Challenge funding aims to narrow the gap in education

£100 million to help drive up standards in poorer communities

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A new Scottish Attainment Challenge, backed by an Attainment Scotland Fund of more than £100 million over four years, has been announced by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. The Challenge aims to drive forward improvements on educational outcomes in Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities.

The four-year Attainment Scotland Fund will be targeted initially at schools in the local authorities with the biggest concentrations of households in deprived areas. It will focus on improving literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing in primary schools in these areas, with the clear objective being to give all primary-school age pupils – regardless of background – the best start in life.

The Scottish Attainment Challenge will draw on the experience of the London Challenge which helped transform school performance in the city, and other international experiences.

The first tranche of funding will see £20 million made available this year to support children and young people in a number of Scotland’s most disadvantaged communities to achieve their potential.

This year’s initial funding was announced in the Deputy First Minister’s budget last week.

Complementing the Scottish Government’s existing work to address attainment inequality, schools in these areas will benefit from greater access to expertise and resources – such as additional teachers, materials for classrooms or resource to develop new out of school activities.

National and local partners will work together to identify the specific work that can be implemented successfully in classrooms and which will have a significant impact on the attainment of children from deprived communities.

A bespoke improvement plan, appropriate to local circumstances, will be agreed for each school or cluster of schools. This will include an agreement to gather, in a proportionate way, the data that will be required to measure the impact of the interventions supported.

Announcing the fund during a visit to Dundee, the First Minister said: “Education is both key to the future of Scotland’s children and an investment in the future of Scotland’s economic health. We know school education in Scotland is getting better, with record exam results and a record number of school leavers in work, education or training.

“While we are proud of what has been achieved, we have long recognised attainment as being an important area where improvement is needed and initiatives such as our Raising Attainment For All Programme are already starting to make a positive impact.

“But we know that much more needs to be done as too many of our young people have life chances narrowed by circumstances out of their control. The establishment of the Scottish Attainment Challenge, backed by the Attainment Scotland Fund, signals how strongly we are committed to righting that wrong.

“As I have seen today in Dundee, great things are already happening in schools across Scotland. By providing greater access to funding, expertise and resources, schools will have more opportunity to offer the creative and innovative teaching that helps our young people succeed.

“It is important we learn not just from good practice here in Scotland, but also from elsewhere in the UK and overseas, to find ways of working that have the greatest impact. I have been particularly impressed with the results of the London Challenge in transforming school performance in that city and so, while not all of it will be appropriate to Scottish circumstances, we will draw heavily on it in developing our own Attainment Challenge.

“We must do all we can within the powers and resources we have to narrow the gap and drive up standards at all levels. We want each child to enjoy an education that encourages them to be the best they can be and it is imperative they are given the tools now that will help them unlock the door to a successful future.”

Recovery? What recovery?

Latest statistics show sharp rise in number of hard-pressed households receiving help


The experts tell us the recovery’s underway, but many ordinary Scots families are still feeling the economic pain – the number of households applying for welfare assistance has risen by a third in the last year, according to the latest statistics. 

Scottish Welfare Fund Statistics to 30 September 2014 show that during the most recent quarter (July to September 2014):

  • 52,400 applications were made to the Scottish Welfare Fund, an increase of 33 per cent on the same quarter last year;
  • 25,800 Crisis Grants were awarded, 32 per cent more than the same quarter last year. These were predominantly for food, heating costs and other living expenses, with an average award value of just over £70;
  • 11,200 Community Care Grants were awarded, 51 per cent more than the same quarter last year. These were predominantly for home furnishings and white goods, with an average value of just under £600.

Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice Alex Neil said: “That anyone should be live in poverty in a wealthy country is completely unacceptable and we’ll continue to tackle poverty and inequality to create a more prosperous and fairer society.

“Scottish Welfare Fund grants are a lifeline for people in crisis to buy the everyday items, or cover basic living costs that so many of us take for granted. This is why we are taking steps to establish the Fund in law through the Welfare Funds (Scotland) Bill.

“120,000 households in Scotland, one in twenty, have now been helped by the Scottish Welfare Fund in its first 18 months of operation. The increase in applications over the last year is due, in part, to work done by local authorities and advice services to raise awareness of the Fund.

“We have allocated £33 million a year to the Scottish Welfare Fund to make sure that we continue to reach out to households in the most deprived areas – around half of awards are made to applicants in the 20 per cent most deprived areas of Scotland. Many families are paying a heavy price for the UK Government’s welfare reforms and this investment will help to mitigate the effects of these cuts on some of our most vulnerable households.”

Governments ‘must do more’ to address poverty’

Largest UK poverty study calls on governments to tackle rising deprivation


The percentage of households who fall below society’s minimum standard of living has increased from 14 per cent to 33 per cent over the last 30 years, despite the size of the economy doubling. This is one of the stark findings from the largest study of poverty and deprivation ever conducted in the UK.

Other key figures reveal that almost 18 million people cannot afford adequate housing conditions; 12 million people are too poor to engage in common social activities; one in three people cannot afford to heat their homes adequately in the winter and four million children and adults aren’t properly fed by today’s standards.

The Poverty and Social Exclusion in the United Kingdom (PSE) project, led by the University of Bristol and funded by the Economic and Social Research Council [ESRC], has shown that full-time work is not always sufficient to escape from poverty and calls on the Scottish and UK governments to take action.

The report’s findings will be discussed at a conference in Edinburgh.

Researchers from the University of Bristol, Heriot-Watt University, the Open University, Queen’s University Belfast, University of Glasgow, University of Oxford, University of Birmingham, University of York, the National Centre for Social Research and Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency found that:
• About 5.5 million adults go without essential clothing.
• Around 2.5 million children live in homes that are damp.
• Around 1.5 million children live in households that cannot afford to heat their home.
• One in four adults have incomes below what they consider is needed to avoid poverty.
• One in every six (17 per cent) adults in paid work are poor.
• More than one in five adults have had to borrow in the last year to pay for day to day needs.

The PSE standard of living survey results show that more than one in every five (22 per cent) children and adults were poor at the end of 2012. They had both a low income and were also ‘multiply deprived’ – suffering from three or more deprivations such as lack of food, heating and clothing due to a lack of money.

povertyMore than one in four adults (28 per cent) have skimped on their own food in the past year so that others in the household may eat. Despite this over half a million children live in families who cannot afford to feed them properly.

In 93% of households where children suffer from food deprivation, at least one adult skimped on their own food ‘sometimes’ or ‘often’ to ensure others have enough to eat. Women were more likely to cut back than men – 44 per cent of women had cut back on four or more items (such as food, buying clothes and social visits) in the last 12 months compared to 34 per cent of men.

Professor Jonathan Bradshaw, from the University of York, said: “The research has shown that in many households parents sacrifice their own welfare – going without adequate food, clothing or a social life – in order to try to protect their children from poverty and deprivation.”

payday loansWages are low and working conditions are bad in many parts of the UK. One in every six (17 per cent) adults in paid work are poor – they suffer from both a low income and cannot afford basic necessities.

For a large number of people, even full-time work is not sufficient to escape from poverty. Almost half of the working poor work 40 hours a week or more. One third of adults currently in employment (35 per cent) are in ‘exclusionary work’ – in poverty, in low quality work and/or have experienced prolonged periods of unemployment in the last five years.

Nick Bailey, from the University of Glasgow, said: “The UK government continues to ignore the working poor; they do not have adequate policies to address this growing problem.”

Although more people today see a range of public services as ‘essential’ than in 1999, including libraries, sports centres, museums, galleries, dentists and opticians, the use of many services has declined since 1999 primarily due to reduced availability, cost or inadequacy.

Professor Glen Bramley, from Herriot-Watt University, said: “It is worrying that in the 21st century more than 40 per cent of households who want to use meals on wheels, evening classes, museums, youth clubs, citizens’ advice or special transport cannot do so due to unavailability, unaffordability or inadequacy.”

The findings will be discussed at an Edinburgh conference which has been jointly organised by the PSE team and the Scottish government.


One million Scots are living in poverty

povertyOne million people in Scotland – one in five of our population – are living in poverty, according to latest statistics published today.

The report produced by National Statistics (attached below) covers the period 2012 – 13, and takes into account welfare reforms introduced in April 2012.  The report defines relative poverty as having a household income of less than 60 per cent of the average, and this is calculated both before and after housing costs.

The largest rise in poverty was for families with children, showing:

• 19 per cent of children were living in relative poverty in 2012/13.
• This amounts to 180,000 children in poverty, 220,000 after housing costs are taken into account.
• Both have increased by 30,000 since 2011/12.

The increase in child poverty in the latest year is driven by a fall in incomes for working households with children. The reduced entitlement to tax credits has contributed to a fall in household incomes for those with lower earnings. At April 2013, there was a 26 per cent decrease in the number of households with children in receipt of in-work tax credits, compared with April 2012.

The report also shows that:

• Scotland’s poorest households have seen the largest decrease in income – with a reduction of eight per cent in 2012/13 – the equivalent of £20 a week.
• In-work poverty in Scotland increased in 2012/13. Now six in ten children living in poverty are from households where at least one adult is in employment.
• In total across 2012/13, 820,000 people were living in poverty, 110,000 more than in 2011/12.
• This rises to one million people in poverty in Scotland when housing costs are taken into account.

Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said: “Scotland is one of the richest counties in the world and there is no reason for children to be living in poverty in our society.

“The fact is that the reduction in poverty seen in recent years is now being reversed. Westminster welfare reforms, such as the reduction in in-work tax credits, are reducing incomes for some of our poorest households.

“The Scottish Government has focused on doing everything we can to mitigate the harmful effects of Westminster welfare cuts – and we will continue to do so – but the impact is still being felt by the most vulnerable in our society. What is even more worrying is that 70 per cent of the welfare cuts are still to come – Scotland will see its welfare budget reduced by over £6 billion by 2015/16.

“And some estimates suggest that up to 100,000 more children could be living in poverty by 2020 if we continue with Westminster policies. In other words, the unacceptable increase in the number of children living in poverty revealed by today’s statistics could be just the tip of the iceberg.

“These figures show incomes are falling for families in Scotland. Our ‘social contract’ policies and our efforts to mitigate the impact of welfare cuts are designed to help, but we need the powers to do more. In an independent Scotland we would have the powers to provide one of the most comprehensive child care packages in Europe which would allow more parents to work.

“We would also be able to set up a commission to consider a new ‘Scottish Minimum Wage’ – which would at least rise in line with inflation – and ensure that benefits, allowances and tax credits keep rise with the cost of living.

“Today’s figures demonstrate just how vital the full powers of independence now are, to enable us to create a different approach – one that supports our most vulnerable, encourages people into the workplace and provides a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.”

NS Poverty and income inequality