This week is the six month anniversary of Dads Rock playgroup, and we thought it was time to reflect on how far we have come, and how much support we have had from so many in such a short space of time.
Thanks to the support we have received, we have been more successful that we could have hoped.

We have now had over 50 Dads come along to our group and with average weekly numbers of 18 Dads and kids it shows that there is a great need for our group in Edinburgh. We have a real mix of Dads coming from all parts of Edinburgh, we have local Dads from across the street as well as Dads who have driven from outside the city, even as far as Galasheils.
We now have a core group who attend on a regular basis and some good relationships have been developed. It is great to see Dads coming together talking about what it means to be a Dad and playing with their kids.
We have over 330 people/organisations following us on Twitter, and our Facebook page has reached over 930 people in one day. Our Polish publicity has paid off with on average 50% of attendees being of Polish origin. We have had interest from a variety of sources including other like minded groups local and national press, MSPs and our MP.
We are proud to have started in Sighthill in Edinburgh and are developing plans to expand the service to allow more areas to benefit from the Dads Rock Experience. Thanks again to all the Dads who’ve come along, the kids for the fun they’ve had.
For more information visit the Dads Rock Facebook page here: Dads Rock Facebook Page
David Marshall & Thomas Lynch (founders of Dads Rock)