Improving communities’ mental wellbeing

£30 million for grassroots projects for adults

Community-led mental health and wellbeing projects are to benefit from £30 million Scottish Government funding over the next two years.

The Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults – first launched in 2021 – supports local groups to deliver programmes for adults which build resilience and tackle social isolation, loneliness and mental health inequalities. It is expected the Fund will open to applications this Autumn.

In the first three years around 4,800 grants were made to a wide range of grassroots community projects focused on connecting people and providing peer support through activities such as sport, outdoor activities, and the arts.

The charity, Empower Women for Change, has secured grant awards in all rounds of the Fund to date. This year, the group is using its grant to support lone parents, families with a disabled family member, Minority Ethnic families, and young mothers.

Visiting their office in Glasgow Mental Wellbeing Minister Maree Todd said: “I am pleased to meet staff and service users at Empower Women for Change and hear more about the valuable work they do in the community they support. It is inspiring to see first-hand the impact that this funding can have.

“Since the fund was established, we have invested £66 million, reaching a variety of groups supporting those at increased risk of poor mental health and wellbeing – including people facing socio-economic disadvantage, older people and ethnic minority communities.

“I look forward to seeing the positive impact that this further £30 million investment will make to the wellbeing of people and communities across Scotland.”

Empower Women for Change CEO and Founder Asma Abdalla said: “We are delighted and honoured to welcome the Minister Maree Todd to our organisation. The Wellbeing Fund has played a transformative role in improving the lives of our service users of ethnic minority women and girls and our volunteers, members, and staff.

“Through our Inspired Women projects, we have provided vital mental health support, resilience, and community connection, changing lives and strengthening communities. We are looking forward to continuing this work, with support from the Wellbeing Fund.

“We welcome this unique opportunity to share Inspired Women participants’ testimonies, their voices highlight the urgent need for sustained investment in grassroots wellbeing services. Please join us in amplifying their stories and celebrating the power of community-led change.”

Partnership Manager at Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector Sheena Arthur said: “We are delighted that the Scottish Government’s Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund is continuing. This fund delivers small grants which make a positive difference and so far, has supported over 900 Third Sector organisations and community groups across Glasgow.

“In increasingly challenging times, the Third Sector plays a crucial role. This fund enables the development of existing projects as well as emerging ideas from the community. It helps to bring people together- contributing to better health and wellbeing of people and families, strengthening social connections and tackling inequality and poverty.”

Within the first three years, the Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults has provided around 4,800 grants to community organisations delivering mental health and wellbeing support.