The European Movement in Scotland (EMiS) condemns Russia’s indiscriminate war against Ukraine and stands in solidarity with Ukrainian’s in their struggle to defend peace, democracy and freedom – the values that underpin Europe’s history and culture.
We therefore support the application of President Zelensky and his government for Ukraine to become a member of the European Union according to the Copenhagen criteria and welcome the backing given by some EU member states for Ukraine to be granted immediate applicant status.
The EU has throughout this conflict, unprecedented on European territory for almost 80 years, taken the lead in providing humanitarian, economic and military aid to Ukraine and imposing effective sanctions against the Putin regime and its financial backers.

EMiS especially welcomes the EU’s decision to activate the temporary protection directive allowing millions of Ukrainian refugees to enter its member states’ territory visa-free and to live and work within its borders for up to three years.
This stands in stark contrast to the chaotic and deplorable approach of the UK Government towards imposing bureaucratic hurdles on tens of thousands of desperate families fleeing a savage war.
EMiS also welcomes the clear evidence that working together in solidarity with a fellow European nation has enabled the EU-27 to play a key role in the search for an equitable peace in the region, based on the principles of territorial integrity and national sovereignty enshrined in international law.
We believe this further exposes the lies and myths that lay behind Brexit and underpin the grand illusion of Global Britain. It strengthens the case for the UK and Scotland to pursue closer relations with our EU neighbours and partners up to and including early moves to rejoin the European Union.