved was very positive.

James McGinty

JASSing it up at Muirhouse


Junior Award Scheme for Schools (JASS)

Muirhouse Community Centre is pleased to confirm that the four Junior Award Scheme for Schools(JASS) clubs will start back on Monday (1 September) – see below for details. This is a joint venture with the City of Edinburgh’s C.L.D.

Each club has space for up to 16 young people in P4-P7.  The young people in P4-5 will get the opportunity to start developing skills required to complete the JASS programme in P6. The P6-7 will have the opportunity to achieve the JASS programme in P6.  The P6-7 will have the opportunity to achieve the JASS Bronze Award which is nationally recognised certificate. 

The award is divided into 4 sections: 





Monday JASS Group

P4-7 Girls


1st September

MCC Youth Annexe

Tuesday JASS Group

P4-7 Girls


2nd September

MCC Youth Annexe

Monday JASS Group

P4-7 Boys


3rdt September

MCC Youth Annexe

Thursday JASS Group

P4-7 Boys


4th September

MCC Youth Annexe


 Reminder to the parents and boys and girls: The groups are free!

James McGinty, Muirhouse Community Centre