Public transport central to combatting climate emergency, say young people

All under 22s resident in Scotland will have access to free bus travel from 31 January 2022, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed, implementing a commitment agreed with the Scottish Green Party.

New research commissioned by Transport Scotland shows that almost two-thirds (61%) of young Scots agree that access to public transport will play a central role in the fight against climate change. 

School pupils, students and social media influencers joined the First Minister and Mr Harvie at Glasgow Caledonian University to mark COP26’s Youth and Empowerment Day on board a new, Scottish-built electric bus as she confirmed the scheme.

The change means around 930,000 young people across Scotland will benefit from free bus travel from 31 January 2022. 

Transport Scotland research showed 70% of young people indicate they would use public transport more frequently if it was free. 

The Scottish Government has committed to removing the majority of fossil fuelled buses from public transport by 2023.

A Bus Decarbonisation Taskforce has been convened which brings bus operators, the supply chain, energy companies and financiers together to co-design a pathway to a fully zero-emission bus fleet. 

Transport Scotland has made £50 million available to the Scottish Zero Emission Bus Challenge Fund, to further support the Scottish bus fleet to transition to zero emission.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “We are committed to giving our young people the very best chances to succeed in life. The extension of free bus travel to all under 22s will improve access to education, leisure, and work, while supporting the adoption of sustainable travel behaviours early in their lives.

“COP26 must be a turning point for the world, and action must be taken if we are to ‘keep 1.5 alive’, and Governments across the world must act to support this. Adopting more sustainable travel behaviour is vital if we are to reach our world-leading goal of reducing the number of kilometres travelled by car by 20% by 2030 and reaching net zero emissions by 2045.”

Stewart (17), Young Scot volunteer on the COP26 Youth Climate Programme said: “Free bus travel for young people in Scotland is a fantastic way to help tackle the climate emergency – an issue that’s so important to young people as we are the generation who will be most impacted.

“Not only will it help to reduce our carbon emissions, but it will also support young people like me to study, socialise, get to work and make the most of their lives. It’s a win win!”

Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants’ Rights, Patrick Harvie MSP said: “This transformational policy shows that our focus on tackling the climate emergency goes hand in hand with improving lives and tackling inequality.

“Free bus travel will open up opportunities for young people and ease pressure on family budgets while helping deliver the step-change we need to deliver on our climate commitments. 

“Children and young people travelling for free on modern, zero-carbon electric buses is another step towards the fairer, greener Scotland we are committed to building.” 

Paul Davies, President & Managing Director of Alexander Dennis said:  “Scotland’s under 22s will have a unique opportunity to make sustainable travel choices with free bus travel across the country.

“COP26 is showing that future generations must be at the heart of climate policy and the Young Persons’ Free Bus Travel Scheme is an excellent example of forward-looking policy in action. 

“With the Scottish Government funding zero emission buses that are built right here in Scotland, young people can be sure their journeys will not only be smooth, clean and green, but will benefit communities through the skilled jobs, apprenticeship and graduate opportunities underpinned by this investment.” 

SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands, Gordon MacDonald said: “The SNP Scottish Government is once again making an investment in our young people’s future. By making bus travel free for U22s both her in Edinburgh and across Scotland, opportunities for young people to work, travel and study are being opened up for them.

“Travelling by bus is one of the most environmentally friendly way to get across the country and research shows that young people recognise the vital role public transport will play in hitting our climate change targets.

“This move will not only be vital in our journey to net zero, but will also take pressure off young people and their families’ finances.

“Once again this is a demonstration of how the SNP Scottish Government continues to support young people here in the city and across Scotland have the best possible start in life.”

COP26: UK leads 45 governments in new pledges to protect nature

Governments, farmers and businesses commit to urgent action to protect our land and make our agriculture and food systems more sustainable for the future

Forty-five governments, led by the UK, will pledge urgent action and investment to protect nature and shift to more sustainable ways of farming at the COP26 Nature and Land-Use Day happening today (Saturday 6 November).

Approximately one-quarter of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions come from agriculture, forestry and other land-use – creating an urgent need to reform the way we grow and consume food in order to tackle climate change.

Urgent action on land use is needed as demand for food increases. We are currently losing forests, damaging soils and rapidly destroying other ecosystems that play a critical role in absorbing carbon and cooling the planet. Farmers’ livelihoods are also under increasing pressure as climate change impacts on productivity. To help farmers adapt and to make our food system more resilient for the future, more sustainable practices are essential.

Countries from across the world will set out their commitment to transform agriculture and food systems through policy reforms, research and innovation in order to reduce emissions and protect nature, whilst securing food and jobs.

This includes leveraging over US$4 billion of new public sector investment into agricultural innovation, including the development of climate resilient crops and regenerative solutions to improve soil health, helping make these techniques and resources affordable and accessible to hundreds of millions of farmers.

This commitment includes a pledge to support internationally agreed “Action Agendas” which set out steps that governments, farmers and others can take through policy reform and innovation to deliver the changes necessary for sustainable food systems.

Sixteen countries will launch a “Policy Action Agenda” and more than 160 stakeholders will join a “Global Agenda for Innovation in Agriculture” to lead the way on the global transition towards climate resilient agriculture and food systems to more sustainable ways of farming.

As part of the Prime Minister’s commitment to spend at least £3 billon of International Climate Finance on nature and biodiversity, the UK will launch a new £500 million package to help protect five million hectares of rainforests from deforestation, an area equivalent to over 3.5 million football pitches.

The funding will create thousands of green jobs, including in sustainable agriculture and forestry, throughout rainforest regions and generate £1 billion of green private sector investment to tackle climate change around the world.

Speaking ahead of Nature and Land-Use day, Environment Secretary George Eustice said: “To keep 1.5 degrees alive, we need action from every part of society, including an urgent transformation in the way we manage ecosystems and grow, produce and consume food on a global scale.

“We need to put people, nature and climate at the core of our food systems. The UK government is leading the way through our new agricultural system in England, which will incentivise farmers to farm more sustainably, create space for nature on their land and reduce carbon emissions.

“There needs to be a fair and just transition that protects the livelihoods and food security of millions of people worldwide – with farmers, indigenous people and local communities playing a central role in these plans.”

UK will also outline a range of new funding commitments from the £3 billion fund for nature, including:

  • Nearly £25 million out of the £150 million from BEIS’ Mobilising Finance for Forests (MFF) programme will be invested to develop sustainable supply chains in tropical countries
  • An investment of over £38 million into a new global research initiative through the world’s leading agricultural research organisation, the CGIAR (formerly the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research), to address the climate crisis and protect nature while advancing gender equality, poverty reduction, and food and nutrition security
  • The UK will contribute up to £40 million of international climate finance to establish the Global Centre on Biodiversity for Climate. The Global Centre will address critical research gaps in how the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity can deliver climate solutions and improve livelihoods in developing countries

The UK will also launch a £65 million Just Rural Transition support programme to help developing countries move towards more sustainable methods of agriculture and food production. This will include support to ensure that farmers are included in policy-making processes, including through consultations, trials and pilot programmes for new technologies and approaches.

The UK will announce its support for the US/UAE-led Agriculture Innovation Mission for Climate (AIM4C) which will mobilise over £4 billion of new global public sector investment in agricultural innovation, research and development over the next five years with contributions from over 30 countries for public and private sector as well as knowledge partners.

These new partnerships will help accelerate adoption of more climate resilient and sustainable agriculture practices to deliver healthy diets, improve the trade in agricultural goods, contributing to a healthier planet and a more prosperous future.

The production of commodities such as beef, soy, palm oil and cocoa is a major driver of deforestation. Twenty-eight governments, including the UK, representing 75% of global trade in key commodities that can threaten forests – such as palm oil, cocoa and soya – have come together through the Forest, Agriculture and Commodity Trade (FACT) Roadmap which was created at COP26 to deliver sustainable trade and reduce pressure on forests, including support for smallholder farmers and improving the transparency of supply chains.

As holders of this year’s G7 and COP26 Presidency, Nature and Land-Use day will build on the Government’s promise to lead both the UK and the nations of the world to build back greener, secure a global net zero and keep 1.5 degrees within reach.

In a landmark step, almost 100 high-profile UK companies will agree to work towards halting and reversing the decline of nature by 2030 and commit to getting ‘Nature Positive’. This includes OVO Energy announcing its commitment in planting one million trees in the UK within the next year and Severn Trent pledging to restore over 2,000 acres of peatland across England and Wales by 2025.

Burberry has also unveiled a new biodiversity strategy, which includes the assurance that all its key material will be 100% traceable by 2025, for instance, through sourcing more sustainable cotton, leather and wool, as well as recycled polyester and nylon.

Commitments also include a pledge by Co-op, M&S, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose to cut their environmental impact across climate, deforestation and nature in a ‘Retailers Commitment for Nature’ with WWF.

UK Clean Growth, Energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Hands said:  “If we are to keep the 1.5 degrees target in reach, we need to work with other nations to halt global deforestation, investing in the sustainable trading of commodities that will help communities thrive, while protecting our planet for generations to come.

“Backed by a £500m package of support, today’s historic UK commitment at COP26 will help protect millions of hectares of land, boosting rural communities and forest-friendly businesses, while creating thousands of green jobs across the world’s rainforest regions.

WWF Chief Executive Tanya Steele said: “The climate and nature crisis are two sides of the same coin and we can’t turn things around unless we transform our food system, which is destroying forests and habitats in some of our most fragile landscapes.

“The commitment from leading UK supermarkets to halve the food retail sector’s environmental impact by 2030 will help millions of families make their weekly shop greener and help reverse the loss of nature.”

Justin Adams, Executive Director, Tropical Forest Alliance, World Economic Forum said: “The FACT Dialogue process has created new momentum – from 28 countries – to work on issues of trade, forests and finance in an integrated way.

“Bringing these governments together – from the global south and north – to tackle the issue of commodity production and deforestation head on is a very significant development. Continued dialogue after COP26 will be critical to progress.”

The full package of commitments and action includes:

Agricultural reform and innovation:

  • A Global Action Agenda on Innovation in Agriculture – launched today – to transform food systems under climate change.  It was launched with support from more than 150 allies from governments, researchers, farmers and businesses. It will drive action to close the innovation gap that limits our efforts to adapt to and mitigate climate change, while accelerating efforts towards greater food security around the world.
  • The Policy Action Agenda – launched today – sets out pathways and actions that countries can take to repurpose public policies and support to food and agriculture, to deliver these outcomes and enable a just rural transition. It also sets out actions and opportunities for other stakeholders (international organisations, food producers, financial entities, researchers, civil society and others) to channel their expertise, knowledge and resources in support of this agenda.
  • A new global initiative launched to reach 100 million farmers at the centre of food systems transformation with net zero and nature positive innovations by 2030 via a multistakeholder platform convened by World Economic Forum (WEF) involving farmers’ organisations, civil society, businesses and other partners.
  • New UK funding to the CGIAR (formerly the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research) the world’s leading agricultural science and innovation organisation, which will create and scale new crops and technologies yielding climate, nature, health, gender and economic impact (£38.5m over two years). Funding will support the development and deployment of:
  • Crop varieties that are climate-resilient (more resistant to heat, drought and flooding) and more nutritious (with elevated levels of essential micronutrients);
  • agricultural practices that are more productive, sustainable and climate-resilient;
  • new livestock varieties, diagnostics and management practices, which reduce the risks faced by pastoralists and livestock keepers;
  • Foresight and trade off tools for risk management of, and resilience to, major threats emerging from the food system, including anti-microbial resistance and emerging zoonotic diseases;
  • evidence on better policies to help poor farmers use new technology to access markets, reduce risks and increase incomes.  
  • A new UK Government initiative to transform climate-resilient food systems through research and innovation. The Gilbert Initiative will coordinate investments in evidence generation, technology development and delivery to support a food system that by 2030 feeds nine billion people with nutritious, safe foods; uses environmental resources sustainably; enhances resilience and adaptation to climate change; and generates inclusive growth and jobs.

Ocean Action:

  • At COP26, more than 10 new countries signed up to the 30by30 target, including Bahrain, Jamaica, St Lucia, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, India, Qatar, Samoa, Tonga, Gambia and Georgia.
  • The UK announced a £6m investment into the World Bank’s PROBLUE, as part of its Blue Planet Fund – supporting the development of the blue economy to act as a key driver of growth in small island developing states (SIDS) and coastal least developed countries. The programme works across a broad range of activities, from sustainable tourism to developing aquaculture markets; from fostering the transition to circular economies to investment into NbS as a powerful vehicle for delivering disaster risk reduction and improved water resource management.
  • The UK also announced it that it will be contributing to a UN-led programme to support the government of Fiji in issuing its first sovereign blue bond. The blue bond will help to create a supportive environment for sustainable ocean finance in Fiji, supporting projects that improve ocean health and support the livelihoods of coastal communities. 
  • The UK has also announced an additional £1m contribution to the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR), in addition to the £5m we announced earlier this year. GFCR is dedicated to the conservation and restoration of coral reef ecosystems and the communities that depend on them. The UK’s contribution will go into helping developing countries within the Caribbean, India Ocean, Pacific and Southeast Asia prevent the extinction of vital coral reefs by exploring techniques such as sewage treatment and the management of marine protected areas.
  • The Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance, a multi-sector collaboration designed to drive investment into coastal natural capital by pioneering ground-breaking finance products that incentivise blended finance and private investment, hosted a roundtable yesterday that saw commitments towards the partnership’s target to secure over at least $20m USD from largely private finance.
  • The UK announced its intention to work together to help establish a new cross-Administration UK Blue Carbon Evidence Partnership to progress the evidence base on these habitats. Through this partnership, UK Administrations will work together to address key research questions related to blue carbon policy, including working to fill the evidence gaps that currently hinder inclusion of saltmarsh and seagrass habitats into the UK Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory.
  • The UK also announced that the Environment Agency have published pioneering toolkits to support the restoration and protection of blue carbon habitats to combat climate change. The three handbooks will focus on saltmarsh, seagrass and intertidal sediments and will be instrumental in informing the restoration of blue carbon habitats in the UK and beyond.

Sustainable production and consumption:

  • The Forest Agriculture Commodity Trade (FACT) Dialogue, co-chaired by the UK and Indonesia, was launched in February 2021 and brings together 28 of the largest consumer and producer governments of beef, soy, cocoa and palm oil.  They have collaborated to ensure that these goods can be traded in a way which strengthens economic development, food security and improves livelihoods – while avoiding deforestation that causes climate change and biodiversity loss.
  • The FACT roadmap identifies actions on four critical and related areas of work which are central to achieving the FACT Dialogue’s overall objectives: trade and market development, smallholder support, traceability and transparency, and research, development and innovation. This roadmap actions puts countries on a path to ending deforestation whilst promoting sustainable trade and development.
  • The £500m UK funding package drawn from the £3bn International Climate Finance committed for nature and biodiversity will fund a second phase of the Investment in Forests & Sustainable Land Use (IFSLU) programme and will support the delivery of the FACT Roadmap.

Private Sector Action:

  • The CEOs of Co-Op, M&S, Sainsbury’s, Tesco and Waitrose have joined forces to sign WWF’s ‘Retailers Commitment for Nature’ in which they commit to cutting their environmental impact across climate, deforestation and nature and leading the way for the whole food retail sector to halve its overall impact on the natural world by 2030. The supermarkets have committed to take action across seven areas – climate change, deforestation, sustainable agriculture, sustainable diets, marine, waste and packaging.

Morrisons acts to support British pig farmers with cut price deals for customers

Great seasonal pork deals for customers during November –

Morrisons is lending a helping hand to struggling pig farmers by reducing the price our customers pay for pork and increasing the amount of meat we prepare. The measures are aimed at helping to alleviate the current pressures faced by pig farmers. 

Morrisons is cutting the price of seasonal cuts of pork – such as joints, chops, bellies and steaks – to encourage customers to support farmers and buy more pork products.  

Throughout November, the following special prices will be running across Morrisons Market Street counters:

ProductPrice per k/g
Morrisons British Bone In Pork Loin£3 per k/g
Morrisons British  Bone In Pork Loin Chop£3 per k/g
Morrisons British Pork Shoulder Steaks£2 per k/g
Morrisons British Bone In Pork Shoulder£2 per k/g
Morrison British Bone In Pork Belly£3 per k/g
Morrisons The Best Thick Pork Butcher Counter Sausages (six pack)£1 per pack
Morrisons Thick Pork Sausages (20 pack)  £2 per pack

Britain is a significant exporter of pork. However, in recent months a labour shortage of skilled workers, as well as increased difficulties in exporting, has left the industry with a growing backlog of pork.

Morrisons understands the issues faced by farmers because we are a producer of meat as well as a retailer. Alongside the industry, in recent weeks, we have already changed our meat cuts because stock is growing larger on farms before reaching our meat preparation sites. 

We have also invested in automating our sites and are adopting new ways of working to enable us to take up to 3,000 more animals per week.

In addition, to speed up the process and get pork to our customers quickly, our in-store butchers will now be receiving more bone-in pork joints from our own sites – and then using their skills to finish the products ready for customers in store.  

Morrisons is committed to only selling 100% fresh British meat. As the only major UK supermarket with our own meat preparation sites, we are continuing to invest in our butchers – both in our sites and stores. This September, 75 colleagues joined our 18 month butchery apprenticeship programme. 

In addition to supplying pork to our own stores, throughout November our meat sites will also be supporting the wider pig industry by supplying additional pork for sale outside of Morrisons. This meat will either be exported outside of the UK or sold domestically to smaller butchers as whole carcasses. 

Sophie Throup, Head of Agriculture at Morrisons, said: “The British pig industry is struggling at the moment. As a meat producer as well as a retailer we believe we are well placed to help.

“We will therefore be offering our customers great deals on pork throughout the month, as well as trying to help the whole industry to prepare more meat.”

Rob Mutimer, Chairman of The National Pig Association, said: “The National Pig Association is delighted that Morrisons continues to support the British pig sector with their proactive approach in finding solutions to help alleviate the significant difficulties our farmers still face. Anything retailers can do to promote British pork to their customers is warmly welcomed.”  

Morrisons is British farming’s biggest supermarket customer with our own Livestock and Produce Teams. We work directly with farmers, and take meat, fruit and vegetables direct from farms to our meat, fruit and vegetable preparation sites around the UK. 

Seasonal pork recipes from Morrisons chefs can be found on: 

National Craft Butchers (NCB), the trade body representing quality independent retail butchers, launched their first ever survey of British Butchers in July 2021, reaching out butchery businesses across Britain. The results are now out and demonstrate just why butchers are the first choice for consumers concerned about climate change.

Sustainability and provenance are growing concerns for consumers and for British Butchers alike. Reducing food miles and supporting regenerative farming practices and the rural economy is ‘meat and drink’ to the majority of craft butchers:

  • 87% of respondents prioritise local produce in their shops
  • 6 out of 10 prefer to sell Grass fed, Organic or Free-Range meat
  • 38% will buy animals live direct from market for full traceability
  • Two-thirds rely on a small local abattoir to supply their meat

Over the last 18 months shopping habits have changed, with the survey revealing that

60% of butchers have experienced changes in their usual customer profile since March 2020 – the biggest change being the arrival of younger shoppers who want to shop locally and care about where their meat comes from.

Red meat produced in the UK is amongst the most sustainable in the world, so consumers can be confident that British livestock production is part of the solution not the problem. Recent information from AHDB, QMS and HCC points out that 65% of farmland in the UK is unable to sustain food crops but is ideal for grazing cattle and sheep and that the UK Climate is also ideal for growing grass for animals to eat.

In other words, ‘It’s not the cow but the how.’

Richard Stevenson, Technical Manager of National Craft Butchers commented: “As COP26 continues the results of our first Butchers Survey are a timely reminder that British Craft Butchers, like the farmers that supply them, take climate change seriously.

“They sell high quality, responsibly farmed British meat because they believe it’s the best, and so, in increasing numbers, do their customers. ”

National Craft Butchers encourage customers who care about where their meat comes from and how it is produced to visit their local craft butcher.

Scotland commits to action on rainforests

Scotland’s rainforest will be restored and expanded as a natural solution to the climate emergency, Environment Minister Mairi McAllan announced yesterday.

The west of Scotland is home to one of the most important remaining rainforest sites in Europe, with its rich diversity of species making it internationally important. Supporting the restoration and expansion of this site will be a key part of a £500 million investment in Scotland’s natural economy.

The Scottish Government is engaging with the Alliance for Scotland’s Rainforests, comprising a diverse group of organisations and public sector bodies, to determine how best to fulfil these commitments.

Ms McAllan said: “Scotland is home to its own Atlantic rainforest boasting a variety of rare species and habitats. We want to protect and expand this precious environment and we have committed to do so in the life of this Parliament.

“I welcome the Glasgow Declaration’s strategic vision which recognises that forests and woodlands have a crucial role in reversing the effects of climate change and nature loss. As an active global citizen, Scotland is playing its role with world-leading ambitions in reaching Net Zero by 2045, five years before the rest of the UK.

“Our forests and woodlands are an important net carbon sink, absorbing around 6.2 million tonnes of CO2 every year – equivalent to almost 10% of Scotland’s gross greenhouse gas emissions. As world leaders commit to end deforestation by 2030, we are planting 80% of the UK’s trees and making bold commitments like this to protect and enhance Scotland’s own temperate rainforest.

“Our ambitions do not stop there. We have increased our new woodland creation targets from 12,000 hectares a year to 18,000 hectares by 2024/5. By then, we will be planting 36 million new trees every year in Scotland.”

Ms McAllan spoke at the RSPB’s Glasgow to Globe living exhibition at Glasgow Botanic Gardens yesterday to welcome the Glasgow Declaration and highlight Scotland’s efforts to protect and restore Scotland’s woodlands.

The Scottish Government is committed to investing £500 million in Scotland’s natural economy. Actions include expanding the nature restoration fund, supporting the creation of a new national park and local nature networks, protecting and restoring Scotland’s Atlantic rainforest and ancient woodlands, and investing more in the restoration of peatland and expansion of woodlands

Forests and woodlands are part of the global solution. The Scottish Government would urge all nations to make best use of these precious natural resources to keep the 1.5 C temperature target in sight.

School pupils inspire Edinburgh residents and businesses to take up net zero challenge

Edinburgh’s residents and businesses are being urged to follow the lead of the city’s young people in taking action on climate change by joining the Council’s new Net Zero Challenge.

The challenge aims to encourage citizen action across the city and comes as COP26 climate talks get underway in Scotland.

Pupils at St Peter’s RC Primary school to the south of the city centre are growing produce in the school vegetable garden for use in meals and snacks, as part of the school-wide approach to support the city’s 2030 net zero target.

Pumpkins grown in the school’s vegetable garden have been used to make pumpkin muffins, apples  have been turned into chutney, and other seasonal produce such as leeks and potatoes for soup. Food recycling is commonplace at the school with waste turned into compost for the vegetable garden to nurture new crops.

Pupils also turn non-recyclable plastic items such as crisp packets and snack wrappers into ‘ecobricks’. After washing the wrappers, the pupils cut them into small pieces and stuff them tightly into used bottles. The ecobricks are collected and can be joined together to make furniture and in structures for gardens and play parks.

Inspired by the pupils actions the City of Edinburgh Council is calling on people of all ages, and businesses, to follow their  example and take part in the Net Zero Challenge and highlight through social media what they are doing to cut their carbon emissions using the #MyClimateAction hashtag.

Edinburgh residents and businesses are being encouraged to measure their carbon footprint to discover where they can take climate action in their personal life, with advice and support on hand at

Participants taking up the Net Zero Challenge can visit  which features ideas on how residents and business can make a difference – such as:

  • calculating your carbon footprint
  • looking at the way you heat and power your home to make it more energy efficient
  • choosing public transport or trips by foot or bike
  • thinking about what you buy and where you buy it from to make things last.

Council leader Adam McVey said: “Edinburgh’s young people are strongly advocating for change and explaining why we need to tackle climate change to secure their future. We know our residents and businesses understand the need to change to get to net-zero.

“Awareness of climate change and the impacts on our city has never been higher, but we know from recent climate consultations that some people are still unsure of where they can start taking action. 

“Measuring your carbon footprint is free and easy to do. And it lets you know the areas of life where you can make the biggest impact on your personal emissions.

“With COP26 taking place in Scotland, this is the perfect opportunity for all of us across our Capital to work together and take steps to cut our emissions. By all working together we can make a difference and hit net-zero by 2030 and secure the future of our children and grandchildren.”

Depute Leader Cammy Day added: “Hitting Edinburgh’s net zero target by 2030 is something that everyone who lives and works in the city will need to play their part in. That’s why it’s really it’s great to see the pupil’s at St Peter’s leading the way on climate action within their school as small changes do add up as we all do something different.

“That’s why we’ve launched the Net Zero Challenge as a quick and easy way to find out how you can help make a difference and create a cleaner, greener city.

“Because we all have a responsibility to act now and play our part in protecting our city for generations to come.”

Teacher Catherine McCabe, who helps lead St Peter’s sustainable activities, said: “Taking steps to be more sustainable and cutting our carbon footprint has become part of daily life at school.

“Whether it’s growing food in our vegetable garden, making compost from food waste or turning crisp wrappers into building blocks that can be used in making furniture, the kids are so involved in playing their part, from nursery and as they move through the school.

“It’s really inspiring to see the children getting so hands-on at this age and developing such good habits they can carry through their lives and, along the way, inspire others in the city to do their bit to take action on climate change.”

Chancellor: UK will be the world’s first net zero financial centre

COP26: UK firms must plan for low-carbon future

  • Chancellor to set out plans for UK to be the world’s first net zero aligned financial centre, calling for other countries to follow suit
  • Over $130 trillion – 40% of the world’s financial assets – will now be aligned with the climate goals in the Paris Agreement, thanks to climate commitments from financial services firms
  • New UK climate finance projects funded from the UK’s international climate finance commitment will help developing countries to fund green growth and adapt to the changing climate

The Chancellor will set out the UK’s plans to become the world’s first net zero aligned financial centre and welcome “historic” climate commitments from private companies covering $130 trillion of financial assets as he hosts Finance Day at COP26 today (3 November 2021).

These commitments will help to create a huge pool of cash that could fund our net zero transition, including the move away from coal, the shift to electric cars, and the planting of more trees.

Convening the largest ever meeting of finance leaders on climate change, Rishi Sunak will set out the UK’s “responsibility to lead the way” and unveil a fresh push to decarbonise our world-leading financial centre.

Under the proposals, there will be new requirements for UK financial institutions and listed companies to publish net zero transition plans that detail how they will adapt and decarbonise as the UK moves towards to a net zero economy by 2050.

To guard against greenwashing, a science-based ‘gold standard’ for transition plans will be drawn up by a new Transition Plan Taskforce, composed of industry and academic leaders, regulators, and civil society groups.

In his opening keynote at Finance Day, Mr Sunak will hail the progress made to “rewire the entire global financial system for net zero” under the UK’s leadership of COP and reveal that over $130 trillion – around 40% of the world’s financial assets – is now being aligned with the climate goals in the Paris Agreement, including limiting global warming to 1.5C. 

These commitments come from over 450 firms from all parts of the financial industry, based in 45 countries across six continents, and have been delivered through the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ), which was launched by the UK to harness the power of the financial sector in the transition to net zero.

The UK has also worked as chair of the G7, and in partnership with other G20 countries, to ensure all economic and financial decisions take the risks of climate change into account. The UK has convened over 30 advanced and developing countries from across 6 continents and representing over 70% of global GDP to back the creation of a new global climate reporting standards by the IFRS Foundation to give investors the information they need to fund net zero.

Celebrating this progress, the Chancellor will urge financial firms to “mobilise private finance quickly and at scale” and call on governments to enact bold climate policies to take advantage of these enormous financial resources.

Reiterating the importance the UK COP Presidency has placed on getting finance to the most vulnerable countries, Mr Sunak will also highlight that the $100 billion climate finance target will be met by 2023 and urge developed countries to boost their support to developing countries – including by helping them tap into the trillions of dollars committed to net zero by the private sector.

The UK will seek to address barriers to finance faced by developing countries with a series of new green initiatives funded from its international climate finance (ICF) commitment, including £100 million to respond to recommendations from the UK co-chaired Taskforce on Access to Climate Finance to make it faster and easier for developing countries to access finance for their climate plans.

In total, the UK will spend £576 million on a package of initiatives to mobilise finance into emerging markets and developing economies, including £66 million to expand the UK’s MOBILIST programme, which helps to develop new investment products which can be listed on public markets and attract different types of investors.

And in a further advance towards the $100 billion goal, the Chancellor will announce the launch of an innovative new financing mechanism – the Climate Investment Funds’ Capital Markets Mechanism (CCMM) – that will boost investment into clean energy like solar and wind power in developing countries.

The UK is already the biggest donor to the multilateral Climate Investment Funds, having contributed £2.5 billion, and will now give the returns from its investments (known as reflows) to CCMM. This new fund will use reflows to help it issue green bonds worth billions of pounds in the City of London – the world’s leading green finance centre – and could leverage an extra $30-70 billion from other sources for specific clean energy projects.

Janine Hirt, Chief Executive Officer, Innovate Finance said: “As the voice of UK FinTech, we passionately support the development of the UK as the first net zero aligned financial centre. 

“Net Zero transition will be driven by finance and capital markets and it will be enabled by technology and data. As a leading global centre for financial services and for financial technology and innovation, the UK can and should lead the way in rewiring the entire global financial system for net zero.” 

Dr Ben Caldecott, Director, UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment (CGFI) Chief said: “This is huge. The world’s largest international financial centre will become the world’s first net zero-aligned financial centre.

“This is underpinned by world-leading regulation and the economy-wide adoption of net zero transition plans. This will spur demand for green finance and accelerate decarbonisation, not just in the UK but wherever UK firms do business.

“This will make a real difference and means the UK financial services sector will play an even larger role in providing the capital and financial services required to deliver net zero globally.”

“The UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment is excited to act as the secretariat, together with E3G, for the new Transition Plan Taskforce to develop a ‘gold standard’ for transition plans and associated cutting edge metrics.

“We are the UK’s national centre established to accelerate the adoption and use of climate and environmental data and analytics by financial institutions internationally.”

Julie Page, Chief Executive Officer, AON said: “We welcome and support the Chancellor’s plans for the UK to be the world’s first net zero aligned financial centre.

“All industries have an important role in helping to achieve this goal and through Aon’s own 2030 net-zero commitment, we will contribute to this historical commitment and help lead the way towards a net zero economy.”

Dr Rhian-Mari Thomas OBE, Chief Executive, Green Finance Institute said: “Today marks the day that green finance has reached a point of critical momentum. The amount of capital committed to the transition to net zero has reached unprecedented levels.

“The task before us now is to come together in radical collaboration to unlock investment opportunities at speed and scale so we can channel this wall of capital into real economy outcomes that not only positions the UK as the world’s first net zero financial centre but also delivers a just and resilient net-zero global economy”

Kay Swinburne, Vice Chair of Financial Services, KPMG UK said: “This announcement will provide the financial services industry with a valuable set of unified metrics to measure progress towards decarbonisation and it is brave to put a gold standard in place for all companies raising funding.

“We’re pleased to see the UK lead by example by not only establishing the GFANZ initiative, but also expanding private sector commitments and supporting a science based approach to reporting standards.”

James Alexander, Chief Executive, UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association (UKSIF) said: “We warmly welcome the Chancellor’s ambition to make the UK the world’s first net-zero aligned financial services centre.

“As the first major economy to legislate to cut emissions to net zero by 2050, this is a natural step in the UK’s climate leadership journey and recognises the central role of the sustainable finance sector in addressing the climate crisis.

“UKSIF and our members look forward to actively engaging in these next steps, particularly helping to build a shared definition of a good quality transition plan and more broadly a net-zero finance sector.

“Government and regulators should work closely with the financial services industry to identify the policies and actions required to progress our sector towards this world-leading ambition.”

Investing to tackle climate change

The crucial role of private investment in efforts to achieve net zero will be set out by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon later today (Wednesday) as part of Finance Day at COP26.

The First Minister will join the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan at the opening session of a Green Investment Showcase to detail how private investors can help drive the green industries of the future.  

The First Minister will emphasise Scotland’s role as a world leader in sustainable industries and highlight the associated investment opportunities that exist, including through Scotland’s Green Investment Portfolio – now valued at £2 billion and which is expected to reach £3 billion in 2022.

The Showcase, hosted by Scottish Enterprise, will be attended by international and UK-based institutional investors, along with climate and clean tech companies seeking investment.

The First Minister said: “COP26 provides what is possibly our best chance to advance the societal and economic change that is demanded by the climate emergency, delivering lasting action towards net zero and a climate-resilient future.

“By grasping the opportunities provided by green industries and supply chains, we can create the good green jobs of the future and secure a just transition away from fossil fuels.

“The role of private capital is fundamental to achieving this and governments must do what they can to channel investment into areas supporting transformational change.

“Through our Green Investment Portfolio, which is already valued at £2 billion, the Scottish Government highlights a range of exciting, commercially assessed investment propositions to investors and showcases businesses in Scotland as world leaders in innovative green industries of the future.”

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, said: “COP26 is a landmark moment in the fight against climate change. We need to take bold action now or we will face catastrophic consequences in the years to come.

“Climate action and economic growth must go hand in hand – in London I’m investing in green technology which generates good quality jobs, for Londoners and across the UK. Turning the tide on climate change will require record investment and coordinated action from everyone – cities, businesses, governments and communities.

“That’s why I am committed to working with the Scottish Government in pioneering green investment and I’m proud to announce that I will be committing over £30 million in additional funding in London which will help encourage up to £150 million of private investment in low carbon projects and create jobs that will help achieve our 2030 net zero target.”

Communities urged to join Scotland’s Climate Festival

Seed funding made available to help communities combat climate change

To achieve the ambitious changes needed to tackle climate change, environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful is urging communities across the nation to come forward and register events as part of Scotland’s Climate Festival.

The exciting new initiative aims to kick start climate conversations and inspire community led climate action.  Whatever the outcome of discussions by world leaders at COP26 in Glasgow, it will augment the scale and increase the impact of empowered local voices across Scotland.

Community climate action is already widespread across Scotland and, building on that, we are calling for communities already hosting events, big and small, physical and online, to sign up to be part of Scotland’s Climate Festival – amplifying the call for greater action and raising awareness of the changes we all need to make if Scotland is to become a Net Zero Nation by 2045.

Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport Michael Matheson said: “COP26 coming to Scotland is a unique opportunity to advance the society-wide transformation demanded by the climate crisis. That’s why we are determined to make sure the event reaches out far beyond the negotiations in Glasgow, into every community in the country.

“Scotland has made great progress in delivering its world-leading climate targets and is already over half-way to net zero. To end our contribution to climate change within a generation, we will all need to play role. Our communities and young people will be at the heart of that action.

“This programme will help empower everyone to take action to tackle climate change – especially those that might have not previously engaged.”

All climate event organisers will have access to expert advice and resources to help promote local events in their community.  They will also be offered the opportunity to work with national agencies, such as Sustrans, Zero Waste Scotland and Community Energy Scotland, to create and support events. 

Climate events will be added to an online festival map and events calendar further promoting action and engaging wider audiences.

And, to help voices of people everywhere to be included, a Seed Fund has been opened to support organisers set up community climate festivals and events across Scotland. 

Funds of up to £500 are available and will support groups that are interested in starting a new climate event in their local community, or in getting their fledging event to the next stage.

Catherine Gee, Deputy CEO of Keep Scotland Beautiful said: “The hosting of COP26 in Scotland must be a catalyst to broaden and intensify climate action so that everyone, from all areas of life, can play their part combatting the climate emergency.

“Scotland’s Climate Festival will bring the issues discussed before, during and after COP26 right to the heart of our communities, providing much needed energy and mobilisation to support local action whatever the global agreement is.

“Building on our track record of supporting communities and young people we aim to further unlock opportunities for those currently not engaged in climate change action by providing resources, links to national agency supporters, webinars, branded communications kits and seed funding.”

Scotland’s Climate Festival is supported by the Scottish Government. 

Further information can be found at:

Letters: The Air We Breathe

Dear Editor

Financial organisations are operating heavily in ore mining, oil extraction, shale drilling, coal mining and – worst of all – they are active in the destruction of the world’s forests.

The rapid destruction has now reached 70% of our forests. Behind these ghastly figures stand the faceless multinational financial organisations.

The felling of the world’s trees reduces the ability of the forests to produce the oxygen that we humans need to breathe. The rate of oxygen decrease is destructive to humans, animals and sea stocks.

We have the knowledge of this terrible destruction being carried out by these exploiters. The oxygen cannot be replaced because the forest has been chopped down – it has gone!

We know who is doing this and they know who they are – causing catastrophe!

Our government – all governments – must immediately stop this destruction of the rain forests, the soil erosion and the terrifying population dispalcement.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens

NOTE: Tony may be heartened by announcements expected from the COP26 conference later today – ED.

COP26: Leaders to make landmark pledge to end deforestation

  • Leaders representing over 85% of the world’s forests will commit to halt and reverse deforestation and land degradation by 2030 at COP26 today
  • £8.75 billion ($12bn) of public funds will be committed to protect and restore forests, alongside £5.3 billion ($7.2 billion) of private investment.
  • Announcements are part of an unprecedented package of economic and political commitments to end deforestation worldwide.
  • The Prime Minister, HRH the Prince of Wales and the leaders of Colombia, Indonesia and the United States among those due to address the COP26 Forests & Land Use event today.

In the biggest step forward in protecting the world’s forests in a generation, more than 100 leaders will commit to halt and reverse forest loss and land degradation by 2030 at an event convened by the Prime Minister at COP26 today.

The pledge is backed by almost £14 billion ($19.2 billion) in public and private funding.

Countries spanning from the northern forests of Canada and Russia to the tropical rainforests of Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo will endorse the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forest and Land Use. Together, they contain 85% of the world’s forests, an area of over 13 million square miles.

Forests are the lungs of our planet, absorbing around one-third of the global CO2 released from burning fossil fuels every year, but we are losing them at an alarming rate. An area of forest the size of 27 football pitches is lost every minute.

The commitment will be supported by a pledge to provide £8.75bn ($12bn) of public finance from 12 countries, including the UK, from 2021 – 2025. This will support activities in developing countries, including restoring degraded land, tackling wildfires and supporting the rights of indigenous communities.

This will go alongside at least £5.3 billion ($7.2 billion) of newly-mobilised private sector funding. CEOs from more than 30 financial institutions with over $8.7 trillion of global assets – including Aviva, Schroders and Axa – will also commit to eliminate investment in activities linked to deforestation.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is expected to say at the Forest & Land Use event at COP26 today: “Today, at COP26, leaders have signed a landmark agreement to protect and restore the earth’s forests.

“These great teeming ecosystems – these cathedrals of nature – are the lungs of our planet. Forests support communities, livelihoods and food supply, and absorb the carbon we pump into the atmosphere. They are essential to our very survival.

“With today’s unprecedented pledges, we will have a chance to end humanity’s long history as nature’s conqueror, and instead become its custodian.”

President of Colombia Iván Duque said: “Colombia is proud to endorse the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forests and Land Use. The Declaration is a landmark commitment from countries to work together to end deforestation and all land degradation within the next decade.

“Never before have so many leaders, from all regions, representing all types of forests, joined forces in this way and Colombia is committed to playing its part. We will enshrine in law a commitment to net-zero deforestation by 2030 – one of the most ambitious commitments in Latin America – and to protecting 30% of our land and ocean resources by 2030.

“Now we must all work in partnership with businesses, the finance sector, smallholder farmers, Indigenous Peoples and local communities to create the conditions for forest-positive economies to grow and thrive.”

President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo said: “Indonesia is blessed as the most carbon rich country in the world on vast rainforests, mangroves, oceans and peatlands. We are committed to protecting these critical carbon sinks and our natural capital for future generations.

“We call on all countries to support sustainable development paths that strengthen the livelihoods of communities – especially indigenous, women and smallholders.”

The UK will commit £1.5bn over five years to support the forests pledge, including £350m for tropical forests in Indonesia, and £200m for the LEAF Coalition.

The UK will also contribute £200m, alongside 11 other donors, as part of a new £1.1 billion ($1.5bn) fund to protect the Congo Basin. The area is home to the second-largest tropical rainforest in the world which is threatened by industrial logging, mining and agriculture.

Governments representing 75% of global trade in key commodities that can threaten forests – such as palm oil, cocoa and soya – will also sign up to a new Forests, Agriculture and Commodity Trade (FACT) Statement. The 28 governments are committing to a common set of actions to deliver sustainable trade and reduce pressure on forests, including support for smallholder farmers and improving the transparency of supply chains.

Currently almost a quarter (23%) of global emissions come from land use activity, such as logging, deforestation and farming. Protecting forests and ending damaging land use is one of the most important things the world can do to limit catastrophic global warming, while also protecting the lives and futures of the 1.6 billion people worldwide – nearly 25% of the world’s population – who rely on forests for their livelihoods.

Prime Minister of Norway Jonas Gahr Store said: “We must work for an improved global framework for climate investments. To “keep 1.5 degrees alive” we have to halt forest loss this decade. Tropical forest countries need more international support and incentives to transform their land use policies.

“Norway will continue and further develop its International Climate and Forest Initiative at high levels until 2030, and we’re excited to be part of a growing coalition of donors and companies mobilising to reduce deforestation and enable a just rural transition.

“I am particularly pleased that we are joining forces to secure Indigenous Peoples’ rights and increase the recognition of their role as forest guardians.”

Amanda Blanc, Group CEO Aviva plc, said: “Protecting our forests and their biodiversity is fundamental to the fight against climate change. Financial institutions have a pivotal role, using our influence on the companies we invest in to encourage and ensure best practice.

“Aviva is proud to sign the commitment to end deforestation, helping build a critical mass for change. Together we can reduce risk to the planet and the financial markets, and capitalise on the opportunities that come from more sustainable investment.”

Tuntiak Katan, Coordinator of the Global Alliance of Territorial Communities, representing communities from the rain forests of Africa, Latin America and Indonesia, said: “We welcome the announcement at COP of the Joint Statement on Advancing Support for Indigenous Peoples and local communities that has raised to an unprecedented level their visibility as a climate solution.

“At the same time, we will be looking for concrete evidence of a transformation in the way funds are invested. If 80 percent of what is proposed is directed to supporting land rights and the proposals of Indigenous and local communities, we will see a dramatic reversal in the current trend that is destroying our natural resources.”

Today’s event will see world leaders join with representatives of Indigenous Peoples and local communities, civil society, philanthropists, businesses and the financial system.

Among those speaking alongside the Prime Minister Boris Johnson are HRH The Prince of Wales, President Joko Widodo of Indonesia, President Ivan Duque of Colombia, President Joseph R. Biden Jr. of the United States, President Felix Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

Energy boss tells 1.2 million households in Scotland to ‘put a jumper on’

New ‘Wear Warm’ awareness campaign calls for 1.2 million households in Scotland to ‘turn down’ the heating amid energy crisis

  • Half of Scotland’s homes are heated to the same temperature as Barbados (50%)
  • Overheating our homes costs households in Scotland £206m each year
  • Scotland’s ‘T-shirt tweakers’ are generating the same amount of pollution as driving 4.7 bilion miles in a car
  • 660 charity shops nationwide sign up to ‘Wear Warm’ campaign, to promote being cosy over costly this winter

A new consumer behaviour change campaign is calling on 13 million UK households – 1.2 million of which are in Scotland – not to heat their homes any higher than 21 degrees and consider other ways to get cosy instead.

The ‘Wear Warm’ campaign was launched today after research undertaken by Utilita Energy – the only energy company created to help households use less energy – revealed that almost half of the nation’s homes are heated to 24 degrees centigrade for half the year – the same temperature as Barbados. Utilita is the energy supplier to 10K households in Scotland.

Based on 48% of the UK’s homes being heated to 3 degrees higher than the recommended healthy heat (18-21 degrees), an additional 13 million tonnes of CO₂ emissions each year.

The figure is slightly higher in Scotland – at 50% of homes. For the entire UK, that’s the same pollution generated by around seven million cars each year – 20% of the UK’s cars. In Scotland overheating homes creates the same amount of pollution generated by 2% of the UK’s cars each year. 

To promote the importance of getting cosy over getting costly this winter, the ‘Wear Warm’ campaign will be featured nationwide at 660 charity shops. Anyone keen to cut their heating bills can get hold of some gorgeous preloved winter garments – and keep them out of landfill.

The pro-planet ‘double-whammy’ campaign was officially launched by two of the nation’s sustainable heroes – former England goalkeeper and environmentalist David James MBE and British fashion designer Wayne Hemmingway MBE.

David James MBE, former England goalkeeper and environmentalist, comments on the Wear Warm campaign: “One of my personal bugbears is seeing people sitting at home in the winter, wearing a T-shirt, with the heating cranked up.

“There’s absolutely no sense in it, and now we have the evidence to reveal the impact that this type of behaviour is having on the planet and the pocket. 

“For example, to offset the pollution generated by overheated homes here in the UK, we’d need to plant 51 million trees each year – that’s enough to cover 392,000 football pitches.”

Wayne Hemingway MBE, British fashion designer, comments on the Wear Warm campaign: “It’s bloomin’ obvious really, it totally makes sense to put another layer on and it makes sense on many levels; for the environment, for your health (cooler environments help prevent the spread of a number illnesses) and your pocket. Why wouldn’t you?”

Maria Chenoweth, CEO of TRAID, has signed up its 12 charity shops to participate in the Wear Warm campaign – she comments: The UK is so fortunate to have a thriving network of 11,200 charity shops, on nearly every high street. Let’s use them to stay warm!

“If you need to replenish your winter wardrobe, buy second-hand. It’s one of the best things you can do for the environment, especially when you consider that 10,000 items are thrown into landfill every five minutes in the UK alone, while the global fashion industry pumps out 3.3 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases annually contributing significantly to the climate crisis.

“TRAID’s charity shop rails are packed with affordable, high quality winter wear selected expertly by our sorting team. So, when your home starts to feel the chill, reach for your wardrobe – and your local charity shop – instead of turning up the heat.”

The cost of overheating our homes 

The average annual saving for homes reducing their thermostat by three degrees is £174. That’s a £206 million annual saving for those who are currently overheating in Scotland. 

In addition, around half (51%) of households say they use additional sources of heat, including: 

  • Electric fan heater (25%) – Cost £3 per 8 hours / same pollution as driving 6 miles  
  • Oil-filled radiators (21%) – Cost £3.40 per 8 hours / same pollution as driving 17 miles  
  • Gas cooker (19%) – Cost 64p per 8 hours / same pollution as driving 12 miles   
  • Electric blanket (17%) – Cost £8p per 8 hours / same pollution as driving 0.4 miles  

A third of households who use an additional heat source say they don’t know if it is cheaper than using the central heating system, or not (32%). Another third say they know the additional heat source is more expensive than the central heating, but use it regardless (33%). 

Archie Lasseter, global warming expert and sustainability lead at Utilita Energy, said: “If every household made a pledge to stay within 18-21 degrees, the UK would hit its net zero obligation almost two years ahead of its deadline.

“Based on 48% of the UK’s homes being heated to 3 degrees higher than the recommended healthy heat (18-21 degrees), as a nation we are generating an additional 13 million tonnes of CO₂ emissions each year. That’s the same pollution generated by around seven million cars each year.” 

Frazer Scott, CEO of Energy Action Scotland, said: “Ahead of what could be a challenging winter, I am pleased to support Utilita’s Wear Warm campaign which highlights the thermal benefits of natural fibres and products.

“Keeping warm is essential for our health and wellbeing.”

Bill Bullen, Founder and CEO of Utilita Energy – the UK’s only energy supplier created to help households use less energy – said: “Energy bosses and MPs have previously been berated for daring to suggest that consumers put a jumper on to stay warm, and on the subject of fuel poverty – it’s not the right message.

“But there’s no excuse for today’s Government to avoid a simple ‘don’t go above 21 degrees message’, as we have. 

“We’re confident that our simple and effective message will have a positive impact on the pockets of bill payers this winter and will help out Mother Earth – let’s make the year 2021 the last year that we heated our homes to higher than 21 degrees.” 

For more information about the campaign, or for stores to sign up, please visit: