Preview Draft Net Zero 2030 Strategy. Can it deliver Carbon Neutral Edinburgh by 2030? Community views
Revised Date for the event: 4.00pm – 5.30pm MONDAY 7 JUNE 202
2nd Roundtable Discussion on Climate Action
A new draft Edinburgh Net Zero 2030 Strategy was launched on Friday 4 June – for discussion by City Councillors 10am Thursday 10 June.
Preview the proposed strategy and consider what might work / what needs earlier action.
Can Edinburgh achieve ambitious “Net Zero” target by 2030?
– How can citizens and community groups best be involved?
– How can Community Councils and other groups contribute?
– What role does the Edinburgh Partnership have in this?
Book: https://nzs7june.eventbrite.co.uk
This follows the August 2020 event hosted by civil society and the city council.
See the Report at https://bit.ly/climate12aug
This interactive session will:
1. Unpack the proposed actions in the draft Sustainability Strategy
2. Provide opportunity for community led response to draft plans
3. Discuss the main chapters of Draft Strategy in Breakout Groups
4. Draft a deputation for 1 June Policy & Sustainability Committee.
Transition Edinburgh www.transitionedinburgh.org.uk