Granton on Sea seeks community support for Lottery bid

A Way Forward for Community Regeneration?

Peoples project

A local project which hopes to oversee the regeneration of Granton’s waterfront is asking the local community to support a bid for Lottery funding. 

Granton Improvement Society says, if successful, a lottery grant would be used to stage art work for a garden festival, employ a member of staff and take regeneration plans on to the next stage.

Granton Improvement Society administrator Ross McEwan explained: “GIS was invited to make an application to the BIG Lottery Peoples Project for an award of £50,000. The process involves joining the community blog that they had set up – we had to write a 500 word submission on the blog page together with three images.

“The shortlisting process will take into consideration comments made on the blog, so we are asking members to please make comments in as positive a way as possible, especially about what huge benefits would come to the community from the income generated and from the major new facilities in the area.”

In ‘Granton on Sea – A Way Forward for Community Regeneration’, their submission to the webpage, GIS say:

‘We held several public events with guest speakers, this has increased the membership from local people considerably and means the GIS is now the largest membership organisation in the area.

‘A new exhibition of the current project proposals and promotional material have proved to be a great success especially when attending events and for getting the project more visible in the local community and with City Councillors.

All of these new initiatives have helped in being commissioned by Scottish Government Regeneration Unit and DTAS/COSS to undertake an Asset Mapping exercise over the whole area we have chosen to work within.

The project will allow us to find out what the physical and social assets are of the area. As part of this we will identify the wider community need and aspirations, this information will lead to a community plan and strengthen the communities

Since the Granton Improvement Society was established in January 2013 the membership from local residents has gradually risen to just under 200, The management committee of 11 trustees is comprised of seven local residents and four who are just on the boundary of the EH4 & EH5 area that we have chosen to operate within.

If we were successful the new money would take the project to a stage where we would do small art interventions related to the garden festival in underused derelict green space, the focus of which is creative design, all will be for the community to undertake. We will show the health and wellbeing benefits of the outdoors and creative process.

As part of the new exhibition we have taken the design proposals to another more detailed stage in preparation for a future planning application in doing so it has brought the landowner to the table to negotiate the sale of the land.

New money would allow us to commission architects and energy consultants to explore the sustainability and environmental impact of the project. A model of the project will be commissioned something which is more accessible than architectural drawings. A more detailed financial impact study should prove the community benefit of the project locally and nationally.

A Social Hub: reaching out to a wider community base.

Sea containers will be bought and converted using local people gaining construction skills, this would be the studio space for the GIS, the local community could come and interact with the project and talk about needs and aspirations. This will inform the project.

It will allow us for the first time to employ a dedicated project worker and not rely upon volunteers all of the time, local people will gain skills, training and education.

More community events would be organised, creating greater community involvement and a more cohesive and resilient community.

All of these bigger initiatives will create a sense of community ownership, pride and care for the future when the project is realised. It will be owned by the community through large community consultation and participation.’

To make a comment on the Granton submission, go to

Ross added: “Go to top right of page ‘Not a member yet?’ and join. Just follow the instructions. After registering you are directed to a Welcome page. Go to the heading The Peoples’s Projects. On this page go to Search Blogs by ITV region – we are in STV East.

“Our blog is the fifth one in the list. Open the blog and and join the group at top right of the page then you should be able to begin commenting at the end of the blog in the comments box. We want as many of you as possible to do this!”

Letters: Living

Dear Editor

As an individual or a family member, having secure employment paying a decent living wage is a must for the majority of people. This does not mean that work is all that matters: interests, activities, leisure time and facilities add quality to life.

Playing fields, bowling greens, libraries, swimming pools, leisure centres, clubs, parks and gardens, seafront enjoyment or just walking in green spaces give that relaxing, good feeling we all need.

A local organisation, Granton Improvement Society, is engaged in adding to that quality of life in proposing a three-part scheme to reclaim unused land in the waterfront area of North Edinburgh. The land is currently held by the city of Edinburgh.

The scheme:

  1. To create a Garden Festival in and around the historic walled garden in the heart of North Edinburgh for both citizens of Edinburgh and international visitors to enjoy.
  2. To create an area facing the sea to further interest in painting, arts and crafts in general. A suitable working and storage complex will be created.

  3. A complex of swimming pool, changing rooms and cafe with easy access to the beach.

Granton Improvement Society will seek funding from the Lottery Fund to realise this important project of regenrating derilict land into a valuable community-owned asset in North Edinburgh.

You can help by joining the Society. Membership forms and further information is available by email:


Tony Delahoy 

Plant wild flowers with Granton Improvement Society

Please give us half an hour of your time!


The Trustees are organising an event to highlight our wish to acquire the land and Granton’s Walled Garden under new powers from the Community Empowerment Bill.


Thursday 25 June 1.30pm
Derelict land adjacent to the Walled Garden, West Shore Road.

So come along and support us!

Ross McEwan,

Administrator, Granton Improvement Society

Granton Improvement Society to argue for green space too

‘This morning is another chance for the City of Edinburgh to show they value the environment and the wishes of the people of North Edinburgh’ – GIS secretary Barbara Robertson


North Edinburgh will be well represented at today’s Planning Committee meeting. As well as the aforementioned Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden delegation there will be a deputation from Granon Improvement Society too!

GIS secretary Barbara Robertson said: “Granton Improvement Society have a deputation to the Planning committee this morning to get them to agree to the designation of the Walled Garden area as Green Space being adopted as part of the Local Development Plan going forward.

“The project for a Garden Festival on that site, originally designated in the Llewllyn Davis Master plan as green space in 2002/3, has been developed by GIS over many years (see for more information).

“We have been doing all we can to prevent the building of houses on this historic site and allow the GIS to make our visionary project come alive. This morning is another chance for the City of Edinburgh to show they value the environment and the wishes of the people of North Edinburgh.”


Granton Improvement Society AGM


Granton Improvement Society AGM

Saturday 9 May 10am

North Edinburgh Arts Centre

Keynote speaker: Ian Cooke (Director, DTAS):

‘What now for Community Empowerment?’

The Granton Improvement Society, an open membership society, purpose is the Improvement of Granton and the surrounding area of Edinburgh.

Granton Improvement Society is looking to build their membership numbers within the EH4 and EH5 area. We are interested in area regeneration and working with the community to find out what would be desirable in the area to make real changes that people can directly benefit from and be involved in physically creating and managing for themselves.

We are also looking for people who may wish to become Trustees and Directors and who may have financial and business skills that they are willing to share to help our organisation evolve and effectively achieve it’s short and long term aims. Not all board members require to live within the local area. Please attend if you would like to find out more from us directly.

We welcome your interest.

The Society AGM will take place in North Edinburgh Arts Centre, business will be the election of trustees and a short talk by Ian Cooke Director of DTAS on “What now for Community Empowerment?”

agm invite

Let’s go to the Helix!

COMMUNITY VISIT: Wednesday 27 August 

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAGranton Improvement Society are running a minibus jointly with the Pilton Community Health Project to Helix Park and the Kelpies on Wednesday 27 August.

Only £4 per person, pay on the bus.

The minibus is a 17 seater so first come first served; all requests for places to or call Willie Black on 07515686421. There will be a guided tour.

No children I’m afraid, but we will be back in good time to collect them from school.

Bring a picnic!

Meet at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre 9.30am
Or North Edinburgh Arts Centre 9.45am
back by 2.30pm.

Helix Park link:

Regenerate Granton

The Granton Improvement Society has a vision to regenerate the area, aiming to provide employment, training, education and leisure activities. They are holding their AGM on 30th April when they will be electing Trustees and sharing the latest information. Why not go along?

6pm Wednesday 30th April
Royston Wardieburn Community Centre
Pilton Drive North





Granton Sur Mer to set sail once again?


Remember Granton Sur Mer? The imaginative scheme to establish an international garden competition, artists’ village and seafront lido constructed from sea containers? The scheme seemed to have sunk without trace, but now it appears the Granton Sur Mer initiative is afloat once again!

Granton Improvement Society is the name of the organisation taking the regeneration ideas forward and they are staging a presentation of updated plans tomorrow (Wednesday 30 October).

Society secretary Barbara Robertson said: “Trustees would like to invite you to come to a presentation on Wednesday 30th October, of the community regeneration project for the Walled Garden  and surrounding sites which will be transformed into the Garden Festival, Artisans’ Village and Lido,

“This exciting and dynamic project in Granton will not only bring community benefit, employment, fun, leisure and learning opportunities to North Edinburgh but will develop into Edinburgh’s next Festival.  This will certainly add to Edinburgh’s reputation as a Festival City, gold medal winner of Britain in Bloom, World Heritage City and a great, green place to live and work for all of its people.”

participants can enjoy a site visit at 11am followed by a light lunch at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, a project presentation by Studio DuB’s Gordon Duffy with an open discussion planned to end the afternoon session.

Interested and like to find out more? Contact

or telephone 551 3050.
