The EU Delegation launches legal advice surgeries to assist charitable organisations, local authorities and local communities in the UK help EU citizens. These complement a range of other free services and products, including information sessions and a range of target-group specific leaflets available in all EU languages.
EU citizens, who arrived in the UK before 31 December 2020 and intend to stay, only have until 30 June 2021 to apply to the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS).
UK central and local authorities, as well as civil society organisations, have already put huge efforts into supporting EU residents in their communities, but this has been made more difficult by the impact of the Coronavirus pandemic.
As of 31 January 2021, over five million EU citizens and family members have successfully applied to the EU Settlement Scheme. However, application rates remain lower in particular areas and among certain groups of people, especially the most vulnerable who are hardest-to-reach and may have difficulties applying.
Free advice surgeries are now here to help, offering one-on-one individual support. They can help make applications to the EU Settlement Scheme and indicate additional support organisations if further assistance is required.
Charitable organisations, local councils and local community groups that commit to scheduling a surgery for at least 10 vulnerable or complex case citizens can make a request to host surgeries.
During the ongoing health pandemic, support can be delivered by phone, WhatsApp, Skype, FaceTime, Zoom or any other platform of choice.
Free 90-minute information sessions for groups of citizens, providing a short presentation on the EU Settlement Scheme and an extended Q&A session, continue to be available. These can also be delivered through online platforms and can accommodate a general or target a specific audience.
Complementing these services, the EU Delegation can deliver free print publications on the EU Settlement Scheme and citizens’ rights in all EU languages anywhere in the UK. Target group specific leaflets for senior citizens, parents, non EU-family members and for joining family members are also available free of charge.
For more information, please visit http://www.eurights.uk/events/new