A new report from a Holyrood committee has raised concerns over significant pressure on Scotland’s adult mental health services.
The Scottish Parliament’s Public Audit Committee heard evidence of an increasing demand for mental healthcare, with the Covid-19 pandemic and cost of living crisis putting even more pressure on already strained services.
The report calls on the Scottish Government to work with partners to improve the quality of data available to better understand demand for services.
Among the Committee’s concerns in the report are the “workforce crisis” facing NHS psychiatrists, and the costly over-reliance on locums that poses a risk to the quality of services provided.
While the Scottish Government’s commitment to ensure that every GP practice has access to a mental health and wellbeing service by 2026 is welcome, the Committee wants assurances that funding will be provided to make this commitment a reality.
The Committee is also clear that it is not the role of police officers to fill the gap in the mental healthcare system. It welcomes the work being done by Police Scotland to identify local policing partnership initiatives that could be implemented at a national level to reduce the impact on police resources.
The report underscores the pressing need for better data collection, equal access to services for minorities, and sustainable funding for the third sector to enable organisations to plan their services more effectively and to provide reassurance to people who use them that these services will continue.
Richard Leonard, Convener of the Public Audit Committee, commented:“We heard the message loud and clear from those we took evidence from – this is a system under immense pressure.
“Demand is rising, and despite a significant increase in funding for adult mental health services over recent years, incomplete and poor-quality data makes it difficult to know with any certainty whether this has led to an improvement in people’s mental health. The Committee welcomes the work underway to address a lack of information on primary care and will be keeping a close eye on the progress of this work.
“We are also concerned that not everyone who prefers face-to-face support is receiving it and call on the Scottish Government to look into why there is such a significant variation in the number of face-to-face versus remote appointments across Scotland.”
The Committee took evidence from mental health organisations and charities representing and supporting those experiencing mental health challenges, professional bodies, Police Scotland, NHS boards, integrated joint boards, health and social care partnerships, COSLA and NHS Scotland Chief Executive as part of its scrutiny.
A Holyrood Committee has today welcomed the Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill but said that the Bill on its own is not enough to make the systems-wide changes needed to create a truly circular economy.
The Net Zero, Energy & Transport Committee says the Scottish Government must look at additional opportunities to act. In particular, the Committee says that tackling consumption and encouraging repair and reuse should be given further prominence in the Bill.
The report makes a number of recommendations to help Scotland move to a circular economy which would cut waste, carbon emissions and pressures on the natural environment. In recognition of the scale and urgency of action required to deliver a circular economy, the report says the setting of targets should be an obligation of the Scottish Government, not an option.
In order to support people to properly dispose of their household waste, the Committee recommends a uniform approach to kerbside collections across Scotland be brought forward to help the public recycle more.
The report also makes clear that plans within the Bill to introduce additional charging for single-use items must go hand in hand with proposals to encourage more use of reusable items, making this the social norm and a positive choice.
The Committee believes that the costs for change must not all be borne by the consumer, and that producers have a huge role to play in reducing waste.
Committee Convener, Edward Mountain MSP said:“The aims of this Bill are well intended and will, on the whole, have positive impact. But with an estimated 98% of Scotland’s material use derived from virgin materials, progress towards a circular economy must pick up pace.
“We need fundamental systems-change which realises the value of products and supports reuse, repair and recycling. The Bill is a step in the right direction – both speeding up the process and helping to establish circularity as society’s new ‘norm’.
“This is a wide-ranging Bill, which will affect individuals, businesses and communities. Making important changes, such as making recycling bins the same colour across Scotland, would have a huge impact on behaviour and make a real difference.”
The Committee also welcomes measures to reduce fly-tipping and littering but emphasises that penalties must be proportionate and given only when other options have been exhausted.
Because this is largely ‘framework’ legislation, the Committee says that the Scottish Parliament must be given more time to scrutinise and consult, at times widely, upon future regulations brought in by the Scottish Government as a result of the Bill’s enabling powers.
The Circular Economy (Scotland) Bill was introduced on 13 June 2023. More information on the Bill can be found here.
However, they highlight a number of concerns in their report and say their support remains conditional on the Scottish Government addressing these concerns and agreeing to facilitate significant further scrutiny of the Bill at Stage 2, ahead of formal Stage 2 proceedings.
A majority of the Committee say they recognise the need for wide-ranging reform of social care; to address existing inconsistencies in access and delivery across local authorities, address ongoing workforce challenges, improve commissioning and procurement, and most importantly, improve outcomes for those in receipt of social care.
However, the Committee’s detailed 183-page Stage 1 report highlights a series of concerns with the proposals and the process, and calls on the Scottish Government to take a number of actions ahead of stage 2.
Committee concerns include the Scottish Government’s inability to articulate and communicate a model of how the proposed National Care Service would operate. The Committee say they are looking forward to receiving further detail from the Scottish Government on this ahead of the Stage 1 debate next week.
Following the Scottish Government’s announcements that they plan to revise the original proposals, and the partnership agreement reached between the Scottish Government, local government and the NHS in summer 2023, the Committee say they are seeking further details of amendments which the Scottish Government intends to bring forward to clarify its revised proposals.
The Committee say they understand that this is a ‘framework Bill’ but describe the lack of detail at this stage on what that framework will look like as concerning, arguing that this has limited the Committee’s ability to scrutinise the proposals effectively.
Prior to Stage 2, the Committee is calling on the Scottish Government to explore the possibility of establishing an expert legislative advisory group for the Bill to help guide the proposed co-design process.
Assurances are also sought that a full list of Stage 2 amendments will be made available to the Committee as soon as possible and well in advance of formal Stage 2 proceedings to allow for significant further scrutiny.
The Committee has also given due notice to the Scottish Government that it will require additional time to take further oral and written evidence from key stakeholders on the content of these amendments, prior to commencing the formal Stage 2 process.
In the report, the Committee concludes: ‘Subject to these conditions, the Committee recommends that the general principles of the Bill be agreed to.’
Speaking on the publication of the report, Clare Haughey MSP, Convener of the Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, said:“A majority of our Committee welcomes the intentions underlying the Scottish Government’s proposals for the creation of a National Care Service.
“Our Stage 1 scrutiny has undoubtedly been affected by changes to the original proposals, meaning we will have to reserve final judgement until we have had an opportunity to scrutinise the detail of those changes as part of a reinforced Stage 2 process.
“We welcome the Scottish Government taking on board the views and concerns of stakeholders and its plan to revise the original proposals, but it is essential details of these revised proposals are shared with the Committee in a timely manner and sufficient time is allowed for the Committee to undertake substantial further scrutiny ahead of formal Stage 2 proceedings.
“It is on this basis that that a majority of our committee has concluded that it recommends that the Parliament should agree to the general principles of the Bill.”
“We’d like to thank all who have engaged with us during this process. Their insight and knowledge have been invaluable in helping us to consider and scrutinise the Scottish Government’s proposals.”
Some of the other key conclusions in the report include:
While acknowledging the Scottish Government’s intention to utilise co-design as a key mechanism for developing the proposed National Care Service once the framework legislation is in place, the Committee has heard evidence from multiple stakeholders that there appears to be an ongoing lack of clarity regarding the definition, the precise scope and key areas of focus of codesign or the anticipated outcomes of the co-design process.
The Committee calls on the Scottish Government to acknowledge concerns from many stakeholders that the consensus agreement between it and COSLA and the way in which this was arrived at has undermined the confidence of many of those who have participated in co-design so far that their input is being taken seriously.
It remains unclear to the Committee at this stage whether the Scottish Government intends to transfer those powers currently conferred on Scottish Ministers under Chapter 4 to the newly proposed National Care Service Board. Nonetheless, the Committee’s report highlights widespread concerns it has heard during its scrutiny of the Bill regarding the nature and extent of those powers.
The Committee welcomes confirmation from the Scottish Government that, under the new consensus agreement with COSLA, local government will retain control of functions, staff and assets following concerns raised by multiple stakeholders.
The Committee believes that a single electronic health and care record is fundamental to the success of the proposed National Care Service and calls on the Scottish Government to complete this as a matter of urgency.
The Committee welcomes indications from the Scottish Government that, as a consequence of the consensus agreement with COSLA, rather than being transferred to Scottish Ministers, legal accountability for the proposed National Care Service will be shared between the Scottish Government and local government.
The Committee says the Scottish Government should mandate a review of the regulation-making powers of the Bill and of any regulations made using these powers, within 3 years of each of the corresponding provisions coming into effect.
The Committee welcomes the commitment to Anne’s Law and considers it should be fully implemented as soon as possible to ensure a human rights-based approach to care.
For info:Dissent
Tess White MSP and Sandesh Gulhane MSP dissented from many of the recommendations in the report. More details of this dissent can be found in the report.
Paul Sweeney MSP and Carol Mochan MSP dissented from certain of the Committee’s concluding recommendations on the general principles of the Bill. More details of this dissent can be found in the report.
Alternative wording of a number of the report’s concluding recommendations on the general principles of the Bill were also proposed by certain Members of the Committee. These were all rejected in votes by a majority of Committee Members.
Climate and sustainability groups from across Scotland staged a fashion show of upcycled outfits outside the Scottish Parliament today (22 February), to call on MSPs to support the Circular Economy Bill that’s being debated soon.
Models took to the catwalk in outfits including a dress made of bike inner tubes to highlight that 65% of our clothing is made from fossil fuel-based plastic, a cape made from plastic bottles collected from beach litter, and an electric cable headdress to highlight the impacts of mining for metals and lack of repair opportunities for electronic waste in Scotland.
The new law could change the way we use materials, driving action to reduce the amount we take from nature by keeping materials in use for as long as possible.
The groups sought to remind MSPs that to create a circular economy, everyone in Scotland needs access to repair and reuse services, as well as high-quality recycling services. Campaigners highlighted that systematic change is needed from the Scottish Government to make all the products we buy more sustainable and ensure big businesses are required to clean up the products they sell.
There are many organisations across Scotland trying to tackle this issue at a grassroots level, and they are calling for greater support to deliver on action that brings down climate emissions and builds community.
Kim Pratt, circular economy campaigner at Friends of the Earth Scotland, said: “Valuing our materials properly is essential to reduce the environmental destruction we’re causing, and as we’ve seen today it can be the jumping off point for so much creativity and community.
“The Circular Economy Bill is an exciting opportunity for Scotland to make real progress and build on the great work that is already happening. Reuse and repair offer people the chance to make affordable and green choices but far too few people have access to these services and those providing them need better support.
“We are currently using materials in a way that is driving climate breakdown whether that is single use plastics, electronic gadgets that break too soon or fast fashion piling up in landfill. Around half of Scotland’s emissions are not tackled by our existing climate targets because they don’t include imports.
“If consumption targets were brought in under the new circular economy law, Scotland would finally start taking responsibility for its global impact.”
Kim Blasco, from Plastic-free Scotland Communities said: “Plastic-free communities throughout Scotland are striving to promote circular behaviour among local businesses and the wider public.
“People are hearing the message and behaviour change is happening, but not fast enough or at the scale necessary to tackle the urgent climate crisis. The Scottish Government must require businesses to embed circularity in the goods and services they provide, and a strong Circular Economy Bill is key to making this happen.”
Franciele Sobierai, Communities Reduce Reuse and Recycle Project Coordinator at Edinburgh & Lothians Regional Equality Council (ELREC) said: “With the climate crisis getting worse, the need for a strong circular economy bill increases.
“We must shift away from rampant consumerism and redirect our efforts towards stronger communities which reuse and repair organisations can offer.
“Reuse organisations need more support from the Scottish Government. These efforts play a pivotal role in protecting our environment and helping people make more sustainable choices.
“Creating inclusive, diverse communities is vital to the fight against climate change. By empowering marginalised groups on our society through networks such as those created by community reuse projects, we can create a path towards a more environmentally conscious and inclusive future.”
GRANTON Goes Greener are very excited to be involved in the SUSTAINABLE FASHION SHOW organised by @ELREC_C3R in front of the @scottishparliament and have some of their preloved and upcycled pieces displayed during the show.
Join us on Thursday to learn more about reusing/ recycling and upcycling.
A Holyrood Committee will return from the February recess next week to begin a short inquiry into the Scottish Government’s Housing to 2040 strategy.
Holyrood’s Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee will start a short inquiry on Tuesday (20th February) with a roundtable of representatives from the Strategy Board for Housing to 2040 to probe progress on the Scottish Government strategy and route map.
The second evidence session, currently planned for the 27th of February, will see further roundtable discussions with stakeholders including Living Rent, Communities Housing Trust, Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, Property Federation, Shelter, the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Citizens Advice Scotland, and Professor Ken Gibb from the University of Glasgow, to provide the Committee with additional views on Scotland’s housing landscape.
Published in March 2021, the strategy seeks to deliver on the Scottish Government’s ambition for everyone to have a safe, good quality and affordable home that meets their needs in the place they want to be.
However, three years after the plan’s publication, statistics show that Scotland’s housing emergency is intensifying.
Decreases have been reported in the number of new homes of all tenures being started and completed, with Scottish Government figures for the year to the end of September 2023 revealing a 6% fall in all sector completions and that starts are down by 24%.
With falling numbers of new homes being built and completed across several local authorities in recent months, a growing number have declared housing emergencies as building rates stall.
Commenting, Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee Convener, Ariane Burgess MSP said: “Scotland’s housing emergency continues to grow, and the Committee want to understand what impact this is having on the ambitions set out by the Scottish Government’s Housing to 2040 strategy and whether the strategy provides the necessary tools to adequately respond.
“Our short inquiry will allow us to look at the strategies effectiveness in meeting housing needs, promoting placemaking, ensuring accessibility and affordability, fostering sustainability, and guaranteeing safety and quality.
“Everyone should have access to safe, sustainable, and affordable housing which can deliver thriving communities for generations to come in every part of Scotland and we hope our scrutiny of Scottish Government plans can ensure this aspiration remains on track.”
Edinburgh Division held a ‘Meet the Police’ event today in the Scottish Parliament for the Deaf community and BSL users.
A variety of topics were discussed ranging from the role of the police, hate crime, home security and online safety.
The presentation was delivered by two Police Scotland officers with BSL skills, PS Grant Robertson (E Division), and PC Stephanie Rose (PPCW).
This event allowed members of the community to communicate directly with a police officer. We were very pleased to see a great turn out and some very good questions were put to officers.
A future event will be planned in the coming months, but in the meantime if any member of the Deaf community, or a BSL user needs to contact the police, we can be reached in an emergency using the ‘999 BSL Emergency Video Relay Service for Deaf People’ and for any non-emergencies (101) via the ContactScotlandBSL Video Relay Service.
Further details can be obtained via the links below:
Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, has hosted a roundtable at the Scottish Parliament to bring communities, charities and organisations together to bring an end to the loneliness and isolation that is causing a public health and well-being crisis across the country.
Edinburgh is classed as one of the loneliest places to live in the UK. Changing Britain research found that 33 per cent of Edinburgh citizens do not feel that they are involved or feel part of the community.
The cost-of-living crisis is adding to the awful knock-on effects of loneliness and isolation particularly in older people, where it has been shown to increase the risks of dementia by 50%, and heart attacks and stroke by 30%.
The roundtable was attended by a range of charities who are leaders in the field of social isolation and measures to reduce it’s impact on individuals in communities across the country.
Also speaking was Dr Jane Morris, Head of the Royal College of Psychiatry, to talk on the effects on mental health. As well as Dr Morris, Police Scotland’s specialist on scammers and fraudsters who target the elderly and isolated, DCI Steven Trim, spoke at the roundtable.
Mr Briggs has previously called on SNP Ministers to provide great funding to tackle loneliness and social isolation in Scotland.
Lothian MSP, Miles Briggs, said:“I am pleased that we have had the opportunity to discuss measures to reduce loneliness and social isolation across Lothian and the rest of Scotland.
“From the roundtable it was clear that people are passionate about tackling loneliness in Scotland.
“Feeling lonely is a horrible feeling and I am optimistic that we can take forward actions that will prevent people in communities up and down the country from feeling lonely.
“This was a very productive roundtable and there is plenty of work to be getting on with to make people feel more connected across Scotland.”
Reflecting on 25 years of the Scottish Parliament as well as a focus on the future will be the central themes of plans announced today to mark the Parliament’s institutions’ quarter century.
The Scottish Parliament plans include a year-long programme of engagement designed to involve people throughout Scotland in a conversation that both reflects on devolution and considers how we can shape the Parliament in future.
A special event will take place on Saturday 29 June at the Scottish Parliament which people across Scotland will be invited to join. Further details will be announced in the coming weeks.
The Presiding Officer will also visit regions all over Scotland, meeting people from all walks of life to hear their views and ideas for the future. These activities, together with other events to be announced, will enable communities up and down the country to help shape the Parliament of the future.
The Presiding Officer, the Rt Hon Alison Johnstone MSP said: “This year we will reflect on the Parliament’s record and the significant political events during 25 years of devolution. While that reflection is welcome, I also want the Parliament’s focus to be firmly on the future.
“I want to use this milestone as an opportunity to engage people all over country about their aspirations for their Parliament.
“I want to continue to build on and strengthen that relationship between people and Parliament and modernise Holyrood to ensure it meets Scotland’s needs for the coming years.”
Further details for our 25th anniversary will be announced throughout the year.
A special 25th anniversary themed Festival of Politics will take place in the Scottish Parliament in August.
The 25th anniversary year will also explore several themes from the Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee’s report on public participation.
This work identified a gap in our activities around making the Parliament visible in and engaged with local communities.
Cabinet Secretary for NHS Recovery, Health and Social Care Michael Matheson has tendered his resignation to the First Minister.
Accepting his resignation, the First Minister thanked Mr Matheson for all he achieved during government, including securing £100 million of new annual funding for NHS Scotland to help reduce inpatient and day-case waiting lists, passing the Domestic Abuse Act to strengthen powers to tackle psychological abuse, passing the Transport Scotland Act to ensure Scotland’s transport system was more accessible for the future and introducing the Historical Offenses Bill to pardon gay men convinced under historical discriminatory laws.
Odd timing, given he hasn’t seen the final report yet. And not a word of apology …
The Scottish Conservatives have been calling for the Health Secretary’s head for some time – and not only over his failure to fully explain the Ipad issue:
‘Waiting times in Scotland’s A&E departments continue to get worse under the SNP’s shameful mismanagement of our NHS.
‘The SNP have not met their target waiting time since July 2020, yet still Michael Matheson refuses to tackle this growing problem – he needs to go.’