Gepco Van Bokhorst is a vet in the Netherlands, but he is also an Ambassador for CliniClowns, a European Clowndoctor organisation. His role as an ambassador is to support clowning organisations across Europe by taking part in fundraising events to raise money and spread the word about the fantastic work of Clowndoctors.
Hearts & Minds were delighted when Gepco contacted them to say he and his wife Angelique had signed up to do The Big Stroll at the legendary Edinburgh Kiltwalk on 18 September to raise money for their Clowndoctors. They are hoping to raise £2500 and this will be boosted by 50% by the generosity of Sir Tom Hunter.

Gepco explains why they wanted to come and support the Edinburgh charity:
“My role with the CliniClowns in the Netherlands: I am one of the ambassadors. These are volunteers who go into the country to receive cheques, supervise, and start sponsor activities and give presentations.
“The policy is that (paid) clowns should be with the children or people with dementia. So, most of the money can be destined for the clowns working in the field. I have felt involved in the founding of the CliniClowns organization and have seen it grow to its current size with 40 people working in the office and more then 100 clowns employed.
“I have also been closely involved with the CliniClowns Circus for 6 years. This circus was meant for families with a multiple disabled child. So, the whole family had a fun event. This was a very special and valuable time for me to experience the impact of Medical Clowning up close. I have seen miracles happen. (See the photo a friend took with me and a girl who does not respond to people and could hardly move her arms according to her caretakers). Every time it gives me goosebumps and I realize how important medical clowning is.
“In 2017 after giving a presentation for the European Federation of Healthcare Clowning Organisations (EFHCO) I heard about Hearts & Minds and immediately adopted Dr. Wallop. Your charity is a bit smaller and reminded me of the earlier days of the CliniClowns.

“Scotland: I have been visiting the Highlands since my last year in university. I have also spent holidays in Scotland with my family and children. It feels like coming home. I received once a Gordon kilt as thanks for saving a dog (I am a vet). The kilt belonged to the lady’s late husband. Once I had worn this kilt, it again felt like coming home. Last year, I had a red kilt (Ramsay) made so that I could marry the love of my life in it: Angelique.
“The Kiltwalk is a challenge we like, not only the walk but also everything that has to do with fundraising (t-shirt, leaflet, video etc.) and the most important reason is you as a small charity can use it very well, especially when Sir Tom Hunter tops it with 50%. And of course, I can wear my wedding kilt again!!”

Sean Donnelly Interim CEO, Hearts & Minds said: “We are so grateful to Gepco and Angelique for coming all the way from the Netherlands to support our Clowndoctors and I am looking forward to joining them on The Big Stroll in my kilt and red nose too!
If people would like to show their appreciation and support Gepco and Angelique donations can be made via this link: https://edinburgh.thekiltwalk.co.uk/fundraising/EdinburghKiltwalk2022-GepcoVanBokhorst
These funds will go directly to Clowndoctor visits to hospitals and schools and will bring moments of joy and laughter that last long after the Clowndoctors have been.