Holyrood Committee urges immediate halt to latest Universal Credit rollout

Holyrood’s Social Security Committee has called on the DWP to urgently halt the launch of its latest pilot. It would see those receiving working tax credits moved on to Universal Credit and potentially subject to in-work conditionality including sanctions. Continue reading Holyrood Committee urges immediate halt to latest Universal Credit rollout

Work with us on immigration, Ben Macpherson urges UK Government

Migration Minister Ben Macpherson has urged the Home Office to work with the Scottish Government and stakeholders on an immigration policy that addresses the particular problems experienced by remote communities – and proposed that Scotland pilot a different approach. Continue reading Work with us on immigration, Ben Macpherson urges UK Government

Over 100,000 children to be hit by Two-Child Cap in Edinburgh


13.1% of the total number of children in Edinburgh could be affected by the two-child cap, according to new research – prompting more calls for the UK Government to scrap the “heartless” policy.

The “two-child policy” allows low-income families to claim child tax credits or universal credit for their first two children only.

New research from the Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) (see report, below)has revealed that 160,000 families have had their income slashed by the two-child limit to-date. The charity estimates that more than 3 million children across the UK could eventually be affected by the benefit cap.

SNP MSP Gordon Macdonald said: “Social security should be a safety net for all of us, but the two-child limit is having a devastating effect on families up and down the country, with 10,305 children in Edinburgh set to be affected by it. 

“All families are valuable and worthy of support, but this heartless policy turns people away when they most need support, and leaves children to grow up in hardship – which can have lifelong consequences for their health and wellbeing.

“The SNP government has been left to pick up the pieces, investing over £125 million to mitigate callous Tory welfare policies.

“In addition, the Scottish Government is introducing a Scottish Child Payment to tackle child poverty. Without the two-child cap, this payment could go so much further.

“We have an aging population and we will be relying on children and young people in the years to come.

 “The next Tory Prime Minister should make it a priority to tackle the unacceptable levels of poverty we are seeing as a direct result of the UK Government’s welfare policies, starting with reversing the two-child limit and horrendous ‘rape clause.”

All Kids Count report FINAL_0

Have your say on political participation

What impact will new laws have on political participation? This is the question that Holyrood’s Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee is asking as it launches a call for views on the Scottish Elections (Franchise and Representation) Bill.

The Bill extends candidacy rights for Scottish Parliament and local government elections for foreign nationals, as well as setting out a number of changes to the electoral franchise in Scotland.

These changes include provisions extending the electoral franchise to include all those with a legal right to live in Scotland and extending the right to vote to some prisoners.

Now the Committee is asking what effect this will have on political participation in Scotland.

Committee Convener, Bill Kidd MSP said: “Although the Bill before us is small, its ambition is clear.  By extending the right of who can stand in Scottish Parliament and Local Government elections, it is aiming to increase diversity and of course political participation.

“But we want to hear about how this would work in practice and whether this change really will have an impact on who gets involved in politics.”

More information about the Committee’s call for views can be found here.

Deadline for responses is 6 September.