National charity Scottish Book Trust has opened submissions to encourage the public to share their real-life stories.
It marks the 14th year of Scottish Book Trust’s annual Your Stories campaign, which this year is partnering with EventScotland as part of Scotland’s Year of Stories 2022. From those who write regularly to those who have never written before, Your Stories is open to all submissions, regardless of writing experience.
Submissions can be made in English, Scots, or Gaelic in any form – story, poem, comic strip, play or letter – of up to 1,000 words.
Every entry will appear on Scottish Book Trust’s website and a selection of pieces will be published in a free book distributed to libraries, community groups and schools during Book Week Scotland (14-20 November 2022) – the national celebration of books and reading.
Marc Lambert, CEO of Scottish Book Trust said: “The Your Stories programme has always been a cornerstone of Scottish Book Trust, giving a platform for the public to share personal experiences and for some, be published for the first ever time.
“Working with our partners EventScotland for Scotland’s Year of Stories, we hope that many people will be encouraged to share their different experiences and shape the narrative of our country.”
Alison Lang, Director of the Gaelic Books Council, said: “Ann am Bliadhna nan Sgeul tha sinn an dòchas gum bi daoine air feadh na dùthcha deònach na sgeulachdan Gàidhlig aca fhèin innse, agus gum bi e na bhrosnachadh dhaibhsan agus do na leughadairean aca an cuid obrach fhaicinn ann an clò.
“Tha e na thlachd do Chomhairle nan Leabhraichean a bhith a’ toirt taic don iomairt seo a-rithist.”
“In this Year of Stories we hope that people all over the country will be willing to tell their own Gaelic stories, and that they and their readers will be inspired by seeing their work published. The Gaelic Books Council is delighted to be supporting this Scottish Book Trust initiative once again.”
Scottish Book Trust has commissioned real life stories from: Helen Fields, author of the DI Callanach series; Graeme Armstrong author of The Young Team; Raman Mundair, filmmaker and playwright and Gaelic authors, Morag Ann MacNeil and Angus Peter Campbell.
Scottish Book Trust will share a variety of prompts through their website and social networks to help inspire those hoping to submit.
To find out more about Your Stories, visit:
The deadline for submissions is Friday 10 June.
Submissions can be made online via Scottish Book Trust’s website or via post to:
Your Stories, Scottish Book Trust, Sandeman House, Trunk’s Close, 55 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1SR.