Happy birthday, Rowanfield

A very happy birthday to Rowanfield Special School, which has now been part of the Drylaw community for ten years!

The school celebrated their special birthday with an extra-special party on Friday – and the children were all involved in planning the programme IN JUST A WEEK!

They did a great job – there was a piper, a video booth, a memories tree, food and refreshments (thanks to Miss Thomson, P6/7!), and videos of past events at Rowanfield.

Then there was an opportunity to sing the Rowanfield School song, a presentation to Mr Glover who’s been a volunteer at the school since it opened and three P7 pupils devised, wrote and recorded a Rowanfield Rap – all in under an hour!

You can’t really have a birthday party without a birthday cake, and Rowanfield pupils starred again – Cameron baked a lovely cake and Darren decorated it with the party’s Angry Birds theme!

Head Teacher Leanne Sharpe told guests: “I think our children have done remarkably well in organising our party – every one of them has helped in some way and they have all worked really hard to make the party a success, so it’s great to see everyone enjoying themselves”.

Senior pupils Dale and Liam helped the Head Teacher cut the birthday cake.

Police seek witnesses to Drylaw road accident

Lothian and Borders Police are appealing for witnesses after a young girl was hit by  car in Groathill Road North at around 12.30 this afternoon.

The five-year-old was involved in a collision with a Renault Clio, which stopped at the scene and the driver is now assisting police with their enquiries. Police and ambulance responded to the scene and the child was taken to the Sick Kids hospital after sustaining injuries to her abdomen, where she is undergoing medical examination to determine the full nature of her injuries.

Officers are urging anyone who witnessed the collision to come forward. Road Policing Sergeant Brian Smith said: “We are still trying to piece together the full circumstances that resulted in this collision and are urging members of the public to assist with our investigation. The area is next to a primary school and there were likely a number of people around who may have seen what happened. Anyone with information that can help with our enquiries is asked to contact police immediately.”

Anyone with any information can contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or the charity Crimestoppers in confidence and complete anonymity on 0800 555 111.

Our forgotten Open Spaces

Following on from the letter that was sent in this week from local resident, Robert Pearson, we have decided to run an article about our Open Spaces. In Roberts letter he tells us a story of the derelict land sites in Muirhouse being overgrown with weeds, unsightly and not what you would expect to find in a City like Edinburgh. Unfortunately for Residents in North Edinburgh this appears to be an issue all across the Neighbourhood and not just focused on one area.

This is how the other looked after the first year. (Picture: Robert Pearson)

In Drylaw the grass that runs along the cycle path has been left to grow and now stands around three feet high and this has led to a rise in the amount of rubbish that is being dumped. Not only does it cause issues around fly tipping its also a hazard for Dogs who may be being walked in the area.

We contacted Local housing & Regeneration Manager Henry Coyle and he said ” In terms of the timeline for 21st Century Homes development, both the northern and southern areas of Pennywell and Muirhouse have Planning Permission in Principle in place, and further progress was made earlier this month, with the granting of further Planning Permission in Principle for the central area of Muirhouse (Muirhouse Avenue to Pennywell Gardens).

Now the same area is full of weeds and cant be used for anything. (Picture: Robert Pearson)

These Planning Permissions are based on masterplans that were developed following extensive consultation with the local community. While the wildflowers did take on fantastically well in the first year, this has not been quite as successful and certainly not as colourful in subsequent years.However, I agree that some general maintenance will improve the overall appearance and I have requested that this is carried out ASAP. I have also asked the Task Force to concentrate on the areas closet to the paths and footpaths, to ensure that the routes to school are as tidy as possible and to enable clearer passage for buggies and prams.

We are also currently engaging with the local community through the Centipede Project to develop a brownfield art project on the site to the west end of Muirhouse Avenue. To deliver this, we will enable a group of volunteer ‘guerrilla gardeners’ to take possession and carry out some bulb planting. This is due to take place in early September and I am confident that everyone will soon see a real improvement in the general appearance of the the area.

Many areas in Muirhouse now resemble this Image. (Picture: Thomas Brown)

In relation to maintaining the whole area during the ongoing regeneration programme, it was agreed through consultation with local groups that cleared sites would be planted as wildflower meadows until such time as development takes hold. The trip rails and wildflower planting have generally been very successful in deterring antisocial behaviour on these sites, such as fly tipping and setting bonfires.”

This is a claim that is refuted by local activist Grant Cunningham, Grant was the Chairperson of the Save Royston Primary School Group and today Grant is shocked about the condition of the School site. Grant said “The Royston primary site is fast becoming to rack and ruin and all this does is anger a community still hurting from a scandalous decision even further!. We hear lots of talk about the work of the local community Council working hard to improve the area but this is just evidence of another great asset stripped away and left to become an eyesore!.”


This was taken today at the Royston Primary School site. (Picture: Thomas Brown)

Local Councillor Vicki Redpath said “Unfortunately sites like Muirhouse have suffered in the time between demolition and regeneration. Local groups and residents were consulted it was decided that wild flower meadows would be created to make the brown field sites more pleasant in the lead up to construction and while they have been successful in deterring some anti-social behaviour such as fly tipping they are not looking at their best. We have spoken to the North Office and they have agreed that some immediate work is required to tidy up the area and this will be started this week.”

What are your views on our open spaces? Please tell us by commenting on this article. Next month we will be reviewing local Play Parks so please get in touch and tell us about the Play parks near you.


Jay Soso jailed for raping and killing Drylaw pensioner

A man who raped and killed a local  pensioner who treated him like a grandson has been jailed for 12 years and eight months.

Jay Soso, 20, from the Tollcross area of the city, attacked 63-year-old Marie Reid in her sheltered home in Easter Drylaw Way in November 2010.

Mrs Reid lay dead for up to four days before her body was discovered.

Jay Soso raped and killed Mary Reid

Soso was initially charged with murder, but admitted a reduced charge of culpable homicide.

At the High Court in Edinburgh today, judge Lady Dorrian said Soso had been aware that his victim, who lived alone and suffered from poor health, was vulnerable.

She told the guilty man: “You knew her and there was an element of trust in the relationship you had with her.

“The rape was clearly forcible and violent, causing injuries to her and leading to her death.”

Drylaw Telford Community Council meets next week

The summer break’s over and Drylaw Telford Community Council’s regular monthly meeting will be held next Wednesday 29 August at 7pm in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre.

The Agenda:

1. Welcome (Chair)

2. Attendee’s

3. Apologies for Absence.

4. Minutes of the last meeting & Matters arising, (27th June)

5. Zero Waste Scotland, Application for Fly-tipping Grant – Ian Greenhalgh

6. Groathill Roundabout – Update.

7. Reports.

  • Police Report
  • Councillors Report
  • Inverleith Partnership Management Board Report

    7a  Action Groups

  • Clean, Green & Safe
  • Neighbourhood Environment Group
  • Health & Leisure
  • Children and Young People
  • EDRA (Easter Drylaw Residents Association)
  • Telford Report
  • Skate Park

8. Correspondance. Mark Borthwick (Mr & Mrs J Lamb, Lease of Land EDP).

9. Any other New Business.

10. Date of Next Meeting.

All welcome

Police tackle drugs misuse in local pubs

Local police are issuing advice to licensees following a recent initiative designed to identify cocaine misuse at pubs. Officers from the Drylaw Safer Neighbourhood Team, working in partnership with the licensed trade, visited 16 premises in the area over recent weekends and found evidence of cocaine use within the toilets of 12 pubs.

Inspector Mark Rennie of Lothian and Borders Police said: “The initiative was well received and licensees and staff were given advice on basic measures they could use to counter the problem.

“Our intention now is to widen the initiative and also do follow-up visits to premises over the next month to provide staff with information, and support them in their efforts to prevent the misuse of drugs within their premises.

“We will also be distributing posters to raise the awareness of customers of the direct health and personal safety risks associated with alcohol and cocaine misuse.”

Anyone with information as to drug dealing in or around licensed premises can contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131, or anonymously through Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Love Parks! Let's celebrate our city's green spaces

Inverleith Park

Residents across Edinburgh are being encouraged to love their local park this week as national Love Parks Week launches across the country. From 21-27 July, events will be held across the Capital with the aim of encouraging people to visit, enjoy and take pride in their local parks and green spaces.

Edinburgh is home to over 130 parks – ranging from small community parks, to natural heritage parks and large premier parks. A broad range of activities are on offer – from play areas, skateboard parks, peaceful gardens, football pitches to ponds and wildlife. We have our fair share of them here in North Edinburgh – from Inverleith and latest Green Flag winner Ravelston (pictured below) to Drylaw, West Pilton and along to Victoria – large and small, there are so many green spaces to be enjoyed right on your doorsteps.

City Environment Leader Councillor Lesley Hinds (pictured below), said: “Attractive and well-presented parks and greenspaces are fundamentally important to maintaining the quality of life in Edinburgh. We take particular pride in ensuring good outdoor spaces are accessible to all and the city has the highest number of Green Flag parks in the country.Although the weather might not be the best at the moment, we’re still hoping lots of people will turn out next week to visit their local park and take part in some of the events.”

This year Love Parks Week will focus on access for all to healthy green spaces. The campaign will highlight what a healthy (quality) green space looks like and will begin to assess the nation’s parks by encouraging people to give their park a simple health check.

In 2006, 96,000 people attended 240 events across Britain. Last year 1,200 events were held with an estimated one million participants.

Among the local ‘Love Parks’ event highlights this week are:

Inverleith Park: 12 – 4pm, Wednesday 25th July

Go behind the scenes and meet the people behind our parks and woodlands at our depot in Inverleith Park. Staff from the Forestry Service will talk about their work and demonstrate their tree climbing skills. There will also be a horse logging demonstration.

You can also visit the blacksmiths and joiners workshops – the teams responsible for looking after the safety of our play areas and maintaining our presentation seats.

Our Allotment Officer will be joining the Inverleith Allotment Association to give tours around the Inverleith Allotment site, crowned the best allotment site in the city in the Edinburgh in Bloom competition 2011.
Chat with our Park Rangers about the work they do to improve our parks for people and wilidlife, with a site visit to the new annual wildflower meadow in the park.

Cammo Estate and River Almond Walk: 10 – 1pm, Thursday 26th July

Join our natural Heritage Ranger at the Cammo Estate visitor centre for a gentle stroll along the banks of the River Almond then a meander around Cammo Estate looking at history, heritage and wildlife. This is one of the best parks and river walks around Edinburgh.

Age 12 and above.

Water of Leith – Balerno to Slateford: 10:30 – 2:30, Sunday 29th July

Follow the Water of Leith from Balerno to Slateford, passing through old mill villages of Edinburgh. Hear about the history of the area, the importance of the river – past and present and discover the wildlife which thrives along this corridor. Bring a packed lunch, wear sturdy footwear and dress for the weather. Please note you will have to arrange your own transport, the walk will begin in Balerno and end in Slateford.

Age 12 and above.

Edinburgh has a number of Friends groups looking after parks and greenspaces in the city. Working with the Council, the Friends of Parks groups give residents a greater say in what goes on in their park. Find out more on the city council website or contact the Parks department on 0131 529 3030 / parks@edinburgh.gov.uk for information on whether your local park has a friends group, or, if not, how to set one up.

Victoria Park in Spring


Love Parks! Let’s celebrate our city’s green spaces

Inverleith Park

Residents across Edinburgh are being encouraged to love their local park this week as national Love Parks Week launches across the country. From 21-27 July, events will be held across the Capital with the aim of encouraging people to visit, enjoy and take pride in their local parks and green spaces.

Edinburgh is home to over 130 parks – ranging from small community parks, to natural heritage parks and large premier parks. A broad range of activities are on offer – from play areas, skateboard parks, peaceful gardens, football pitches to ponds and wildlife. We have our fair share of them here in North Edinburgh – from Inverleith and latest Green Flag winner Ravelston (pictured below) to Drylaw, West Pilton and along to Victoria – large and small, there are so many green spaces to be enjoyed right on your doorsteps.

City Environment Leader Councillor Lesley Hinds (pictured below), said: “Attractive and well-presented parks and greenspaces are fundamentally important to maintaining the quality of life in Edinburgh. We take particular pride in ensuring good outdoor spaces are accessible to all and the city has the highest number of Green Flag parks in the country.Although the weather might not be the best at the moment, we’re still hoping lots of people will turn out next week to visit their local park and take part in some of the events.”

This year Love Parks Week will focus on access for all to healthy green spaces. The campaign will highlight what a healthy (quality) green space looks like and will begin to assess the nation’s parks by encouraging people to give their park a simple health check.

In 2006, 96,000 people attended 240 events across Britain. Last year 1,200 events were held with an estimated one million participants.

Among the local ‘Love Parks’ event highlights this week are:

Inverleith Park: 12 – 4pm, Wednesday 25th July

Go behind the scenes and meet the people behind our parks and woodlands at our depot in Inverleith Park. Staff from the Forestry Service will talk about their work and demonstrate their tree climbing skills. There will also be a horse logging demonstration.

You can also visit the blacksmiths and joiners workshops – the teams responsible for looking after the safety of our play areas and maintaining our presentation seats.

Our Allotment Officer will be joining the Inverleith Allotment Association to give tours around the Inverleith Allotment site, crowned the best allotment site in the city in the Edinburgh in Bloom competition 2011.
Chat with our Park Rangers about the work they do to improve our parks for people and wilidlife, with a site visit to the new annual wildflower meadow in the park.

Cammo Estate and River Almond Walk: 10 – 1pm, Thursday 26th July

Join our natural Heritage Ranger at the Cammo Estate visitor centre for a gentle stroll along the banks of the River Almond then a meander around Cammo Estate looking at history, heritage and wildlife. This is one of the best parks and river walks around Edinburgh.

Age 12 and above.

Water of Leith – Balerno to Slateford: 10:30 – 2:30, Sunday 29th July

Follow the Water of Leith from Balerno to Slateford, passing through old mill villages of Edinburgh. Hear about the history of the area, the importance of the river – past and present and discover the wildlife which thrives along this corridor. Bring a packed lunch, wear sturdy footwear and dress for the weather. Please note you will have to arrange your own transport, the walk will begin in Balerno and end in Slateford.

Age 12 and above.

Edinburgh has a number of Friends groups looking after parks and greenspaces in the city. Working with the Council, the Friends of Parks groups give residents a greater say in what goes on in their park. Find out more on the city council website or contact the Parks department on 0131 529 3030 / parks@edinburgh.gov.uk for information on whether your local park has a friends group, or, if not, how to set one up.

Victoria Park in Spring