– Online event hosted by Greenpeace Edinburgh Local Group –

TUESDAY 13 OCTOBER at 7pm online
Transport accounts for around one third of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, with the vast majority coming from road transport – cars, vans and HGVs.
For the UK to achieve its 2050 target net zero target, we need a transport revolution in the UK – replacing petrol, diesel and hybrid cars and vans with electric vehicles accompanied by massive investment in walking, cycling and public transport.
We are pleased to welcome David Somervell from Transition Edinburgh and Suzanne Forup (Head of Development for Cycling UK in Scotland), to talk about the current situation and the future of transport in Edinburgh. Our special guest, Ian Murray (MP for Edinburgh South) will also be in attendance and present at the event.
Coronavirus has majorly impacted on the way we get about. Some key upcoming decisions by the Government will have long-lasting effects on the future of transport in Edinburgh.
This event will be a chance to learn about current transport campaigns in Edinburgh, how this maps against the national context, and how to take action to help achieve a sustainable transport future in the UK.
5 mins Hello and welcome
10 mins Greenpeace Speaker presentation on the national transport context
10 mins Presentation by David Somervell from Transition Edinburgh
10 mins Presentation by Suzane Forup from Cycling UK
10 mins Presentation by Ian Murray (Labour MP for Edinburgh South)
30 mins Q&A
Date: Tuesday 13 October
Time: 7PM
WHERE Online, https://greenwire.greenpeace.org/uk/en-gb/events/green-recovery-future-transport-edinburgh