Drylaw planters defy deluge!

Bet you thought Drylaw’s meadow planting would be cancelled yesterday? Oh ye of little faith – they’re made of tougher stuff up Drylaw way! The Neighbourhood Centre’s gardening group was joined by colleagues from Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh and together they braved the weather to start work on the paddy field and ornamental lake new meadow at the rear of the Centre!

Inside, meanwhile, altogether more sensible people from the Margarot Forrest Care Management team and clients enjoyed a nice warm cup of coffee and raised some money for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Two jobs in one!

Potty Planter Winners

The Muirhouse Centipede Project is pleased to announce that the winners of the recent Potty Planters competition at West Pilton and Muirhouse Gala were:

1. Pre school:  Abbi Smith (aged 4).  

Planter was an Irn Bru Glass with a colourful flower in it.

Story:  ‘Abbi thought these were pretty!’

2. Lower primary: Amelia and Julia Dorozynska (aged 8 & 3)

Planter was a welly boot with a colourful flower in it.

Story: “This planter used to be Amelia’s welly which she really liked but it got some holes so it doesn’t work well, but makes a very nice planter. Now we can all enjoy it”

3. Upper primary: Chelsea Diamond (aged 10).

Planter was a pair of welly boots, with strawberries growing in them.

Story: “My favourite Welles that grow my favourite fruit – strawberries!”

4. Adult: Pearl Dunbar (aged 73).

Planter was a child’s push along wooden block trolley.

Story: “Porta-garden: everywhere you go, your garden goes with you!”

The Champion was Pre school.

Winner 1 got box of sand toys, modelling clay, and a money bank. Winners 2 and 3 got a game and a money box and winner 4 received a £10 Asda voucher. The Judge was Colin Douglas, assistant minister at Cramond, who is a Wes Piltont resident.


Muirhouse St Andrews Parish Church is holding a Table Sale on Saturday 15 September from 10am to 1pm. To book a table (price £10) telephone 07914 538 189, 07714 958 987 or email: lindsayatmuirhouse@virginmedia.com

West Pilton Gardeners planting this weekend

No plans for the weekend? Like to get out in the fresh air and enjoy some gardening? Why not support the West Pilton gardeners?

The group will be planting tatties,  strawberries and wildflowers over the weekend and all ‘budding’ gardeners are welcome to help with the planting. Sessions are taking place today and tomorrow (Saturday and Sunday) from 1 – 3pm.

Green-fingered Kirsty Sutherland explained: “All are welcome to come along and get involved. The garden is being created on part of the grassland behind the youth centre at West Pilton Brae. It was started this spring by a handful of women and their children from the streets beside Pilton Youth and Children’s Project as a place to grow fruit and vegetables and get together for barbeques in the summer. Volunteers from around Pilton, Granton and Muirhouse have also helped with the work. We are forming a gardening group to take care of the garden and build it together. Please come along and join in or just blether with everyone, find out what has been happening and how you can join in.”

For further information contact Kirsty – email kirsty@piltonresidents.org.uk