Households are being encouraged to take a meter reading today (31st March) before an energy price hike comes into effect on 1st April.
It is advised to supply a meter reading to ensure that you get the current, cheaper rates for all the energy you have used prior to this date. You may be charged for energy used prior to the increase at the new higher unit prices if you do not supply a reading.
Ofgem is increasing its price cap from the 1st of April. For those on a default tariff who pay by direct debit, the price cap is going up by almost £700.
However, if you take a meter reading on 31st of March and provide this to your energy supplier, you should be charged correctly (at the lower rate) for energy already used.

How Do I Submit a Meter Reading?
There are various ways you can submit a reading:
· Online or via the energy supplier’s app
· Through online chat with the supplier
· Sending a text
· Contacting the supplier via telephone (this is sometimes an automated line).
More information on how to provide a meter reading to your supplier can be found on their website, or on statements or bills you have received from them.
Smart Meters
Smart meters send automatic readings to your energy supplier. Depending on how a smart meter is set up, it may not automatically send a reading on the 31st of March. This is because in many cases the system will be set up to send a reading on a set date once a month.
You may be able to change the settings – some meters can take readings every half hour – or, failing that, log into your account and submit your reading that way.
For example, British Gas have insisted that its smart meters take readings at set times determined by the customer, but there is nothing to stop them logging in and submitting an additional one on the 31st of March.
If, for whatever reason, you have a problem trying to submit your readings, you can take photos on the day that clearly show the reading, and the meter serial numbers.

As the cost of living crisis bites, it’s important to ensure you’re not paying more than you should be for your energy. One of the easiest ways to do this is through taking and submitting meter readings.
While smart meters are taking the chore out of remembering to read your meter, not every household has them installed. It’s therefore important to know how to take your meter readings and to let your supplier know what they are.
Energy bills are confusing if you don’t understand what the numbers mean. Luckily, Energy Saving Trust have this great blog that breaks down your energy bills.
If you don’t give your energy supplier meter readings, they guess how much you’ve used based on the information about what that property has used in the past. This is known as an estimated reading. Your bill may show ‘estimated’ or ‘E’ on the bill you receive. .
Estimated readings can be over or under what you’re actually using and could lead to problems with your energy bills later down the line. If your energy supplier has underestimated how much energy you’re using, you could end up owing money that you haven’t budgeted for. On the other hand, if your energy supplier has overestimated how much energy you’re using, you could end up paying higher bills than you need to.
To avoid this, take accurate meter readings and provide them to your energy supplier, who should then send you an accurate bill. Look at the reading number on your meter and write it down. Many energy companies allow you to submit these readings online or provide an automated phone service to let you do this.
If you’re not sure how to read your meter, Citizens Advice have a handy guide that tells you how.
Advice you can trust
If you’re struggling to keep warm at home and keep up with your energy costs, we’re here to help you. As well as tips on how to save energy and advice on making your home warmer, we can check if you’re eligible for special discounts from energy suppliers and other funding. We can also help you get a benefits and tax credit check so you’re not missing out on additional income.
Give us a call on 0808 808 2282 or use our contact form to get in touch via email.