Granton Goes Greener are very excited to be part of North Edinburgh Active Travel weekend (25-26/09) supported by @SustransScot .
Organising COMMUNITY RUBBISH PICKING on a Saturday-25/09 (11am-1pm) with FREE LUNCH.
To register, follow the link; https://eventbrite.co.uk/e/granton-goes-greener-litter-pick-tickets-169875589461… or email us/Facebook

Doing our bit towards Granton Going Greener – join the Hub to Station Litter Pick on Saturday 25th September at 11am.
Join us under the Granton Goes Greener feather flag outside the Granton Hub at Maldevic House – We’ll provide the equipment if you come and provide the enthusiasm!
Together let’s clean up our community space.
We’ll be picking litter on the route from Granton Hub along past Caroline Park and up to the old Granton Gasworks Station.