Alex Salmond’s final submission to Wednesday’s committee inquiry has been published.
It’s quite a document, and on reading it you can understand why some people have done their damndest to make sure it never saw the light of day.
Take this, for example:
“I leave it to others the question of what is, or is not, a conspiracy but am clear in my position that the evidence supports a deliberate, prolonged, malicious and concerted effort among a range of individuals within the Scottish Government and the SNP to damage my reputation, even to the extent of having me imprisoned.
“The individuals, for the avoidance of doubt: Peter Murrell (Chief Executive), Ian McCann (Compliance Officer) and Sue Riddick (Chief Operating Officer) of the SNP, together with Liz Llloyd, the First Minister’s Chief of Staff.
There are others who, for legal reasons, I am not allowed to name.”
Should be quite an interesting session … !