HMRC app speeds up student loan applications

With many Scottish Higher students planning their next steps in life, those starting university in September can ‘tap the app’ to get National Insurance and tax information they need to complete their student finance applications, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has said.

Anyone applying for a student loan for the 2024/25 academic year is encouraged to start their application now and to get the essential details they need, including their National Insurance (NI) number, quickly and easily via the HMRC app. 

HMRC data shows that in the 12 months to March 2024, more than 112,000 customers called the National Insurance Helpline asking for a lost or forgotten NI number of which nearly 50% were from customers aged between 16 and 20. It also shows May was the busiest month with more than 6,400 young people calling the helpline for their NI number, coinciding with students applying for their student loans. 

HMRC is encouraging students to save time by downloading the free and easy to use HMRC app for instant access to the details they need.

Suzanne Newton, HMRC’s Director General for Change Delivery said: “Getting your NI number is simple with a tap of HMRC’s app and young people should take advantage of it.

“Download the HMRC app today straight from your phone’s app store to get all the info you need quickly and easily.”  

As well as their NI number, students applying for finance will also need:

  • a working email address
  • a bank account in their own name
  • a valid UK passport
  • course details

Students can also apply for finance to help with cost of living expenses. How much they receive is dependent on household income – as well as where they live while they study. Parents or the partner of students will also need to have their NI number to hand. Visit GOV.UK for more information.

Any details missing from an application could cause a delay and may mean a delay in receiving any loan payments in time for the start of the students’ course so it’s important to keep essential details to hand. 

Bill Watkin, Chief Executive of the Sixth Form Colleges Association said: “Downloading details from the HMRC app will speed up the process of applying for a student loan.

“Preparing for higher education can be a time-consuming process for sixth form students so we are pleased this will help to reduce the administrative burden on young people.” 

Searching for NI information is one of the most popular searches on the HMRC app with almost 900,000 views in the last year and more than 430,000 National Insurance card downloads to customers’ digital wallets. It is available and easy to access whenever they need it.

Self Assessment payments via the HMRC app TREBLE to £121m

Almost 100,000 customers have paid £121 million using the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) app since April 2023, taking advantage of the quickest and easiest way to pay their Self Assessment tax bill. 

Latest figures from HMRC reveal that between April and September 2023, 97,365 customers used the app to settle their tax bill for the 2022 to 2023 tax year – more than three times the £34.6 million paid by 36,467 customers during the same period last year.  

Customers have been able to pay their Self Assessment tax bill via the free and secure HMRC app since February 2022 and there is a YouTube video demonstrating how to make a payment. 

In addition to making payments, using the app is the simplest way for Self Assessment customers to access personal details including their Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR), National Insurance number and any PAYE information they may need to complete their tax return. 

The app has a range of features and is available to everyone, not just those who need to use the Self Assessment system.

Myrtle Lloyd, HMRC’s Director General for Customer Services, said: “We all have busy lives, so it makes sense that more and more customers are choosing to access their personal tax information and pay their tax bill through the HMRC app.

“It gives them the flexibility and convenience they need – as well as peace of mind that their Self Assessment is sorted. Go to GOV.UK and search ‘HMRC app’ to find out more.” 

The deadline for customers to complete their tax return for the 2022 to 2023 tax year and pay any tax owed is 31 January 2024. 

Customers can pay their bill via the app and get a refund of any tax owed. Customers are reminded to include their bank account details on their tax return so they can get any repayment due quickly and securely. 

Customers can set up notifications to remind them when payments are due, so they don’t need to worry about missing deadlines or incurring penalties.  To set up their reminder they should select the ‘Self Assessment’ section in the app, where the option to ‘set a reminder’ is available. This will give payment date deadline options to select reminders for.  

HMRC app data also revealed that: 

  • January 2023, was the busiest month for app payments with 56,738 customers paying £125,819,051 in tax 
  • July 2023 was the second busiest month with 29,774 customers using the app to pay £54 million  

App users will need a user ID and password to access their personal information which they can set up while using the app.  

The app’s Self Assessment function is also available in Welsh. Customers can enable Welsh language options from the settings screen. 

If customers cannot pay in full, HMRC wants to help them to find an affordable way to pay the tax they owe. If customers owe less than £30,000, they may be able to set up a Time to Pay arrangement and do this online without speaking to HMRC. For a full list of ways to pay any tax owed, visit GOV.UK.  

There is a new affordability assessment in the Self Serve Time to Pay online service. Customers will be asked about their income and spending to calculate their disposable income and set up an affordable payment plan for them. 

Self Assessment customers are at increased risk of falling victim to scams and should never share their login details with anyone, including a tax agent. Check HMRC scams advice on GOV.UK

£50 million in Self Assessment payments made via the HMRC app

More than 50,000 customers have used the app to make £50 million in Self Assessment payments since February 2022, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has revealed. 

Customers have been able to pay their Self Assessment tax bill via the free and secure HMRC app since February 2022.

Thousands of people are now choosing to use the app to make Self Assessment payments because it is a quick and easy way to manage any tax they owe. In October, more than 6,700 Self Assessment customers paid almost £5.9 million in tax via the HMRC app, compared to around 2,500 customers in February 2022, who paid £1.8 million.

The deadline for customers to complete their tax return for the 2021 to 2022 tax year and pay any tax owed is 31 January 2023.

Myrtle Lloyd, HMRC’s Director General for Customer Services, said: “We’re seeing more and more people embrace the convenience and flexibility the HMRC app offers. Self-Assessment customers can pay the tax owed through the HMRC app, which is a secure and convenient tool that can be used at a time and place to suit them. 

“To find out more search ‘HMRC app’ on GOV.UK.” 

For anyone yet to start their tax return, the HMRC app can also provide information to help complete it including the customer’s Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR), National Insurance number, information from any PAYE employment for the 2021 to 2022 tax year, or details of any tax credits payments.

App users will need a user ID and password to access their personal information. They can set this up while using the app. 

The app’s Self Assessment function is also available in Welsh. Customers can enable Welsh language options from the settings screen.

Self Assessment customers can learn more about the different ways to pay at GOV.UK.

Those who are unable to pay their tax bill in full can access support and advice on GOV.UK. HMRC may be able to help by arranging an affordable payment plan, known as Time to Pay. Customers should try to do this online; go to GOV.UK for more information. Alternatively, they can contact the helpline. 

HMRC has a wide range of resources to help customers complete their tax return, including guidance, webinars and YouTube videos.

How do I use the HMRC app to make a Self Assessment payment?

People completing a tax return are at increased risk of falling victim to scams. Check HMRC scams advice on GOV.UK.

HMRC: 656,000 people in Scotland filed their tax returns on time

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is reminding customers in Scotland to get ready to meet the Self Assessment deadline, after more than 656,000 filed their tax returns on time. 

In Scotland, 656,547 customers filed their returns for the tax year 2020 to 2021 by 31 January 2022.

The deadline to submit a tax return for the 2021 to 2022 tax year and pay any tax due is 31 January 2023. Customers do not need to wait until the new year to begin their tax return. Starting early means more time to access guidance and webinars to help complete the return and find out what tax they owe, so they can budget.  

Myrtle Lloyd, HMRC’s Director General for Customer Services, said: “There is still time to complete your tax return ahead of the deadline and there are videos and guidance available online to support you with your Self Assessment. Search ‘help with Self Assessment’ on GOV.UK to find out more.”

HMRC has produced guidance notes and YouTube videos to help customers understand how to complete their return quickly and easily. 

The free and secure HMRC app can be used to make Self Assessment payments. Alternative payment options include:

  • paying through PAYE tax code (subject to eligibility)  
  • paying via online banking

Those who are unable to pay their tax bill in full can access support and advice on GOV.UK. HMRC may be able to help by arranging an affordable payment plan, known as Time to Pay. Customers should try to do this online; go to GOV.UK for more information. Alternatively, they can contact the helpline.

Customers who are unsure if they need to file a tax return can visit GOV.UK to check if they need to send a Self Assessment tax return.

People completing a tax return are at increased risk of falling victim to scams. Check HMRC scams advice on GOV.UK.

HMRC: More than 33,600 tax credits customers use HMRC app to renew

More than 33,600 customers have successfully used the HMRC app to renew their tax credits claim so far this year, a 39% increase on last year, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has revealed.  

Tax credits help working families with targeted financial support, so it is important customers act now to renew before the quickly approaching 31 July deadline to ensure their payments don’t stop.

HMRC is encouraging more customers to use the highly-rated app as it is a quick and easy way to get this vital job done. 

It is free and simple to use and allows direct access to tax credits at the touch of a button. There are many benefits of the fully secure app, which can be used on any smartphone or tablet, at any time, eliminating the need to call HMRC and helping customers to save time and money.

Customers using the HMRC app can:

  • renew their tax credits
  • make changes to their claim
  • check their tax credits payments schedule, and
  • find out how much they have earned for the year

There are nearly 259,000 tax credits app users, who have used the app more than 10 million times in the last year to do things like check their payment dates and amount.

Myrtle Lloyd, HMRC’s Director General for Customer Services, said: “Time is running out for our tax credits customers to renew their claims. It’s quick, easy and free to complete a renewal on the HMRC app – search ‘HMRC’ in your smartphone app store.”

Customers can download the app at the App Store or Google Play. Online reviews at both indicate plenty of satisfaction with the app’s performance, as it currently holds a score of 4.5 stars on the App Store, and 4.7 on Google Play.

HMRC has released a video to explain how tax credits customers can use the HMRC app to view, manage and update their details.

Once signed into the app after initial download, there are options for users to set up and select facial recognition, a fingerprint or a 6-digit pin to get fast and fully secure access to their details.  

Customers can also renew their tax credits and manage their claims online on GOV.UK. Customers can log into GOV.UK to check on the progress of their renewal, be reassured it’s being processed and know when they’ll hear back from HMRC.

The UK Government has recently announced a Cost of Living Payment of £650, payable in two separate lump sums of £326 and £324, for households receiving certain benefits or tax credits, to help with the cost of living. If receiving tax credits only, they are eligible for each payment. HMRC will contact them and issue payments automatically, with the first being made by the autumn. Customers do not need to contact HMRC or apply for the payment.

More information on the Cost of Living Payment, including eligibility, is available on GOV.UK.

Tax credits are ending and will be replaced by Universal Credit by the end of 2024. Many customers who move from tax credits to Universal Credit could be financially better off and can use an independent benefits calculator to check. If customers choose to apply sooner, it is important to get independent advice beforehand as they will not be able to go back to tax credits or any other benefits that Universal Credit replaces.

As the deadline for renewals approaches, customers hurrying to sort out their accounts could be more vulnerable to scammers.

HMRC is warning people that if someone contacts them saying that they are from HMRC and wants the customer to transfer money urgently or give personal information, they should never let themselves be rushed. HMRC is also urging customers never to share their HMRC login details. Someone using them could steal from the customer or make a fraudulent claim in their name. 

The department urges people to take their time and check HMRC’s advice about scams on GOV.UK.

Find out more about renewing tax credits claims.